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View Full Version : Besides wheel weights, what other items have you found while out walking?

03-29-2015, 10:01 AM

03-29-2015, 10:06 AM
80 dollars in twenty's scattered on the shoulder ? ... kept looking for more , but ...:bigsmyl2:

03-29-2015, 11:05 AM
Found a half dozen or more good pocket knives, most at the same corner where people headed for work at the industrial park have to make a sharp turn.
When a car won't turn over early in the morning usually the first thing you try is scraping the battery posts. When in a hurry the driver sometimes forgets to put his pocket knife back in his pocket and leaves it under the hood. first sharp turn and the knife slides out onto the road.
Once found a badly blood rusted Italian switchblade, probably ditched after a fight. Unfortunately it was long past fixing up.
Found a flare projector at the jogging track that had been run over by a lawnmower.

Found money several times, biggest denomination was a ten dollar bill.

Found a nice gold ring at a soft drink machine. I suspect it had come off someones finger when they pulled change from their pocket.
Found a very nice diamond ring while disposing of an old grab bag from a cloth sale. I figure some lady had lost the ring while rummaging through the cloth.

03-29-2015, 11:15 AM
Not walking but driving, found a Randal 45, two mags and holster. Tried my best to get it back to owner but nobody legitimately claimed it. Apparently it rolled off the top of a car leaving a few scars.

03-29-2015, 12:40 PM
A couple of different knives, a fishing pole, a few dollars here and there along the way, $20 bill was the most at one time and a new 455 husky chainsaw laying in the middle of a one lane road on a hill. I eventually found the owner of the saw and returned it to him. A few screwdrivers and one large pair of channel locks.

03-29-2015, 01:06 PM
chains, chain binders.money wrenches vise grips stepladder gas cans tie downs trailer hitches

03-29-2015, 01:16 PM
Broken up tool box (but sockets and stuff still looked good), car parts, nuts and bolts, most of a box of 357 ammo (store stuff) must have left it on the hood - very little money :sad:

03-29-2015, 03:57 PM
A new holster for a 1911 along Hwy 101 while bicycling. Spent the next few weeks looking for the contents of that holster in the weeds and blackberry vines. No go.

03-29-2015, 04:03 PM
I "USED" to walk the shores of a reservoir after it was lowered for the winter found many fish weights a few batteries and a 20 pound chunk of lead someone had used as an anchor until it caught in limbs of a sunken tree.

03-29-2015, 04:29 PM
Working as a serviceman for electric co. in late 60's I was removing service drop from a burned building. In climbing down pole the gaff on my climbers hit in a large crack in the old wood, causing me to fall about the last six ft. I landed standing and the jolt caused several tools to fall from my belt. In looking for tools, I found a wrist watch, then another, and an. .other for a total of 15 watches.
A hardware store in the next block had been burgaled the night before and the thief had driven a wheel of his car into a open manhole in the alley. he had abandoned his car with all the loot but the watches, which he tossed in the grass by the pole.

please excuse typos, tablet acting up.

03-29-2015, 05:32 PM
You guys are lucky. All I ever find is beer cans, fast food wrappers and dirty diapers.

mold maker
03-29-2015, 05:34 PM
A nice wedding band, assorted tools, a hydraulic floor jack, odds and ends. I'm sure I've lost more value than I've found.

03-29-2015, 05:49 PM
He he I have found money, tools, life preservers, ice chests, just to name a few. One of the most memorable though was when I was about 13, I found a six pack of bud, it was hot summertime in the houston area. I carried it down under a bridge and drank it. I have never drank any budweiser or a warm beer since. lol

03-29-2015, 05:59 PM
I've found a Benjamin Franklin pellet gun, a Daisy Red Ryder bb-gun, a couple fishin' poles where the lures got snagged on close-to-the-road brush, 2 cell-phones, one 20.00 bill and assorted lesser junk.

03-29-2015, 06:23 PM
Ran out of gas once about 4 miles from home, had my snake boots on and 2 quarts of water so I decided to make a straight shot across the desert to save me some miles and boot leather. About 2 miles in, in the middle of no where, I mean no where, I find one snowmobile glove. What is was doing there is beyond me, and considering it doesn't snow here or really get cold why anyone would have one???

Found a tool box, brief case style once in the road, lucky the owner had his business cards inside and was able to get it back to him.

A month or so ago our Legion post had a highway trash pickup day and one of the pickers found a pouch with an bag of pot, pipe, and other parifanlia, another found a purse with cash in it but no ID. Lucky me, all I found was 2 bags of beer cans and bottles...

03-29-2015, 06:52 PM
lots of Chevy parts!:|

03-29-2015, 07:19 PM
Ive found a 10, a couple of 1's and once a 20 dollar bill while walking. Also found a mix of small pocket change over the years.

One inexpensive plastic handled pocket knife, key fobs, kids bracelets and hair ties, and a whole slew of nails/screws that I try to keep off the road or else they tend to end up in my tires.

Lately, the last 4-5 wheel weights that i've picked up off the ground, both in CA and NV have been Zinc ones.

- Bullwolf

03-29-2015, 09:03 PM
Found a hundred dollar bill twice in parking lots, about ten years apart. I have found mostly tools and pocket change in gutters. When I first started casting about six years ago I found a couple pounds of wheel weights on my daily route. Now the route is picked over :bigsmyl2: and I don't find much any more.

03-30-2015, 09:34 AM
Funny this thread is up. The ice is going away here and yesterday my Sil found a 5 dollar bill frozen in the ice in a parking lot. lol

bullet maker 57
03-30-2015, 09:36 AM
I found an angle grinder and a few unfriendly dogs.

03-30-2015, 10:42 AM
I need to take a stroll where some of you guys walk!

Lightning Ross
03-30-2015, 11:04 AM
I was following a pickup down the highway It looked like they were moving. They had a big dresser in the bed of the truck. The top dresser drawer kept opening wider as they bounced down the road. All of of sudden a bunch of undies came flying out . I had to turn off so I didnt get them stopped. When I got to the next customer I shoe horses for a living . I walked around the front of the truck and there was a rino sized pair of panties stuck in the grill of my truck. The customer said If you hit that women you got off lucky with no damage. Other than that I found a new Nikon Binos at a stop sign once not much else of note

scarry scarney
03-30-2015, 02:48 PM
Various money amounts, up to a $100 bill, different tools, a 6" drop hitch, 5 gal gas can with gas, a watermelon, cell phone, sunglasses.

03-30-2015, 09:09 PM
Waiting to pull out of the driveway I saw a dollar sitting in the ditch next to the driveway. Hopped out to get it and found another, there were a couple more caught in the culvert. Figured the wind was blowing west to east so crossed the road to the east side and checked the weeds in the field, found another dollar, came back and checked the other side of the culvert found a 5 and another 1 and saw some more to the west in our yard. I followed the money back west until I hit the fence for the back yard. Figured nothing on the fence so started working my way back east. Found the stash of a little over $200 stuffed in a crevice in the dirt under a 7 ft. pine tree.

Called the cops to report it.
Cop said that there was armed robbery of a bar the a day or two before and the two guys that did it fled on foot in our general direction. They caught one but not the other. With our house being in an open stretch between two sets of woods there really is not much cover except for a couple of pine trees in our yard, maybe they hid there and stashed the money? The officer said there was no reason to take the money into evidence because no one knew exactly how much was stolen and there was no way to identify a loose wad of cash as being from the robbery or even know for sure when it was put there.

Here is where it gets weird. My wife asked the officer several times "what if the person that stuck money under the tree shows up at the door demanding it back?" Officer kept saying they would have no legal claim, just not getting wife's point of possible criminal at the door thinking we had "his" money. I finally pointed out if this person used a gun to steal the money in the first place why would they care about legal claim to it now? Oh! (dim light bulb went on) Well then call us if they show up and let us know. We will sure do that officer, yes indeed. Moved wife's 38 to a location with more convenient access for answering the door... just in case 911 put her on hold when I was not home. Reviewed the middle of the night intruder plan. Aggravation and stress of worry about someone coming back for it not worth the money.

03-31-2015, 08:19 AM
Cant remember if I read it on here but there was a similar thread to this one where a hunter found a dead dwarf leaning up against a tree!! How bizarre is that.
When I was in my teens we lived on the east coast of the UK and we would always go for a walk along the beach after a storm. One particular morning, after a good blow, we found a German WW2 mine washed up...they are still being dragged up in fishing nets 70 years after the war.
Also found a full belt of .50BMG rounds when digging the garden of an old house I brought. Probably fell out of a Liberator or B17 as there was a USAF base just down the road during the war. Still have one of the rounds as a paperweight on my desk at work.

03-31-2015, 10:13 AM
While eating breakfast a couple of weeks ago, I noticed that the arm on my chair was loose. Being the sort of person that wants to fix things that are broke, or bent, I turned the chair upside down to see what I could do. As I did so, I noticed a bolt lying on the floor. Picked it up and found that it was an Allen-head bolt. Now, if I had an Allen wrench, I might be able to tighten up the bolts holding the chair together.
135560Well, I had found an Allen wrench less than an hour before on the morning walk, and it fit. All bolts tightened, chair is sound - but it is the ONLY Allen wrench I have ever found. What are the odds that one would find the exact tool they would need in less than an hour?

03-31-2015, 10:56 AM
money, shovel, pickax, 2lb hammer, flashlights (3 of them, at various times) half box of CCI Minimags. Went to get the mail once and noticed this thing down the road, and it was one of those collapsible fabric trashcans full of empty pop cans (we have a 10cent deposit in MI) and a 20' extension cord. Found some old blue canning jars while walking in the woods. No firearms yet, but I keep looking.

03-31-2015, 11:20 AM
Found a G23 .40S&W, holstered on the side of the walking trail below a prominent bridge between VA and MD. Called both the county and park police to turn it in. Brand new gun of the type just recently issued to local PD and in a holster also just recently issued to local PD for off-duty wear. Complete fiasco, think next time I'll just throw it in the river and keep walking...

03-31-2015, 11:30 AM
A friend of mine once found a fully automatic M16 laying in the middle of the road back in the 70's. Seems some of the security forces up at Eielson AFB in Alaska were on a training mission of sorts and a cop wasn't paying attention and his weapon fell out of the truck and no one noticed. Friend picked it up, drove to the cop shack and walked in and told them he found it.

03-31-2015, 05:45 PM
Hundreds of fishing lures,and many many lead sinkers too

03-31-2015, 07:57 PM
Dollar bills, change, Starbuck's cups, dog doo, hookers...........you know.........the normal stuff.


03-31-2015, 08:27 PM
I was at a scrap yard buying some steel to make a frame. Well looked on the ground and their was a 20 on a paper clip. I picked it up and their was more than just a 20 was more like 270 bucks in that little bundle. Well I was praying that I find a way to get me some tires on my old better and he really came through that day. I felt for the guy that lost it but if he just keeps his money in a paper clip I didn't feel to bad. I had new tires the next day.

03-31-2015, 08:44 PM
A gross of condoms........I was about 10 years old.....I didn't really understand what I'd found, but I knew it wasn't something to take home and show my mom.

My younger brother and I would go down to Rough River Reservoir in late Feb., early March while the water was at winter pool and fish for crappie in the head waters of the creeks where they would congregate to wait for the warm spring rains.

While slogging through the mud out to the creek bank I found a high school class ring....West Hardin High School, class of '65....this was about '75. I took it to the school and gave it to the principal. About a month later I got a call from the guy who owned it. He lost it while water skiing a week after he graduated. He was happy to have it back.

When my son was 11 years old he found $250 under a shrub in front of a restaurant. We went back in and told the manager we had found something, left our contact info and told him anyone who could identify it could have it back.

Six months later we hadn't heard anything so I gave it back to him and told him he could spend it on anything he wanted. He said he wanted a deer rifle. We cruised the gun shows and he picked out a Marlin 336, 35Rem. We got that, a couple boxes of ammo, some brass, bullets, powder and primers. We spent all of that summer working up loads and practicing, getting him ready for deer season.

He got his deer that November and has not shown any interest in hunting since.....but that's OK, I still use HIS Marlin to take my deer. In a couple of years his son will be ready and I think the three of us can work up a good load before November.


03-31-2015, 08:45 PM
Not a lot of difference in a paper clip and a money clip, they both get the job at hand done.

03-31-2015, 09:04 PM
I found a 35mm camera in the woods once while deer hunting, was in excellent condition.
I put an add in the newspaper that said if you can discribe it -make & model- and where & when it may have been lost it was theirs. No one got it right so I sold it.

03-31-2015, 11:33 PM
lets see.... a couple of $20 bills, a few $5 and $10 bills, screwdrivers, couple of sockets( mostly craftsman when they were good), a couple of ratches, baseballs and tennis balls and you name it balls out the wazoo, needles(stuff that people use to shoot up herion or whatever), two cell phones, angle grinders, hammers, measuring tapes, you name it..i found it. i just wish i would find a bag of $100 bills!!!

04-01-2015, 12:58 AM
Back in the 70's I was driving to work in Houston about 4:30 in the morning and found a dead man on the side of the road. I called the police, and the first thing the dispatcher said was good. I said there isn't anything good about it, this guy is dead as a doornail, he had been cut to ribbons. The dispatcher explained a couple of hours before they had stopped a guy for a traffic stop, he was bloody and by the amount of blood in the car they knew their was a body somewhere, just couldn't charge him without a body.

04-01-2015, 01:02 AM
I found 6 twenties blowing down the road one day. Another time I found a bill rolled up in a parking lot. It was a hundred. I have found all kinds of tools. Most stuff I find is just junk.

04-01-2015, 09:54 AM
Not while walking but turned out of the house to go fishing and found a bank bag that was about 2" thick with cash and checks from a fireworks stand. Pulled over, called county deputy and turned it over to them. Only other weird thing was a tupperware canister full of marijuana seeds that we turned over to the state troopers.

DR Owl Creek
04-01-2015, 11:58 AM
How about a big, snarly Rottweiler with no chain or collar, behind a daintly, little one foot tall decorative fence?


04-01-2015, 12:00 PM
Walk faster Dave!

DR Owl Creek
04-01-2015, 12:34 PM
Walk faster Dave!

I kept my hand on the "Little Rascal" (my Kahr Mk40) too.


04-01-2015, 05:24 PM
Lets see? Three squirls, four possoms, two raccoons, one and a half cats?, a deer, and a few snakes. Yaw find all the good stuff.

04-01-2015, 05:39 PM
Nothing really impressive, a little cash, a few hand tools. I'm good at finding tow chains and gas cans. Four of each over the years.

04-01-2015, 08:00 PM
Banger post #31 you ain't right

William Yanda
04-01-2015, 08:10 PM
Leaving Home Depot today, walking back to the company van, I found a paper punch. Have found screwdrivers, pliers, hammer, 4 in one wrench for water main work.

08-22-2015, 04:56 PM

08-22-2015, 05:32 PM
All the cash was mine send it back please.I can identify it it was 1-5-10-20 50 100

08-22-2015, 05:48 PM
whole industrial socket set .. quite a few hand tools, couple watches , a logging chain, several hundred dollars (spread out over various finds)
a 20 ft extension ladder, numerous knives..

08-22-2015, 05:57 PM
found an 18" pipe wrench in the ditch 2 days ago.


08-22-2015, 06:55 PM
$5 bill, various screwdrivers and pliers, a nice pistol case but no pistol, a mans gold wedding band, a sharpshooter shovel and a 20 lb propane cylinder half full with about 10 feet of hose on the valve with a tire chuck in the end of the hose.

08-22-2015, 07:25 PM
Lately, a really sweaty t-shirt.

Pee Wee
08-26-2015, 11:03 PM
Brand new heavy gauge 100 ft. Extension cable on a real nice real

08-27-2015, 11:08 AM
My 8 year old son can spot money on the ground like no one I have ever met. He as found twenties, fives and rolls of bills. This is addition to coins he routinely finds. I am not sure how he does it, but it is something other than luck.

08-27-2015, 04:26 PM
[smilie=s: Have found just about all of the items listed so far.The two neatest finds for me,was two 40lb "square grouper"and about a year later a bank bag with 50 $100.00 bills in it.This was at the peak of the wacky weed times in South Florida.The bank bag had no ID of any kind in it,so I turned it in to the local PD.The Chief of Police told me that if it was,nt claimed in 30 days,it was mine.6 weeks later,I was 5K to the good.Found two GI ammo cans full of GI `06 AP in the road one day,never opened.That stuff WILL cross your eyes out of an 03a3.Whole lot of scrubbing going on after shooting that WW2 stuff.Ohhhhhhhhhh,you youngsters don`t know what a "square grouper"is?Thats a 40lb bale of MaryJane.Hehehe.The Sheriff like to have had a hissy fit when I pulled up to the front door of the SD and presented it to him.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

08-27-2015, 05:34 PM
While stationed at Fort Bragg in the mid 80's to early 90's I found enough ammo to fill a few ammo cans. I fished a small lake and snagged 30/06 ammo still in their garand clips, many looked a bit mossy but otherwise ok, the clips had some rust and mostly no good about 10 clips. In the woods I came across a few belts for an M-60, at the land fill I found about a half can of new 5.56 green tips, many still in the cardboard. Yup, kept them all and repurposed them.