View Full Version : New law in WV

03-13-2015, 08:59 AM
We always could open carry but now anyone 18 or over that can legally own a gun can carry concealed without a permit.
Need a pancake holster now to fit my 10" 45-70 BFR! :bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2:

03-13-2015, 11:25 AM
It is not 18, but 21. http://wvmetronews.com/2015/03/12/bill-removing-concealed-carry-requirement-clears-house-senate/
The House changed the Senate proposal by raising the age from 18 to 21 for a person to be able to carry concealed without a permit. Because of the House changes, the bill now goes back to the Senate. The legislation may end up in a conference committee to resolve differences.

03-13-2015, 12:09 PM
They did the same thing a few years back in Arizona. I winter there so I not only have a Michigan permit, but went ahead and took the classes and got a concealed permit in Arizona as well.

I have no knowledge about what the laws are in WV - but will mention about Arizona. In Arizona, you now do not need a concealed permit - or you can take the classes and get a concealed permit. HOWEVER . . . there are differences in the law concerning carrying with no permit and carrying with a permit. Example: If you do not have a permit, you can not carry into any establishment that serves liquor. If you do have a permit, you can carry but you cannot drink. (I'm a firm believer that firearms and liquor don't mix anyway).

There are also certain areas such as some parks, etc. where you can carry with a permit but cannot if you do not have one.

I mention this because it is important that anyone who carries - whether you are required to have a permit or not - that you know the law and how it affects your situation. Instead of taking the attitude of "yippee! I can carry and don't need a permit!" - take the time to educate yourself as to exactly what the laws are. In some states, I'm sure there are probably differences between permitted and non-permitted and carrying in the car. If you are stopped for a traffic stop - if you have a permit the officer should have that information available to him/her when your plate is run. If not, and you are stopped, and you don't notify him or her that you are carrying and they find it out - well, the treatment may be a little different?

Those are just a few of the reasons why, if your state offers conceal carry licenses and associated courses to get them - they are well worth the time and dollars to do it - you will be educated on just what that state's laws are and what you are allowed and not allowed to do.

44man - this is not intended as a "slam" or "criticism" - but in your original post, you state the age of 18. Outpost75 corrects that and gives a link that verifies the age of 21. Please - if you are going to carry and not bother to get a permit (which is your option) - learn what the laws are once your state's legal branch has them established. Carrying and not knowing the law - in the right situation - could result in a felony that could keep you from ever owning a firearm again.

And - I'm glad to see that the age was changed from 18 to 21. This is a personal opinion but I know very few 18 year olds who have the maturity, common sense or the need to be carrying a concealed weapon. I may get "burned" for saying that and yes, there are exceptions certainly - military, etc. - but not the average 18 year old.

ole 5 hole group
03-13-2015, 12:45 PM
Good for West Virginia. If your age by law is determined to be an adult, there should be no restrictions on your liberties. Adult freedoms carry adult responsibilities which also have adult consequences - for most of us anyway.

03-13-2015, 04:34 PM
I read it in the paper this morning and it said 18 and was signed by the Governor.
I have no need to carry myself and do not own anything I can't hunt with but it is still freedom from the feds.
The important thing is that all LEO's can run your plates to see if you have a permit and there has been trouble in some states. The government has no business to know at all.
I have no gripe with training but most charge a lot of money.
Anyone not grandfathered in has to take a free course before buying a hunting license. The state can offer a free course and so can a gun store to sell more guns. I am sure we would volunteer to teach. I see nothing changing except the state does not suck more money and you are not on a list.
This puts a kink in a criminals mindset that he does not know where he is safe to cause pain.
Every single tragedy in every country has been in a gun free zone. College girls in Israel carry rifles.
In all these years with open carry legal, I have yet to see anyone with a gun anywhere. It will not change much at all but I feel more free from restrictions. I am not going to dash out and buy a gun. Yet I can if I need one. No need where I live.
Personally I would like every school teacher trained and with a gun. Teach every child safety.
My kids grew up in a house full of guns and learned at an early age.
Go ahead and hide your guns from your kids, you might be wrong.
Yes, I have a safe now but not to keep guns from my family, but from outside crooks. I can leave my doors open if not home. I shoot a lot so anyone around is afraid to come here. I have no loaded guns but they don't know that. My reputation is known all around here.
I hear many shots from up town all the time and it is wonderful. It is freedom!

03-25-2015, 08:05 AM
Update, after passing the house and senate, the gov vetoed it.

03-25-2015, 11:09 AM
A sad thing indeed, fool governor.

ole 5 hole group
03-26-2015, 03:05 PM
Update, after passing the house and senate, the gov vetoed it.

Regardless of his reason to veto the bill - His veto is reason enough to vote against that man when the time comes. I thought West Virginia was a red State? Just not right to vote to throw out that commie osamie and then not have a pro 2nd Amendment guy running the State's business. Just isn't right.

03-27-2015, 02:29 AM
We always could open carry but now anyone 18 or over that can legally own a gun can carry concealed without a permit.
Need a pancake holster now to fit my 10" 45-70 BFR! :bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2:

Are you over 21?

03-27-2015, 02:29 AM

03-27-2015, 12:17 PM
call and write you reps , get them to go for the 2/3 let them know they have your support for a unlicensed CC and if they want your vote next go round you better see some effort to over turn the guy your already voting against.

03-27-2015, 08:07 PM
We had to override a governor's veto to get our regular CCW permit law passed 8 yrs ago.
Don't give up, get mad and get on the phones to friends and call your legislators.
Good luck, it CAN be done.

Tends to aggravate the legislators to have the governor veto stuff and with some good
support from voters many are happy to push back on the gov.

03-28-2015, 08:23 AM
Libtards went nuts so they did change the bill to age 21 before passing it but the gov listened to all the tards. We still have plenty of them in WV and most moved here from MD and VA to escape high taxes and home prices.

03-28-2015, 08:28 AM
They didn't move from Virginia. We still have an infestation of New England liberals; witness the moron we have as a governor! He was elected by Michael Bloomberg and the idiots in Northern Virginia.

03-28-2015, 02:18 PM
Yes, I agree and many here are from the DC area. Gov workers. We are out numbered and soon to have Muslim law in place of the Constitution. I would raise a sword to have the South rise again. I am a northerner from Ohio but will always be a red neck. It is no wonder WV pulled away from VA. But the tards are coming in. Every single liberal around here either worked for the gov or gets free for not working at all. My wife complains all the time about someone with a cart full of steaks using a snap card. They do not care about price, just toss in the cart until full. Who do they vote for?
I am afraid and want to load every single empty I have.
Look what our mullah in chief has done in the east!