View Full Version : Thinning Bees Wax with Olive Oil

03-02-2008, 09:07 PM
Need to know if anyone has used Olive Oil to thin bees wax for lubing felt over powder wads??

I have used "Wonder Wads" and they work well, for keeping the fouling down in long strings. But they run $10/100 around here and thats too rich for my blood.

I just got done cutting 200+ .380 wads for her 38-55 and her 36 New Police Cap and Ball. And 100+ for my 45-70 and 44 cap and ball. Now I need to get them lubed up.

If you know what mixture bees wax to olive oil will work, I'de appreciate hearing about it.

Thanks In Advance,


Did I say we are going to a BP only shoot???

03-02-2008, 10:04 PM
Just add some yellow coloring, and mint smell, and you will have the formula for Bore Butter.

Larry Gibson
03-02-2008, 10:23 PM
My BP lube is 5 parts beeswax to 4 parts olive oil (the virgin type, whatever that means). I put the wads in a small zip lock bag with a gob of the lube and zap them in the micro-wave until the wads are saturated. Works for me.

Larry Gibson

03-03-2008, 04:36 AM
I use 50-50 bees wax and olive oil for bullet lube and it works fine. I have also soaked felt wads in it and they worked well as well.

03-03-2008, 06:36 AM
Start @ 50/50. Being Italian...I like to use Olive Oil, but that's not a requirement. BTW: the "extra virgin" label is reserved for oil from the first cold pressing of the olives. The flavor is excellent when compared to later production. Once again...not necessary when making lube...but wonderful when cooking..!!
Best Wishes...

Dark Helmet
03-03-2008, 11:09 AM
50/50 works good for dry skin too!

tall grass
03-03-2008, 12:28 PM
I put some lanolin in it and works great for cracked hands. e.g. beeswax, lanolin and olive oil. Haven't tried it for bullet lube yet.


R. Dupraz
03-03-2008, 09:56 PM
tall grass:

Been using 50/50 bee's wax and olive oil with a dash of anhydrous lanolin for quite some time and it works right fine. 45x2.4 sharps, 45-70 and 30-55 all with black.