View Full Version : Questions on Ben's Liquid Lube and the making of Ben's Red Bullet lube.

03-06-2015, 09:53 PM
I'm getting a large volume of PM's with questions like this :

( 1 ) I tried to make Ben's Red and it isn't as firm as I'd like, what do I do ?

( 2 ) What is the formula for making Ben's Red ?

( 3 ) What is the formula for making Ben's Liquid Lube ?

( 4 ) What happens if I change this, what happens if I change that...... ? ? ? ( By the way, why would anyone think I'd know what would happen if they alter 27 different things about the lube ? ? )

I'm all for helping people, but at the same time I'd like to see people do a little bit of research on their own before they ask me to explain the same thing that I've already printed on this forum in dozens of threads already.

The search function on this forum works wonderfully, ( If one will use it ? ? ).

I'm not exactly certain how to handle this ? So far I've responded to every request but I don't know how long I can keep this up...............

99% of the questions that I'm getting I've already answered or others who have successfully made Ben's Red and Ben's Liquid lube have answered the questions in the threads on the subject.

Catch is, few are doing any reading on the subject before they go the PM route to get the " quick and easy answers " they are looking for from me.

I guess it takes them 15 minutes to do a little research with the search function on the forum or 1 minute in a PM to get me to do it for them.


03-06-2015, 09:55 PM
Maybe you need to draw some pictures?:bigsmyl2:

03-06-2015, 10:33 PM
"I'm getting a large volume of PM's..."

Being creative/productive has a price to pay seemingly. Seriously, I spent so many hours reading and reading and reading before I joined and that really lessened the need to ask fundamental questions. I feel for you brother.

03-06-2015, 10:35 PM
Like I said, I'm all for helping people. That is one of the things I've really enjoyed about this forum. The help I've received from so many and the few times I've been able to hopefully help someone else in return.

It would just be a help to me not to have to type the same thing in PM's 15 times.


03-06-2015, 10:44 PM
I suggest you put your formula on your website. Also, add a list of Do's and Don't's, or something similar that answers the common questions you receive. Also, put a note that your formula is at your website, on the footer on your Castboolits page where you have your website listed. The added bonus of this is you get free advertising for your gun stock finishing/refinishing services by sending people to your web page for the formula and answers to their questions.


03-06-2015, 10:49 PM

At 1st that looks like the answer, but they still have to go and do some reading on their own and right now that just isn't happening ? ? However , you may be onto something with your suggestions.

Maybe the best thing to do is just keep responding to the PM's and keep a smile on my face.


35 shooter
03-06-2015, 10:59 PM
The search feature is definitly the way to go, plus there's two threads on Ben's Red and one on the new Bll lube right here on this forum on the Front page....pretty well covers it.
It would probably be surprising to find out that many new members don't even realize the seach funtion is even there though...works great too. I spent probably 2 hours on it last night researching "Accuracy of Zastava rifles"...10 pages popped up right off the bat lol!!

Ben's Red is a great lube and VERY popular and seems to be growing in popularity more and more and i'm glad to see that. I'm amazed at the consistency of it every range trip i go on myself!
I wouldn't want to offend anyone, but would simply refer them politely to the search funtion.They'll probably find way more answers than they have questions there.
Lol...just shows you came up with a great lube Ben!!

I'm too slow at typing ...looks like hamholfarm has a good idea there.

03-06-2015, 11:02 PM
Offending someone is the last thing I want to do.

I'm genuinely asking for suggestions from all of you on how to improve this situation ? ?


03-06-2015, 11:08 PM
You could have a word document with links to the best threads and cut and paste them with a "Hope this Helps" That would be efficient and helpful.

03-06-2015, 11:09 PM
For any who have not used the search function ( that 35shooter is making reference to ) on the forum, look below under the LEE Precision Logo and locate the search window. You can take any topic and type it into the search window, hit enter on your keyboard and begin reading on the topic that interest you. It works great, I use it every day.

http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p545/Ben35049/search_zpsn7akulz9.jpg (http://s1155.photobucket.com/user/Ben35049/media/search_zpsn7akulz9.jpg.html)

03-06-2015, 11:10 PM
You could have a word document with links to the best threads and cut and past them with a "Hope this Helps" just cut and paste it.

Again, another good idea.

Many thanks,

03-07-2015, 12:15 AM
All the answers are already on the site. Sad to say, many just want to be served and don't first think of doing for themselves. Some are, like me, computer dummies and are not familiar with search functions. This latter group, small as it might be, might need a little guidance in navigating the site and it's resources. I don't see a resolution to the inconvenience you suffer from those not willing to do a little digging for themselves. You have been most generous with your "inventions", advice, and time for a long while. Hope the lazy don't burn you out. I, for one, always click on your posts (as well as a few others) whenever they pop up, just to see what you're up to. They are always good and have some of the best photography going. Illegitimus non carborundum.

03-07-2015, 12:45 AM
Thanks 725,

There has got to be a way to improve this.
I'm still thinking............


03-07-2015, 01:08 AM
Thanks 725,

There has got to be a way to improve this.
I'm still thinking............

Just put a link to one of the posts you put all those links to Q&As about both your lube recipes in your sig line.

03-07-2015, 01:14 AM
UUUmmm, might be the best idea yet ! !


03-07-2015, 01:30 AM
I feel for you Ben.
I do for a living what you are doing here to help the forum out.
Your lubes are top notch and have helped me a bunch.
I have read every word of every post about both of your lubes and use them both regularly.
As you will notice my post count is very low.
I am a good reader lurker!
I followed this forum and read till my mind was numb when I first stumbled across it 5 years ago.
I will be the first to say that the current world we live in is all about instant gratification and answers now!
Nobody want to try and do or figure things out them selves. They just want to wiggle click type and have all the answers with minimal output.
Keep up the good work and thank you very much for your hard work on these lubes!

Sorry for my rant

fast ronnie
03-07-2015, 01:43 AM
I have customers who will call and ask for advice on some of the ???? things. There are days I'd like to throw the phone out in the back yard. Most have honest questions, but there are (those)!! I haven't figured out all the shortcuts here yet, but a lot of great stuff IF A GUY IS WILLING TO LOOK. Anyway thanks for your sharing what you have worked so hard to figure out. I guess that's my rant for the day, too.

03-07-2015, 03:17 AM
I've been watching this go on for a while, Ben, and your persistence is admirable. I also feel your pain. Two months ago I linked one thread each regarding Ben's Red and BLL to a post in the lube recipe sticky, a thread that has had exactly seventeen views since then as of this evening. I can draw my own conclusions from the results of that little experiment.

My solution would be to use reverse psychology: You could offer to email a complete Word document containing the best information you have for both lubes to anyone willing to send you $5. Several people will doubtlessly purchase the document and distribute it widely as "contraband information" gleefully thinking that they're getting away with something. Soon there will be lots more utoob videos and the contents of the file will start appearing on shooting, prepper, and review sites and forums throughout the world. Your work will be done, and you might pocket enough money to buy another can or two of floor wax. Since the info would be "contraband" very few people will be asking you any questions directly, and it won't be your problem any more.

Felix had the same issues with his lube. From the outset people wanting to make it were trying to figure out ways to reduce the polymerization time, even before they understood what that was, why it is necessary, or had even obtained the basic ingredients. Then they would bug him about the soap not melting in or is this wax ok or can you change this or that and where do I get carnauba wax. When I got into it myself I tried to help, but after a while you just kind of need to find an exit and let the thing roll on its own.


03-07-2015, 08:46 AM

Some , for whatever their reasons, may not even understand what I tried to say in the orig. post above.

It is obvious that you do. I've added valuable links to my signature line now, will that help.....I don't know ?

By the way, with your reverse Psychology concepts, I bet you drove your teachers crazy in school ! Head games must have been your speciality. HA ! ! I was a school principal, the " reverse " would often times tip the scales in your favor, as you're well aware.

One of my friends that I talked to about this told me, " No good deed goes unpunished." Maybe he is right ?


03-07-2015, 08:59 AM
Ben some say that if you give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach him to fish he eats for a lifetime.
I agree to a point but also understand that some refuse to learn to fish but still want to treat for a lifetime. At some point you need to let them starve if they refuse to fish.

03-07-2015, 10:16 AM
I think you opted for the best solution. Any further advancements/creations will make for a really long signature line.

tomme boy
03-07-2015, 10:18 AM
Ben, I am looking for a new computer. Can you please provide me with some information on how to select the best one for my application? If you could provide me with links to reviews of each of the ones that you think are good ones that would be great! :bigsmyl2:

03-07-2015, 10:21 AM
[smilie=s: Too much fun !

03-07-2015, 10:53 AM
Good solution hopefully I think it should be a locked sticky that you can add to as seen fit but with out all the variations to the recipe questions on where to get ingredients and such thats where it gets confusing for people especially newer ones

03-07-2015, 11:21 AM
Ben, Havent found the time to cook up a batch of your lube, but have become hooked on your Liquid Lube. Have been using it over Lars BAC and it works like a bandit and have nice mirror bores and excellent accuracy in handgun fodder. Will have to try it on rifle blts next. Great discovery, and thanks for sharing it wit us in the great unwashed population.

03-07-2015, 01:23 PM
1Shirt :

You're more than welcome.

You'll find Ben's LL to work just as well on rifle cast bullets as an " over coat " lube, particularly on the bore riders.


03-07-2015, 03:11 PM
Looking forward to trying it on rifle blts Ben!

03-07-2015, 03:41 PM
Ben some say that if you give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach him to fish he eats for a lifetime.
I agree to a point but also understand that some refuse to learn to fish but still want to treat for a lifetime. At some point you need to let them starve if they refuse to fish.

Let`s see if I remember how that fishing lesson went?

1. Light dynamite fuse.

2. Throw the 1/2 stick far out into the lake and get down!

3. Scoop up stunned fish with net.


03-08-2015, 01:17 PM
moved by Oley to:


05-20-2015, 04:17 AM
Ben, I know this is an old post, But wanted to say that I tried your BLL on some old boolits (358 with 15 yr. lube, unknown) and Best of all things---I followed your instructions. the hardest was finding the darn ketchup bottle, but finally did. that lube worked Beautifully and sure does keep the unknown blue lube in the grooves and to top it off, it's not sticky at all. I can hold several in my hand and they are non sticky and roll around easily. Thank You very much! love your pictures and photo's all so. God Bless to you and yours.

Goofy aka Godfrey;-)

05-20-2015, 08:24 AM
Goofy ,

And my same best wishes to you.
So glad that you like the lube.


05-25-2015, 05:43 PM
I am contemplating on mixing a batch of Bens Red. I visited the website for the lucas red and tacky, so that I might find out what it is composed of. There is a MSDS sheet available, and if I understand it correctly, it can prove to be a bad eye and skin irritant.
Has anyone had any adverse reaction to using red and tacky, especially at indoor ranges? http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/pdfImages/6f/6fea8f51-e91e-47d0-832d-c5f5d7a70863.pdf
The MSDS varies on the amount of info depending on where and which Msds sheet is provided

35 shooter
05-25-2015, 08:27 PM
I don't have any idea what's in the Red n Tacky, but i grease equipment with it everyday and have been shooting Ben's Red lube for over 2 years and have never had any kind of skin or eye problems.
My local Auto Zone sells a ton of it as folks here use it to grease everything from tractors and bulldozers to bicycle chains. Never heard of any problems, but i do wash up after using ANY grease or handling lead. I've lubed and shot thousands of boolits with Ben's Red with ZERO problems. Lol i do get good groups though!!

Can't speak for indoor ranges, but i'd be more concerned about lead dust build up there.
Just my 2 cents on it.:D

05-29-2015, 12:05 AM
bird---any grease is an eye irritant, simple fix is to not put it in your eye.:-)

got everything assembled to make my first batch of ben's red, just going over threads again before I start. some of us do listen or at least try, thanks and here's an advance "sorry" for when I ask you a stuipid question later ben.

05-29-2015, 01:10 AM
bird---any grease is an eye irritant, simple fix is to not put it in your eye.:-)

got everything assembled to make my first batch of ben's red, just going over threads again before I start. some of us do listen or at least try, thanks and here's an advance "sorry" for when I ask you a stuipid question later ben.
During the last few visits to the range, my eyes have become a little sensitive to the smoke from burnt powder if there is a slight headwind. I was wondering if any lube vapor under the same conditions would exacerbate the problem.

05-29-2015, 07:28 AM
I've shot Ben's Red outside ( never inside ) with every kind of cross wind imaginable. Never noticed any problems with it as to being a possible eye irritant.


05-29-2015, 07:30 AM
bird---any grease is an eye irritant, simple fix is to not put it in your eye.:-)

got everything assembled to make my first batch of ben's red, just going over threads again before I start. some of us do listen or at least try, thanks and here's an advance "sorry" for when I ask you a stuipid question later ben.

just going over threads again before I start. some of us do listen or at least try,

Thanks ,

05-30-2015, 10:54 AM
ok ben so I made my first batch of bens red, now for the stupid question I already apoligized for. turned out looking really good, everything mixed well, no lumps, set up nice, came out of the mold nice, and feels like some of the store bought that I have. only thing that concerns me is that you can still smell a faint petroleum smell. heated and mixed for probably a good hour in a slow cooker, everything was melted and the mix was bubbling around the edges. is the faint smell normal or do I need to let it cook a little longer. thanks for all you do for this forum and please keep helping even if you want to beet your head against a wall sometimes.

05-30-2015, 12:00 PM
Normal , shoot it ! !

Many thanks,


Geezer in NH
06-21-2015, 04:26 PM
Ben some say that if you give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach him to fish he eats for a lifetime.
.In redneck speak he will not eat for a lifetime but will sit in a boat drinking beer.

Ben I feel for you I learned from reading your posts Thanks You helped me heavily without being pestered by me.

06-21-2015, 10:03 PM
I'm glad that I was a small help.

Many thanks,

06-21-2015, 10:20 PM
Ben some say that if you give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach him to fish he eats for a lifetime.
I agree to a point but also understand that some refuse to learn to fish but still want to treat for a lifetime. At some point you need to let them starve if they refuse to fish.

I always thought it was

"If you build a man a fire, you keep him warm for one night; but if you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life":bigsmyl2:

Truly, Ben, your patience is most impressive. In your shoes, I'd have probably started suggesting Cheez Whiz as an acceptable substitute for Lucas R&T.

06-21-2015, 10:30 PM
It has been much better in the past month or so.

Patience is a virtue.................


L Ross
06-23-2015, 08:13 AM
Ben, I want thank you for your work on these lubes. Here's a little story to brighten your day. My 14 year old neighbor young man just recently cast 300+ Lee 312-155-SP. He tumbled 50 at a time with 25 drops of BLL. After they dried, he pushed them through a Lee .311" sizer, installing Horn. checks at that time. He tumbled the sized and checked bullets a second time with 20 drops per 50. He prepped his own cases using a Lee collet sizer and a Lyman 31R M die. Came over to my range and fired them from his Tikka 30-06 into a 1.1"x.82" ten shot group at 77 yards. Velocity was probably 1,400 fps, absolutely no leading after firing 50 rounds.

06-28-2015, 12:36 PM
I copied your lube and red to a file I can access anytime I need it. I PM'd you with a question about one item in your needs list. Finally found it and will continue to look for the rest then make some of my own. I am lazy and that is why I copy stuff and then print it so it right where I need it when I need it.
thanks for doing all the research for me and now to just find all the makings and I will be a happy camper.
Sometimes you need to keep looking for all the items and one day you might get lucky and find them.

06-28-2015, 01:59 PM
Fantastic ! ! Thanks for sharing,


07-29-2015, 09:09 PM
Bens Red is easy to make. First measure out the ingredients. I melted the beeswax in a stainless bowl. The bowl was warmed by a hot plate. I put a tc in the beeswax to keep the temp lower than 225. Then added the Red& Tacky to the liquid beewax. I stirred the two together. As the grease started to combine, I changed from a slotted spoon to a whisk. Then added Dexron. Then added JPW. Keep whisking and add the STP. Takes over 35 to 45 mins. Nice pink color. Keep the temperature up and steady. Try for 230 degrees. It seems easy.
Now to try it. I did not have trouble with lumps.

Ed C

07-29-2015, 10:31 PM
I just to thank Ben for every thing he has done for us all. I have learned so much from reading his post and from his wonderful photographs. I wish I could type as fast as my brain goes, so I could leave a nice long post telling Ben how much I REALLY APPRECIATE HIM.

07-30-2015, 08:53 AM
Totally agree. 3 cheers for Ben! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

He very easily could have kept this info close, tried to make money from it.

07-30-2015, 11:06 AM
BLL is fantastic and easy to make, especially for a moron like me. I love the convenience and ease of tumble lubing but I'm tempted to make some Ben's Red because I love the process almost as much as shooting.

07-30-2015, 07:55 PM
I just to thank Ben for every thing he has done for us all. I have learned so much from reading his post and from his wonderful photographs. I wish I could type as fast as my brain goes, so I could leave a nice long post telling Ben how much I REALLY APPRECIATE HIM. I'm with ya. Very good info in his posts. I'm not saying that there isn't others on here. But the things I've tried , that Ben has submitted has worked very well for me. I love Bens' Red. Hats off to you Ben.

07-30-2015, 07:56 PM
Thank you Ben. Mixed up some of your Red yesterday. Easy to do, and looks like it will do the job. I stiffened it up a little with a bit more bees wax and jpw, maybe I din't need to, but it works great as a pan lube.

07-30-2015, 09:40 PM
For me Ben's Liquid lube hits the same 1400 fps line as is described for gas checks, below it ok, above it gas checks are needed. That is exactly how I feel about Ben's Liquid lube and Ben's Red. Below 1400 fps BLL alone is fine, above that point Ben's Red in the grooves and a cover coat of BLL covers all my bases.

Really, best of both worlds in my opinion.

So go make it!

BLL is fantastic and easy to make, especially for a moron like me. I love the convenience and ease of tumble lubing but I'm tempted to make some Ben's Red because I love the process almost as much as shooting.

07-30-2015, 10:08 PM

I'm thrilled that the 2 lubes are working well for all of you. Enjoy the Lubes ! !

Good Shooting to all of you,

07-31-2015, 02:39 AM
Hi Ben. Firstly, thank you for your contribution. I've only read the first page of your thread but at the end of that page I followed one of your links (the last one) and Eureka! I had not seen that thread before for some reason, even though I had done several searches for your particular recipe. But now that I have it ... ! :bigsmyl2:

Umm... can I use EXTREME Performance Grease with PTFE instead of Red N Tacky? [smilie=1: It is red. :roll:

I'm going to do a search for the right stuff but I'm not overly confident of finding any here in New Zealand. Still, one never knows. All the other ingredients are readily available of course.

Thank's again.

Driver man
07-31-2015, 02:59 AM
Hi Ben. Firstly, thank you for your contribution. I've only read the first page of your thread but at the end of that page I followed one of your links (the last one) and Eureka! I had not seen that thread before for some reason, even though I had done several searches for your particular recipe. But now that I have it ... ! :bigsmyl2:

Umm... can I use EXTREME Performance Grease with PTFE instead of Red N Tacky? [smilie=1: It is red. :roll:

I'm going to do a search for the right stuff but I'm not overly confident of finding any here in New Zealand. Still, one never knows. All the other ingredients are readily available of course.

Thank's again.

Red n Tacky is available every where in NZ. BNT sell it as do most high performance outlets.What is not available is Johnstons paste wax. I substitute carnauba wax . The colour ends up slightly darker but still works well. I use it on everything I shoot.

07-31-2015, 04:29 AM
Thanks, Driver man. I shall get some then. I thought I saw Johnson's paste wax at one of our mega store? I could be wrong but if caunarba works, then I only need the Red n Tacky. Do you use the same amount of carnauba?

Driver man
07-31-2015, 07:30 AM
Thanks, Driver man. I shall get some then. I thought I saw Johnson's paste wax at one of our mega store? I could be wrong but if caunarba works, then I only need the Red n Tacky. Do you use the same amount of carnauba?

I add carnauba at 1% more or less. If you can find JPW it would have been parallel imported as I sent them an email and they said NZ market was too small. Would be good if was available. I still have a small amount left from a can I bought in the 1980's.

07-31-2015, 08:07 AM
Hi Ben. Firstly, thank you for your contribution. I've only read the first page of your thread but at the end of that page I followed one of your links (the last one) and Eureka! I had not seen that thread before for some reason, even though I had done several searches for your particular recipe. But now that I have it ... ! :bigsmyl2:

Umm... can I use EXTREME Performance Grease with PTFE instead of Red N Tacky? [smilie=1: It is red. :roll:

I'm going to do a search for the right stuff but I'm not overly confident of finding any here in New Zealand. Still, one never knows. All the other ingredients are readily available of course.

Thank's again.

Personally, I've never used the EXTREME Performance Grease with PTFE.

However, I would not be afraid to make a small quantity of it, ( simple math will let you reduce all the components in Ben's Red so you can make a smaller amount )

Test it and report back.
I'd like to know the results.


07-31-2015, 11:12 AM
i made the bll and it is Great! made the bens red the other day 2 weeks ago had some hi temp red grease and used it and only found carnuba wax so made some ,, worked great , recommend a good thrift store Teflon baking pan , and a good whisk , like to mix gravy to blend all the stuff together . poured in the baking pan let it cool and solidify @ 3 hours it shrinks just a little and pulls away from the side edges . cut into 1''x1''x4'' rectangles approx the size of my lubsizer ,Lyman #45 left just enough in my melting pot to pour when it cooled off some ,to fill my reservoir .... probably made 5 pounds for less than 1/5 the price of ready made lube just gotta say thanks Ben... good stuff

07-31-2015, 12:11 PM

Keep making it !
Keep enjoying it !
Keep shooting it !


08-01-2015, 11:31 AM
Ben, it's been a while since my shooting sessions but just some feed back. I used the Ben's red to lube some 30/30's I cast from 50/50 ww and pb. NO LEADING. I also shot some .35 rems and no leading.
Pistol boolits in .380,9,.38 and .45 were also lubed with BR and /or TL with BLL and nothing to report but a shiny barrel in all.
Note: 1 of the boolits I loaded AS cast in 9 TL was just under bore dia. and did leave a small lead mark in first 1/2" of bbl but after lee menting the mold and recasting in a larger dia. worked out to be lead free and shiny bore.

So as everyone else has found and posted I wanted to thank you for all your hard work in creating these fine lubes and sharing them with us all.

I do still use the fine lubes I purchased from WLL 's in my other higher velocity loadings and someday might add some BLL to those but fer now I'm go to go!


08-01-2015, 01:41 PM
That's great Mike,

Glad you're enjoying the lube.


08-05-2015, 02:23 AM
Just some feedback on my Ben's Red preliminary making test. The Exteme Grease doesn't actually melt so I put it in with all the other ingredients with the hopes it would dissolve. It did. It take quite a bit of stirring though. This was at quite low temperatures.

Because I didn't have all the ingredients, lacking Johnson Paste Wax, I used carnauba and stearic acid. The stearic acid may be partly responsible for the dissolving effect. I have some micro-crystalline wax on the way. I added what seems to be micro-crystalline wax to make the mix harder and less tacky. That worked well too.

Anyway, the results are quite good. The mix made a nice translucent red lube that has a firm consistency and is quite slippery when squeezed. I can see why it works well. My next experiment will be with the micro-crystalline wax without the stearic acid (a wax).

08-05-2015, 08:48 AM

When do you plan to send it down range ?

08-06-2015, 01:21 AM
Aah yes, well .... [smilie=1:

My trouble is getting around to doing things. I try from time to time and do play around a bit. But you know how it is, I'm still finding it hard, even after 18 months.

Anyway, my micro-crystalline wax arrived today (along with some high grade printer paper to try out for paper patching). I loaded 30 rounds of jacketed lubed with the small batch of lube I made. I have found that lubing jacketed's eliminates copper fouling and prevents bore corrosion. Different lube though for a different purpose and applied differently - the bullet base is dipped into the molten lube and let set. It started with seating bullets in a paper cup, bonded with molten waxy-lube in my hornet. I carried that over to my rust textured two-groove 303, mostly to coat the interior of the semi-suppressor/muzzle brake. I'll be modifying Ben's Red for that purpose.

I've tried the waxy-lube with smooth sided cast boolits and had some good initial results. It's for these that I want the real deal. And I like what I've seen so far! So, soon I shall make a (small) batch of Ben's Red using carnauba and micro-crystalline wax and test it, initially down my test tube. I don't know the proportions of carnauba, micro-crystalline and solvent (which I'll be leaving out) so there'll be some experimenting. I still intend to find some Lucas Red 'n Tacky to use.

08-06-2015, 09:07 AM
Carnuaba is great, but you want to keep the percentage down around 2 or 3% of total.

I did try a ben's liquid variant by letting the Johnson's one step dissolve some carnuaba flakes, the screening out the undissolved flakes and then adding the alox.

I think next time I will weigh out the carnuaba, melt it, and then add to the Johnson's one step.

Good luck with your experiementing!

08-09-2015, 12:36 AM
I've been looking on the net for Lucas Red 'n' Tacky. No luck so far but I did find Gulf Western Red Lith Tac. It says it has extra tac plus anti-corrosion additives and is water resistant. Sounds good. The Xtreme Grease that I have does not claim tackiness or corrosion resistance so I won't pursue that one but the fresh test I made up using carnauba in place of Johnson Paste Wax adheres to the boolit well and is suitable for molten dipping, leaving a thick coat on the boolit. I'll do another with micro wax when I get the right grease.

My micro-crystalline wax doesn't seem to be equal. It has a lower melting point than expected for starters. On looking it up it seems micro's can vary quite a bit. Oh well, I have the stuff now so I better use it.