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View Full Version : Got to swear in a new Marine yesterday

03-14-2015, 09:22 AM
Since retiring from the Army almost three years ago, I've been teaching Junior ROTC and can honestly say I really like my job. I am blessed, no doubt.

I haven't had many join the military since coming here and one thing I knew I could do just hadn't gotten it done yet, was to go swear in new recruits at the MEPS in Kansas City (seems any officer can do it, even retired one). Requires some coordination with the recruiters and then an hour and a half drive over, but I did it this time and will make sure any of my kids that joining from now on will know I'll drop what I'm doing and come swear them in.

All through my career I always jumped at the chance to promote, re-enlist or pin an award on a Soldier, it feels good to reward the good ones. The young lady I swore in yesterday didn't take our program until she was a junior, but she is a super star as far as kids go, one of my very best and I've gotten to know her very well the past two years. I've also gotten to know her folks real well and both of them were there for the ceremony, never fails, if you see a good kid, there will be involved parents in the background.

This kind of redeems me a little for not going there and swearing my son in when he enlisted, I was transitioning out of the Army and had a job interview in Wichita scheduled for that day which seemed like where I needed to be. Bad call on my part. Doesn't seem to bother my son, but it's one of those serious regrets I will take to the grave. Hopefully when/if he re-enlists (probable) I'll be able to go do it.

Dr. A
03-14-2015, 09:33 AM
Good for you. Its funny how our priorities shift as we age.

03-14-2015, 12:55 PM
To be able to take part in the benchmark events in young lives is indeed a privilege.

03-14-2015, 01:25 PM
You sound like an officer that I knew in the early 60's he enjoyed taking care of his troops and has gone to the field to check on them if a sudden change of weather came in.He would take a duty truck with extra clothing blankets and so forth.He would explain that his jr,Officers was afraid for it to be known that the troops wasn't prepard for the sittuation and they would get the blame.I always wished that there were more officers of his caliber.

elk hunter
03-14-2015, 03:22 PM
RH66, thanks for your service and for being there for your student. Keep up the good work.

Reminds me of my son when he rolled over from being a Sgt. in the Marine Corps Reserve to being a 2nd. Lt. in the regular Marines, he had his old High School ROTC instructor, a retired Marine Corps Colonel, swear him in. I know the Colonel really enjoyed being asked to do it, he had done the same for his son the year before and the pleasure was evident from the smile on his face.