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View Full Version : Max - ‘Nose of a Dog, Heart of a Marine’

Bad Water Bill
03-25-2015, 05:39 AM
For all of the dog lovers, especially military working dogs - looks like a good PG Family movie, about a Marine working dog, coming out in June.

Max - ‘Nose of a Dog, Heart of a Marine’ http://undertheradar...rt-of-a-marine/ (http://undertheradar.military.com/2015/03/nose-of-a-dog-heart-of-a-marine/)

Finally some credit given to some that haven given so much without a single cpmplaint.

Max (http://max-themovie.com/) (opening June 26th) tells the story of a Marine working dog who returns to the States after his trainer is killed in Afghanistan. Overcome with grief and unable to continue, Max seems unable to connect with anyone except Justin Wincott, the younger brother of Kyle, the Marine who trained Max.

The movie has earned family-friendly PG rating and was written directed by Boaz Yakin, best known for Remember the Titans (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPhu9XsRl4M) and Now You See Me (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzJNYYkkhzc). Max and Justin work together to solve the mystery of what actually happened to Kyle on the front. Check out the first trailer (on the web site) and stay tuned for upcoming news about Max.

http://www.illinoiscarry.com/forum/uploads/monthly_03_2015/post-2966-0-74125600-1427209659_thumb.jpg (http://www.illinoiscarry.com/forum/uploads/monthly_03_2015/post-2966-0-74125600-1427209659.jpg)

The trailer


Thin Man
03-25-2015, 08:02 AM
Just watched the trailer and got the shivers from it. Yup, this movie is a "must see" for us. Even before my retirement, Friday evenings have been regular Movie Date nights for SWMBO and me. She has an addiction to movie house popcorn (without butter, thank you) that we have to answer every week. When we miss a week, she tends to be a bit cranky. I think she will enjoy this one as much as I expect I will.

Ed Barrett
03-25-2015, 06:43 PM
I'll have to see that one.

03-25-2015, 11:46 PM
:grin: Now that looks like a real keeper.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

03-25-2015, 11:55 PM
I'll have to see this

03-26-2015, 12:45 AM
Went on my to buy list for the BluRay. Trailer brought tears and smiles so I expect it to be good.

03-26-2015, 01:24 AM
I'll put it on the list

Bad Water Bill
03-26-2015, 01:37 AM
I wonder how soon we can buy a copy and where?

03-26-2015, 01:58 AM
You know,I can watch all Movies with lots of conflict and unfortunate demise but when Animals are in the equation I must confess I turn to pulp.With Dogs,Cats, Horses or any we can domesticize their simplicity and loyalty is so endearing to me.When a Dog and its keeper are on the same wavelength it is a joy to behold.I always regarded myself as being realistic but you can bet your Boots this Movie will melt me.

03-26-2015, 03:59 AM
Yes, this one will melt me too.

03-26-2015, 12:09 PM
Hank Snow put out a song about a dog not coming home from Europe in WWII. If you like Hank Snow you will likely like the song.

Bad Water Bill
03-26-2015, 12:33 PM
Several months ago Michael Savage reported of a soldier and his dog injured in action in the sandbox and the dog would not leave his side.

Eventually they both survived and the vet submitted the necessary papers to adopt HIS dog.

Suddenly a lot of garbage about what happened to the dog.

No I am not a big fan of his but he stepped in and must have pulled many strings not only to find the dog but to have it returned to the vet and then Michael issued a check to help buy a van for both the vet AND HIS dog.

For that service I will take my hat off to him.:drinks: