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View Full Version : Sometimes it's good to listen to your wife!

03-01-2015, 01:12 PM
Yesterday morning dawned cloudy and cold with a steady drizzle. I had planned to go to the range but didn't want to put up with the lousy weather. I was about to sit down at the reloading bench when my wife said "honey, there's an estate sale a few blocks away that I want to go to. You should go with me." I reluctantly agreed and braced for what I thought would be a less than exciting event. When we got there I immediately found a solid pewter plate that I quickly snatched up. I proceeded to go into the garage and noticed some reloading tools scattered about. I began looking through some cabinets and found an old ham tin full of recovered bullets and lead. Most of them looked to be hard-cast and I guessed there might be 10-12 pounds in the tin. I walked up to the lady running the estate sale and asked her what she wanted for the items I found. She looked at the plate and then the bullets and said "you can have the plate for 2 dollars, and you can have those yucky bullets for free!"
Needless to say, I gladly gave her two dollars and took the stuff home. I found that the pewter plate weighed 1lb10oz and the bullets actually came in at 16 lbs. My wife saw that I was pretty happy and said "see you should come with me to these things more often."
I do believe she is right!

03-01-2015, 01:19 PM

03-01-2015, 03:00 PM

That's for sure!

03-01-2015, 03:40 PM
Nice haul! Be sure to damage the plate somehow before she decides it's too nice to melt.

03-01-2015, 06:42 PM
Ive been to the castle on that plate ,cool place, had a wine cask a big as a house in the cellar -good score on the lead.

03-01-2015, 07:40 PM
Yes, I cut that plate in half right after I snapped the pic.

Wayne Smith
03-01-2015, 09:03 PM
Did you ask if she had any guns for sale??

William Yanda
03-01-2015, 09:33 PM
Way to go. $2 beats the price of lead free solder any day of the week.

03-02-2015, 12:56 AM
I found a pistol case but the pistols were long gone. It had a label on the outside that the owner must have attached. It read: Colt woodsman match, Tokarev, ortgies pistol and s&w 66. I think the owners family collected them prior to the estate sale.