View Full Version : Uberti 1875's

02-19-2015, 01:33 AM
Approx. 11 weeks ago I put in the paperwork to the police to buy two Uberti 1875's, in .357 magnum, off a chap on another forum. After seven weeks waiting for the paperwork and four weeks waiting for them to be sent here I finally got them!! (The gun shop interstate sent them to the wrong address and then when they were returned to them sat on them for 1 1/2 weeks until I rang asking what was going on - using some very colourful language, I might add!!).

Anyhow, they are very nice guns indeed, and very unusual (I've never seen or heard of them here before, most seem to have colts). One of them had the hammer safety removed (that was what my other post was about) and the floating firing pin was rigid (not floating). I tried to knock out the pin holding the firing pin in but turns out what I though was a very short pin was actually no pin at all, seems an earlier owner had removed the pin and Loctited the firing pin in place!! I removed the firing pin, using a bit of localized heat, made up a new pivot pin and replaced the firing pin. I thought I'd better try it, so loaded a primer in a cartridge, pulled the trigger and - nothing. I found out why it had been Loctited - the firing pin was too short!!!!! Bugger!
Simplest way was to turn a new firing pin on the lathe, blue it and now it works fine.

I stripped both of them and they are in very good condition, other than a couple of places where the blueing has worn off (holster wear, I'm guessing). Lockup is nice and tight on both, and for good measure I removed the hammer safety on the second one. This one also has a slightly bent front sight, but I'm reluctant, for now, to try and straighten it in case it breaks loose.

I've wanted a single action cartridge revolver for a while, although they don't come up used very often here, and figured I'd probably end up with a Colt, but this was a nice surprise. They complement my 1858 very nicely :D.

I've fired both of them, and they shoot well (allowing for the fact I'm a crappy shooter!). Particularly nice with black powder, lots of boom! and smoke. :bigsmyl2:

02-19-2015, 02:08 AM
Nothing like a single action .357 mag. Even better is getting two. I thought we had it bad in California with our waiting period.

02-19-2015, 05:31 AM
Ahh, but do you have to give a "genuine reason" why you want it? Or explain why any other guns you have that are in the same class aren't suitable? Plus they're trying to change the legislation so that you have to explain why you actually "need" the gun!

Back to the revolvers, I forgot to mention that one of them had a couple of burrs on the edge of a couple of chambers, which caused the cartridges to jam. Easily fixed with some wet and dry paper around a dowel. I'm finding that it certainly helps to be a bit of an amateur gunsmith since I got into this hobby. :smile: