View Full Version : Cops (TV)

03-27-2015, 05:00 PM
Been laid up lately so I've been watching "Cops" on TV. What a lesson in human nature.

Some people don't know when to shut up. It's amazing how many people talk themselves into getting arrested. The cops are on the verge of letting them go then they pipe up and reveal something that turns the whole situation around.

I also wonder if some people don't actually believe the lies they are spewing.

I had to laugh at how many of these tough guys whined and cried when the dog was let loose on them.

I was also amazed at how the cops could read people and how explosively they would subdue someone when they sensed something was wrong. While it seemed rough the element of surprise probably saved minutes of fighting with a suspect and limited injuries to both parties.

I also noted a pretty good racial mix on these shows. It wasn't predominantly blacks getting arrested and they were not the only ones getting a bloody nose when they were tossed to the ground.

And the little bag of crack in their pants is NEVER theirs..............

MT Chambers
03-27-2015, 07:36 PM
Do you believe that it is real? If so, do they(the producers) have to pay the criminals for filming them? I don't believe it would be legal for the police to drive around with camera crews filming criminals. Regarding the racial makeup of the criminals, I don't believe they can show a proportional amount of non-white criminals.

03-27-2015, 07:50 PM
Cops is as real as it gets. I've met officers that were featured, and I've seen the crews out with a neighboring agency. They do have to obtain permission from the criminals to be shown on TV, otherwise you'll see their faces blurred out.

03-27-2015, 10:03 PM
Agreed, My wife has a friend (Female CHP Officer) was involved with this show when it first started.

03-27-2015, 10:46 PM
Face it, none of the perps are Nobel prize winners...

03-27-2015, 11:05 PM
Face it, none of the perps are Nobel prize winners...

my job security!

03-27-2015, 11:19 PM
They all want their "5 Minutes of Fame", on T.V.

03-27-2015, 11:20 PM
As I always tell a young friend who sends me links to reports on unbelievably
stupid things that crooks do --"They are not doing this because they are
extra smart."
Fortunately, most criminals are terminally stupid. The really dangerous ones
are the ones that are actually smart, but the hilarious thing is that most
are way too stupid to even grasp how stupid they are.

lefty o
03-28-2015, 12:16 AM
most crooks are very stupid, and its seems like most of them like to brag about what they've done.

03-28-2015, 12:52 AM
Back in the 1980's when I was a young cadet and going through the academy to become a police officer I was taught so different compaired to todays cops. One of my instructors advised us if a suspect assaulted you and hit you, you go one better and strike them twice. Let the criminal know not to ever strike a police officer.

I was also trained if a suspect shot at you, I was to shoot two rounds center mass and one to the head just in case they were wearing a bullet proof vest. It was called tic tac toe.

I think cops is a upfront reality show with certain staged events reporting true events.

I have observed recent police shootings on reported news and youtube, most justified others not. I think there is cops making bad decisions and reacting to situations too quickly with deadly force.

Speaking for myself I would never draw my service firearm to quickly however, I would not hesitate if the unfortunate situation arose. thank God I never had to shoot anybody. I did on a couple occassions draw my firearm.

MT Chambers
03-28-2015, 12:54 AM
How can they be filmed before they have their day in court?? They must be paid off.

03-28-2015, 12:57 AM
Do you believe that it is real? If so, do they(the producers) have to pay the criminals for filming them? I don't believe it would be legal for the police to drive around with camera crews filming criminals. Regarding the racial makeup of the criminals, I don't believe they can show a proportional amount of non-white criminals.

Absolutely it IS real. Not to long ago an episode was being filmed here in Detroit. Police forcefully entered a residence and a young girl was shot and killed by police.

I have my favorite episodes. Best one is a traffic stop where the officer is questioning a suspected DUI about him smoking marijuana. The whole time the dumb stoner had a rolled joint stuck behind his ear. The cop never let on until the end.

03-28-2015, 12:58 AM
How can they be filmed before they have their day in court?? They must be paid off.

Episodes don't air until after court proceedings.

03-28-2015, 11:03 PM
they have the right to remain silent but not the ability.