View Full Version : RCBS Pro 2000 Die Plates

02-18-2015, 08:01 PM
When I started assembling all the pieces and parts for this Progressive Press, I got a couple of RCBS Die plates. They were OK. Didn't look to hot. Casting marks, those dimples. Just didn't look high quality to me. Kinda was surprised by RCBS. I guess I expected better.

So, I got out my trusty belt sander and put some 120 grit on it. Turned it upside down and used two clamps to clamp it to the workbench. Started it up and sanded the die plate down (see the photo Original and Sanded).

Well that looked good, but I wanted better. So I thought, hey, they're Aluminum, how hard can it be to Anodize them? A Quick Google search got me this: http://www.observationsblog.com/sciencetechnologyexperiments/anodizing-and-dying-aluminum-without-battery-acid I even had some of the chemicals right here from my Photography Supplies. A trip to Walmart for the Rit dye and I was all set.

So, following the instructions, I ended up with the second photo as a result (Sanded and Anodized). They are side by side comparisons of each of the three stages. I actually experimented with multiple colors (I also have a Red Anodized plate) for different calibers.

Hey, RCBS, Hint Hint!!!

Oh, BTW, a quick coat of butchers wax on the anodized one made it look like I bought it that way.


02-18-2015, 09:56 PM
Those dimples actually don't affect the performance of the part. If the part was defective, then RCBS will replace them. Nice job with the anodizing.

02-19-2015, 05:14 PM
I have a big handful of those cast die plates. I cleaned up the flashing if I thought it needed it, but didn't worry about anything else. Mine have functioned perfectly, which is more important to me in a machine than how it looks. My Dillon powder measures are ugly too, but they work good.