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View Full Version : Urgent Picture Request!!!

03-05-2008, 03:36 PM
Hi Guys,

I'm in a jam here. I recently interviewed our very own Beloved Boolit Master, the World Famous Felix for an article that will be published in an upcoming issue of the Canadian Firearms Journal.

Unfortunately, my digital camera just gave up the ghost and I'm flat on my back in bed sick with the flu. My editor just called looking for the pictures I promised of some freshly cast & lubed with Felix Lube (FWFL) cast bullets.

If anyone has some high quality pics showing such bullets, or pictures of the ingredients and/or making of FWFL in progress that they are willing to submit for publication, I can make you "famous" at least for one issue.

The bigger the pics the better, at least 300dpi, frame the shots so that there isn't a "busy" background. Must show SAFE casting process, and/or manufacturing of lube.

Close up pics of the melted lube, finished sticks, lube moulds, colored lube, lube ingredients all together, etc... may be useful, along with pics of fresh bullets lubed with FWFL, either natural, or colored.

Full accreditation for the pics will be given, I'll personally send you several copies of the magazine and might be able to scare up some "extras" from the magzine as well as a thank-you.

Any help would be appreciated, 'cause my **** is really dragging grass right now. Frankly, I'm poisoned....perfect coyote hunting weather and I'm sick in bed with fever and chills...being sick sucks!!!

Anyhow, if anyone has pics, would you please E-mail them to me at: sgpenney@gmail.com Please include your name so I can properly accredit the picture. Can't promise every picture will be used, but I'll do my best to get as many published as possible.

Thanks guys,


03-05-2008, 05:16 PM
Sean, I will send you some from the BIG BATCH manufacturing process. Pat, my wife, is going through the albums now, about 100 of them, to find those which were taken with Corky (Sundog) and me doing the work for this "never again" endeavor. The cost was over 1000 bucks, and was obtained through prior sales subscriptions. Figuring the proportions was a nightmare, as was the design selected for the application -- no dripping below 120F, no leading in any revolter that destroys boolits, and make small calibers shoot for at least 50 rounds at 2400 fps with expected accuracy and without intermediate barrel cleaning. We got the first two objectives met, but maybe not the third. The lube was a little too heavy duty for that. Luckily, cold ambient shooting temps were not contemplated, because there was no demand from any of the subscriptions. ... felix

03-05-2008, 05:29 PM
Please, folks, look around for pics other than these. It would be nice to see others doing the same thing with a different background. That will add variety to the pics, and we can let the publisher pick his favorites. ... felix

03-05-2008, 06:20 PM
quick! send me some felix lube and I'll make some up and take pics!


just kidding, I'd help but I have no pics of any of that stuff.