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Dale in Louisiana
03-13-2015, 07:53 PM
If I knew it had to last this long, I would've taken better care of it.

Started having another round of back issues at the end of January. Went to the doc and got the normal painkillers, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers. It didn't go away. Went back. Got more of same. Still didn't go away.

And then the pains started in my right leg. Okay. I KNOW this one. Leg hurts here. Push where 'here' is, and the pain doesn't change. Later, pain is there. Push where 'there' is, and the pain doesn't change. I've had this before. Nerve problem.

Last time it was my neck. So this time it's the back. Do the normal thing - go get an MRI. Talk to this doctor and that doctor. Get handle on pain management because this thing HURTS sometimes.

I am scheduled for surgery on L4-L5 and L5-S1, just a little chip removal to get the pressure off that nerve. This is set up for April 3. Until then, no worky, and darn it, I missed a couple of really spectacular blowups - 13,800 volt stuff, because I can't drive more than fifteen minutes.

And I'm getting stir-crazy. Daytime TV sucks. I'm wearing NetFlix out.

The cats alternate between attending to me and scheming to see which parts should be eaten first.

dale in Louisiana

03-13-2015, 07:56 PM
I hope they can get you some relief soon, Dale.

03-13-2015, 08:51 PM
Man I hope you can get some help real soon.
13.8, dropping lines, trees, XFMRs or knocking down poles?

03-13-2015, 08:52 PM
Had my L4-L5 and L5-S1 done in 1989 (microdiscectomy and Microlaminectomy) , Woke up from Surgery with no more pain (other then from Surgery).
Learned to live with limits and still going.
Hoping things go well for you.

03-13-2015, 10:54 PM
Had bad sciatic pain about 35 years ago. GPMD gave me anti-inflamitories and pain killers. Felt MUCH better. I had no idea what to do and not do, so I promptly made things much worse. Couldn't even walk at times. MD referred me to a surgeon, who said, unsurprisingly, "No problem, we'll schedule you for surgery". I opted for Chiropratic care and physical therapy instead. Wasn't easy, took couple months. Wore a brace ad support for six months. Today, 35 years later, I can do anything I want, as long a I do it CORRECTLY, terms of knowing how to move my back, and not place uneven loads on it. Everybody is different, of course, what works for one might not work for another. Good luck to you.

03-13-2015, 11:31 PM
I had L3,4,5 fused in 2007. I loaded thousands of rounds of ammunition while on sick leave. Hope you get well, soon.

03-14-2015, 12:29 AM
Had L4-L5 and L5-S1 laminectomy about 7 years ago, needing a fusion now but it gained me 5 years pain free. Walk, and then walk more, best thing for your lower back! After surgery be ready for pain for about a month!

03-14-2015, 12:46 AM
I feel your pain brother. I just went through 4 months of being practically bedfast with back pain. Fortuantly it was controled with shots an physical theraphy. Now am having stomach problems from the damage by all the meds and am weak from all the inactivity. I'l pray for sucess for your treatment. I can totally relate to boring TV. All those channels and nothing to watch. I got out to shoot my pistols yesterday and plan to give prarie dogs some grief tomorrow.

03-14-2015, 01:38 AM
I hear you Dale. I've had three back surgeries for herniated discs among other things. The last was in 2012 and I was pretty good until last year about this time. Now I'm seeing the pain management doctor and have had a couple of shots. Things are holding steady for the time being but I worry they'll go down over time, just hopefully not too abruptly like they did the last two times. Well, I guess you just gotta play with the hands you're dealt. Good luck to you.

fast ronnie
03-14-2015, 02:44 AM
Before any surgery you might try to find a good Chiropracter. I've had back problems for years, lifting stuff too heavy, working on bulldozers, falling off dirt bikes, etc. Been to a bunch of different chiros and there are good ones, and most are not so good. Unless you have a fractured bone or a ruptured cartilage, a good one can put you back on your feet. Doctors will not recognize chiro care for the most part. They refuse to believe that an alignment problem can be corrected. They would rather charge for a lot of totally unnecessary surgery so they can drive a new car, etc, at your expense. Most times, the surgery does more harm than good. There are cases where surgery is necessary.My chiro will not work on someone until he takes x-rays to find out what is really the problem. Pills can give temporary relief, but is seldom a good thing for the long term.

03-14-2015, 11:05 AM
Sciatic nerve stuff - back & shin hurt at the same time. This will make you feel better, have a friend with sciatica, bersitus in both shoulders and a stuck kidney stone - needed a stent put you know where to try to pass what they couldn't blast out. On heavy meds just to get some sleep. His wife passed last year after 3 bouts of cancer. He says there is always somebody in worse shape than him.

03-14-2015, 11:16 AM
Get better. I've had back pain for quite some years. My L5S1 is pretty messed up and I'm YOUNG. I dont want to see myself in 30 years barely walking.

03-14-2015, 11:33 AM
You will be glad you got the cuttin done once the nerves start to calm down. They are swollen now and the longer they are that way and getting that pressure on them the worse they will get. Like most surgeries, it is not like you are 20 again, but somewhat better. I have had 3 Laminectomies and each made things better.
Laminectomy is surgery that creates space by removing the lamina — the back part of the vertebra that covers your spinal canal. Also known as decompression surgery, laminectomy enlarges your spinal canal to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.

03-14-2015, 12:56 PM
A world known surgeon at the spinal institue In Houston,Texas Dr. William Francis would be my choice,the night he did my surgey he had patients from South Africa.Illinos and myself.I have never had any of the complaints that I have read and known about from other people.He is not a knife happy person and will not do sugery if you don't need it.He is also known for correcting mistakes or a poor procedure made by other docters.
Right before I went under he had several interns that he was teaching and one smated off about something but he was on his tiptoes giving him the what far for not paying attention to what he was saying.At this time he was on the Baylor/St Lukes staff.

Dale in Louisiana
03-14-2015, 02:07 PM
Man I hope you can get some help real soon.
13.8, dropping lines, trees, XFMRs or knocking down poles?

First, a circuit switcher blew up. Root cause? "I can't believe you bought this ***.

Second, lightning strike blew stuff off a pole. Root cause? I told you that your ground system design was gonna cause you problems.

People don't listen.

And I missed all the fun.


This was taken immediately after the explosion knocked 22,000 horsepower off line. If you look closely, you can still see a fire burning inside.

dale in Louisiana

03-14-2015, 02:15 PM
And I missed all the fun. I missed a fun trip to the lightning strike tester up north. Everyone had to be out of the building when they popped the trigger on that one. Creating your own rolling thunder. Kind of a mega-giant EMP generator.

03-14-2015, 10:57 PM
Dale that pic of the switch gear is what I call real fireworks. Seen that before and it is scary.
This is going to sound dumb but it works, a deck of cards is your freind. toss in the air and bend over and pick one card at atime up off the floor. Puts not down pressure on your spine but does exercise the muscles. My back is a mess, car wreck, industrial maintenance, and a tree falling on me. Back pain is horrible to go thru, false pains drive me nuts. Try not to put direct down pressure on your back and learn to live with limits. Most important is stay within the limits. Best to you and find THE BEST DOCTOR you can find.

03-14-2015, 11:07 PM
L-4 L-5 went out on me last October i was out of work 2 weeks and a lot of pain for about a month
my son shot his first Deer about 2 miles from the truck all down hill i see a chiropractor once a month
now if i need to or not NO KNIFE FOR ME

03-14-2015, 11:30 PM
Dale, you must work for a public power generation company. I did when I lived in NY. Seen a few kabooms in my time there as well. Hi potting a 13.8kv feeder and blew up, Huge transformer fire nothing left but melted metal and one time a squirrel took out a transformer. Frank

03-14-2015, 11:37 PM
Hope you find relief soon Dale. Do your research on doctors. The successful surgery is done by the most successful surgeon (from the patient's point of view, not a banker's).

03-15-2015, 09:08 AM
What is the 22K HP for mining, boring a tunnel to Mexico?

Try any PT or chiropractors yet?

Dale in Louisiana
03-15-2015, 02:41 PM
Dale, you must work for a public power generation company. I did when I lived in NY. Seen a few kabooms in my time there as well. Hi potting a 13.8kv feeder and blew up, Huge transformer fire nothing left but melted metal and one time a squirrel took out a transformer. Frank

I guess we're a 'utilty'. I work for an interstate natural gas pipeline. That breaker is at one of my stations.

I used to work for Entergy, a huge electrical utility, and have done high voltage field service work for decades.

When I saw that breaker being installed I told them it was a piece of sh*t (Precise engineering terminology) and we'd have problems. I know my area of expertise. They had no clue other than what the salesman told them, and it was a matter of $$$. Now they'll pay to do it right, i.e., the way I told them to do it in the first place.

dale in Louisiana
(And I'm not bitter)