View Full Version : question on a sporter 98, test free float barrel ?

03-18-2015, 02:50 PM
I have an 8-06 98 in a sporterized stock. It shoots ok buy I noticed that the barrel is touching the stock firmly on every step of the barrel. I think free floating it could help, but it might make it worse. So that brings us to my question
Could i shim under my recoil lug just enough to float the barrel and test fire a few groups. Or is there a chance this could cause some or any damage to the rifle? Would the slight out of align cause trouble on the rear screw area? Again as a test,not permanent. but this rifle is a kicking mule! any ideas?

03-18-2015, 03:18 PM
I would relieve the wood to within 2 inches of the recoil lug. It doesn't take long to carefully sand until a thin piece of paper slides between barrel and stock.

03-18-2015, 05:41 PM
Before altering the stock , shim under the front recoil lug and under the rear stock bolt. Now the barreled action is leveled in the stock with the barrel not touching along it's entire length . Tighten up screws and try it out. The original stepped military barrel is very stiff, I've never seen a difference in these when free floated , bedded in the stock fully or glass bedded.
Stock fit has a whole lot to do with felt recoil. I can't explain it but if you ever shoot a stock that actualy fits your arm length, has the correct drop etc...it is just amazing how the recoil seems less and the sights fall to your eye and on target...stock fit is the magic words.
I have one rifle , a 7X57 model 95 Mauser with a Herters sporter stock that fits like this and it is wonderful! Military stepped barrel , full length bedded and all.

03-19-2015, 02:16 PM
I've done it exactly as you describe as a test, and never had any problems.

03-20-2015, 02:49 AM
If you've ever disassembled a Finnish m/39 Mosin Nagant rifle, or some other Finn variations, you may notice an aluminum shim under the receiver to do exactly as you describe: free float the barrel. In addition the wondrously imaginative Finns also loosened the upper and lower barrel bands and used little screws or NAILS to keep those bands in place. They found these minor tune-ups allowed them to kill more Russians at greater distance as they took great sport shooting Russians.


03-20-2015, 05:09 PM
Awesome thanks fellas, ill give it a try and see if it improves the grouping any

03-20-2015, 08:50 PM
Hey Shawn:
I have an Egyptian Mauser (bo) that I had sporterized by a local gunsmith. Had it rechambered to a 8mm-06 AI.
The smithy pillar bedded and gassed the action, and floated the barrel per my request.
I have floated every barrel in every rifle that I have ever owned. Never had one shoot worse doing so.
Personally, I would at least glass bed the action, and 2" ahead of the recoil lug. This will at least give the action a firm base to start with.
Then, float the barrel. It is not too difficult to float the barrel, and I think the rifle WILL shoot better than just shimming the action.
Just my 02.

03-21-2015, 01:50 AM
The action should be firmly against the stock.
And the advantage to Free Floating a barrel , either by just Shaving the wood for clearance or Free Float Epoxy Bedding of the barrel channel is.
You then have a barrel that is Not effected by the pressure of the stock.
BUT, you can them try adding shims to the very tip of the stock to add a Zero Pressure or a Positive Up Pressure on the barrel to see if that improves your shooting.
IE. Shave out your barrel channel and let your action seat properly on the stock or any Action Bedding like Glass bedding or Pillars.
I Epoxy Bed most of my rifle barrel channels with a .010" clearance.

03-26-2015, 08:29 PM
So I got to the range for a quick test. I shimmed under the recoil lug just enough I could get paper to slide down between the barrel and stock all the way to the chamber. That group is marked in red then took shim out and shot another group. 127yds. 4 shot groups

03-27-2015, 02:32 PM
IMHO, when you shimmed under the recoil lug, the action had even more slop in the stock to bounce around in, than when it was not shimmed.
I DO believe that if you were to glass the action in properly, and float the barrel, your accuracy would improve, and be a lot more consistent. It ALWAYS worked for me. You have nothing to lose by doing this. I do not think accuracy will get any worse for sure.
As far as recoil goes, the recoil is not due to the barrel being floated or not. Maybe I misunderstood when you added that to your post behind the barrel floating issue.
I don't know if your rifle has a recoil pad or not, but if not, you need one. And, if so, you may need to swap for another
one. My rifle has a Decelerator on it and it works fine. Maybe you are recoil sensitive? Some rifles that chambered
for same cartridge DO kick more that others.