View Full Version : General post to the members

02-16-2015, 07:03 PM
I have been noticing a severe uptick in inflammatory and argumentative posts as well as a lot of disguised swear words being posted lately.
This is something that won't be tolerated here.
We are all adults but there are a lot of kids, wives,and grandmothers that read the site.
I work in the oil-field and have heard pretty much every swear word on the planet at one time or another.

I don't need to hear them here. Please.
Anyway I would like for the membership to remember to keep things on a public and the higher moral level this site is known for.

02-16-2015, 07:17 PM
Thank you!

02-16-2015, 07:19 PM
Good call.

02-16-2015, 08:04 PM
Nice piece of moderating there runfive.

02-16-2015, 08:08 PM
Way to go, and confrontations are getting abusive also.

Bad Water Bill
02-16-2015, 10:57 PM

Because I agree with every word he has said.

I would like to see the same rules apply to "THE PIT" as well.

Sent from an old sailor,carpenter,mechanic and several other professions where I have heard the use of much of this JUVENILE language.

02-16-2015, 11:05 PM
Noted and thanks for the reminder, in a firm but polite tone. Thanks mods for the time and the work you do!!

02-16-2015, 11:06 PM
I think that's a great idea. Time to get back to basics.

02-16-2015, 11:09 PM
Good post! https://s.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo49.gif

02-16-2015, 11:59 PM
I try to behave... get wound up by lefties at times...

.30-06 fan
02-17-2015, 12:04 AM
our benevolent dictator has spoken.

this forum is very refreshing in a good way.

02-17-2015, 12:11 AM
I work in the oil-field and have heard pretty much every swear word on the planet at one time or another.

Between my maternal grandmother and ten-weeks of IDOC school in the military, I thought I'd heard every form of profanity there was. But then I spent a summer in the oil patch while in college. Gave a whole new meaning to education.

Good call, Run. Good call.


02-17-2015, 12:16 AM
That wasn't really as a moderator, I'm a member here too.
I like to participate ( as you can see by my post count)
I really only have two hobbies, shooting and fishing.
sometimes I do both at the same time.
if I have to deal with the mod side of things I'm definitely not participating as a member.

02-17-2015, 10:00 AM
The wording of the OP made it sound like an order. As a member to member post, I would have expected it to sound like a request with a please and thank you maybe? When you post the MOD banner pops up above your avatar, you should give that some consideration and be more clear to us when you are acting as a MOD and when you are acting as a member.

All that said, thank you for you service to the forum.


02-17-2015, 10:11 AM
I try to behave... get wound up by lefties at times...
Me too, but that is when I don't post at all. Not worth the aggravation. I have yet to read: "Gee you're right, now I understand."

02-17-2015, 10:13 AM
I have been noticing a severe uptick in inflammatory and argumentative posts as well as a lot of disguised swear words being posted lately.
This is something that won't be tolerated here.
We are all adults but there are a lot of kids, wives,and grandmothers that read the site.
I work in the oil-field and have heard pretty much every swear word on the planet at one time or another.

I don't need to hear them here. Please.
Anyway I would like for the membership to remember to keep things on a public and the higher moral level this site is known for.

Except for the one sentence highlighted, I took it as a polite request that each of us should self-moderate.

I have at least 20 different forums in my bookmarks. I only frequent this one on a daily basis. The other is more like a private club so I don't often actively participate. The others are either too rough or of limited interest. If I weren't so lazy I would pare the list down.

02-17-2015, 10:22 AM
I try to behave... get wound up by lefties at times...

Same place I come from.

Plus I'm old and stuck in my ways.

And a Thanks from me also!

02-17-2015, 10:23 AM
+1 +1

02-17-2015, 10:55 AM
Thank You....
The use of language is the measure of a civilized person, and I, for one, will not be lowered by using profanity. I can express my thoughts,feelings and sentiment without using profanity. Although....I am tempted at times.!!

02-17-2015, 11:07 AM
Except for the one sentence highlighted, I took it as a polite request that each of us should self-moderate.

I have at least 20 different forums in my bookmarks. I only frequent this one on a daily basis. The other is more like a private club so I don't often actively participate. The others are either too rough or of limited interest. If I weren't so lazy I would pare the list down.

You are right, my post was a little bit over reactive, he did say please didn't he, sorry 5.


02-17-2015, 11:18 AM
Well spoken, in any context-
I, for one, shall endeavor to be more gracious when sharing my thoughts-


02-17-2015, 11:20 AM
And to think I got raked over the coals for complaining about the trend of bad language in the newer movies from Hollywood!

02-17-2015, 11:29 AM
Apologies to all for my input on the Humour and off Topics sections regarding a Lock De icer.
Ex merchant Navy but no excuse.

02-17-2015, 11:43 AM
Runfiverun, thanks for the post and I agree and support your stand.

I have worked the coal fields all my life, and I too have heard it all.

This forum is outstanding with great people, we don't want to drag it down.

02-17-2015, 01:21 PM
I was raised in a house where not a curse word was uttered. Even when I worked at a local farm very little cursing was heard and then only the mildest. Mostly the same wherever I worked until about a decade a go and then the F word was common among the younger workers, it took me a bit to realize that they did not even know they were saying it. SWMBO swears like a sailor. :-P

02-17-2015, 01:26 PM
I, my Dad, & both grandfathers worked in a steel mill ;-)

02-17-2015, 01:35 PM
Way To Go, R5R - we are head and shoulders above other forums on the net, and should be proud of the fact that we are, and treat others as, respectable human beings.

02-17-2015, 01:59 PM
Amen amen. I have been noticing this also and it is not what I like to see when I log on. Thanks runfiverun!

02-17-2015, 03:10 PM
I agree wholeheartedly and will endeavor to follow the spirit of your suggestion. I do most of the time, but sometime that ole Navy and law enforcement background pushes me to emphasize my statements with crude punctuation.

02-17-2015, 04:15 PM
As you know by my sentence structure ( and our past Pm's)
i am not good with words and such, but I can generally elicit a response.

Bad Water Bill
02-17-2015, 04:53 PM
An Old NUN once told us "if you want to see how silly using profane words is just substitute LIGHTBULB for the profane word."

"WHY YOU NO GOOD lightbuld.:bigsmyl2:

Have not forgot her even after almost 70 years.

02-17-2015, 05:19 PM
I agree with the post. I only come here to gain knowledge in areas where I lack and to share what little I may know. I'm certainly not going to be wowed by your expertise with the English language, be it abusive or an oracal soliloquy. I prob butchered that. Let's just get back to our lead addictions.


02-17-2015, 05:22 PM
As you know by my sentence structure ( and our past Pm's)
i am not good with words and such, but I can generally elicit a response.

Thanks again and you do better than most. I think it is clear a lot of us agree and got the message.


white eagle
02-17-2015, 05:23 PM
I have been noticing a severe uptick in inflammatory and argumentative posts as well as a lot of disguised swear words being posted lately.
This is something that won't be tolerated here.
We are all adults but there are a lot of kids, wives,and grandmothers that read the site.
I work in the oil-field and have heard pretty much every swear word on the planet at one time or another.

I don't need to hear them here. Please.
Anyway I would like for the membership to remember to keep things on a public and the higher moral level this site is known for.

here here

02-17-2015, 09:05 PM
This wouldn't be in reaction to another thread where one of the members got a little carried away for no apparent reason would it? While easing about Central America as a Paratrooper I heard about every imaginative phrase you could imagine at one time or another and tried out a few myself. There is no place for that on this board. You can disagree with someone without invective and leave it at that if they won't give it up. Some people just have to be right about everything. Best thing to do is walk away as they get off on having people argue with them.

02-18-2015, 12:51 AM
If it would have been just one thread it would be business as usual.

I see a lot of swearing and disguised swear words where there is no reason for it.
One post in particular must have taken an hour or more to craft , that earned my admiration
for the effort and inventiveness.
Unfortunately it also earned the author the opportunity to ply his skills on another forum.

02-18-2015, 12:55 AM
Wow, it earned your admiration for ingenuity? THAT is impressive, in a sad sort of way.

02-18-2015, 11:57 AM
If it would have been just one thread it would be business as usual.

I see a lot of swearing and disguised swear words where there is no reason for it.
One post in particular must have taken an hour or more to craft , that earned my admiration
for the effort and inventiveness.
Unfortunately it also earned the author the opportunity to ply his skills on another forum.

Let me understand a single post with disguised words got a poster a permanent ban? Not a warning, not a vacation, permanent?


02-18-2015, 12:06 PM
Some time's when you see that it was a deliberate act multiple times in just one post (rant) in that case full well knowing he was thumbing his nose at the rules and members. The ban was indeed warranted in that case after he had posted and been warned about it.

02-18-2015, 12:40 PM
If I was a single man this would not phase me one bit. However I happen to be married with kids. Some of which happen to know how to read. I take pleasure knowing that the mods are keeping this site clean. Afterall, this site was and is meant to be family friendly. If you wouldn't want your wife or young daughter reading or seeing it then why post it?

There is little that you could say that would offend me. But like my friends and piers, when there are little ears around you act and talk accordingly.

I am not the smartest or brightest, but come on guys, the site owner and mods have made it very clear. Get with it or move on.

Jerry Jr.

02-18-2015, 01:24 PM
Some time's when you see that it was a deliberate act multiple times in just one post (rant) in that case full well knowing he was thumbing his nose at the rules and members. The ban was indeed warranted in that case after he had posted and been warned about it.

This make more sense to me.


02-18-2015, 01:37 PM
If I was a single man this would not phase me one bit. However I happen to be married with kids. Some of which happen to know how to read. I take pleasure knowing that the mods are keeping this site clean. Afterall, this site was and is meant to be family friendly. If you wouldn't want your wife or young daughter reading or seeing it then why post it?

There is little that you could say that would offend me. But like my friends and piers, when there are little ears around you act and talk accordingly.

I am not the smartest or brightest, but come on guys, the site owner and mods have made it very clear. Get with it or move on.

Jerry Jr.

I think I understand what the Owner and Mods allow but you seem to be asking for a higher level of restriction. I don't know exactly what you don't want your wife or young daughter to see but for thousands of posts that thread hung around with I guess occasional post that needed to be deleted, I never saw the offensive posts because (I guess) they got reported and deleted pretty quickly. The chances of your family seeing something offensive would have been quite low unless you were offended by the majority of the thread posts. In that case I think maybe you should ask to have your access to the pit blocked (they do that for people who ask, I think). It could be that we have a new standard for the posting of porn to the pit, before it was set below the R rated level I think, more like PG, are you suggesting we go to the G rating level (ok for all audiences). I imagine that is where we would have to go to keep those that demand "family friendly" happy. I don't have a problem with that, I don't think I have posted anything that would not get a G rating. If that is the case the Pit rules should be updated to replace the word "Porn" with something that is more reflective of the policy.


02-18-2015, 01:45 PM
While I try to express myself with proper language that anyone can read with little to no problem I will say that if ones child goes to public school in todays world they have heard most every cuss word out there.

I'm fairly sure your wife has been exposed to all of them as well.

Now do they belong here? No!

In the Pit? I see no problem.

Watched Fury last night, Yup that's how it is in the military.

02-19-2015, 04:10 AM
Good reminder, Runfiverun!

06-11-2015, 12:20 PM
Bump to the top.

Just because it's so good. 8-)

06-11-2015, 01:40 PM
As you know by my sentence structure ( and our past Pm's)
i am not good with words and such, but I can generally elicit a response.

I am old guy getting older each day and I think your intent was well stated and easily understood
thanks for the post

06-12-2015, 02:28 PM
This is something that won't be tolerated here.

Terms of Service

1) *SELLING POLICY* You may NOT sell anything on these forums

2) No Porn -

3) Delete old Private Messages that are no longer active.

4) WE RESERVE THE RIGHT to refuse access to anyone that promotes undesirable attitudes, is adversarial towards the members/moderators/admins or is just generally socially unacceptable.

5) No Commercial Advertisement will be posted on threads

6) We also reserve the right to reveal your identity in the event of a complaint or legal action YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT OF YOUR MESSAGES.
7) View these pages and use the listed data at your own risk.

OK, it looks as if Item #4 is the closest part of the TOS. Please define "undesireable attitudes", and "socially unacceptable" if you please.

God's truth, the Army no longer uses "flip charts" because it might disrespect people of Philipino descent. Can't use "chink in the armor" because... Who is the Lord Arbiter of Proper Behavior? And where is the all-inclusive list of EVERY possible infraction that could possibly violate the TOS?

You could read the book "The Death of Childhood" for a historical view of the young'uns. Back in the 1500s? they didn't even name kids until they were a few years old. Kids wandered about, seeing everything that the adults did, and from accounts, the adults engaged in many... activities... which would make you blush.


06-12-2015, 02:46 PM
Terms of Service

4) WE RESERVE THE RIGHT to refuse access to anyone that promotes undesirable attitudes, is adversarial towards the members/moderators/admins or is just generally socially unacceptable.

OK, it looks as if Item #4 is the closest part of the TOS. Please define "undesireable attitudes", and "socially unacceptable" if you please.

God's truth, the Army no longer uses "flip charts" because it might disrespect people of Philipino descent. Can't use "chink in the armor" because... Who is the Lord Arbiter of Proper Behavior? And where is the all-inclusive list of EVERY possible infraction that could possibly violate the TOS?


I will take a stab at answering your questions.
Think attidudes and behavior that is not appreciated in church, public meetings or a court of law.
All of Staff are the arbiters of proper behavior.
There is no "all-inclusive" list.
Think about what you have typed out before hitting the "submit message" or "Post Quick Reply" button.

06-12-2015, 03:59 PM
I will take a stab at answering your questions.
Think attidudes and behavior that is not appreciated in church, public meetings or a court of law.
All of Staff are the arbiters of proper behavior.
There is no "all-inclusive" list.
Think about what you have typed out before hitting the "submit message" or "Post Quick Reply" button.

Oh, but I do (mostly) think through what I post.

What church, public meetings of what body, what court of law (though I did watch Perry Mason in college)? The statement might have been universal and generic many years ago, but nowdays how many attend church? Is a bike gang (er, club) a public body? Sadly, the decorum of Perry Mason seems to have been lost.

No "all inclusive list". There are members from all over the English speaking world. I would wager that I could say something which could be quite interesting to those hanging on to the underside of the globe (Australia and NZ) which here in the US would be understood to be a head cold.

I personally do not stalk people on the net. Do not use BCC or PM to get the goods on someone. No desire to win, prove anything, or be right.

The "Push to think" button is always germane, however, people can and have strung together things in a hurry, and construct a message which is disjointed, which leads folks to ask for clarification.

Shall we have another insufferable poll to determine faith, lack of faith, public body types... So with this wide variance in society, what is seemly?

06-12-2015, 06:12 PM
a single disjointed post isn't the issue [thankfully or I woulda been booted my first attempt]
it's a continued attitude problem, or just plain ol' continuousor one upsmanship type stuff.
for sure a holier than thou attitude, or talking down to other members will get the mods attention right quick.

as far as the rest of the English speaking world.
we got [and have retired] mods from those places that understand the language which is a big help.

this ain't a perfect place for sure [but it's what we got, and it's pretty darn good]
it's the membership that makes it go smoothly or roughly for the most part.
letting a small one time remark go or being a bit tactful in a response is surely a huge help.

06-12-2015, 07:48 PM
it's the membership that makes it go smoothly or roughly for the most part.

In the words of Uncle Red - "Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together."

06-12-2015, 07:55 PM
It has often been said, but I guess must be repeated, this is a place for the 'public' to come, but is 'owned' by one person. His house, his rules! It is fair, equitable and subjective and ultimately the overwhelming majority of members support this. Those that don't and push the limits, at least in my opinion, cut off their nose despite their face. They lose access to the best website on the Internet for learning, sharing, mentoring and cutting up for reloaders and those interested in the shooting sports.

06-12-2015, 08:07 PM
I will say it again, I have never, in my four plus years here, seen so little acrimony. There may have been a time of Unicorns and Rainbows prior to that, but things are downright quiet. Aside from bans of certain members, there is a single prime mover, but not worth public discussion, as no one has mentioned it. The current atmosphere is refreshing.

06-15-2015, 01:29 PM

white eagle
06-15-2015, 02:33 PM
In the words of Uncle Red - "Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together."
so very true

06-16-2015, 01:08 PM
I, for one, rather am enjoying the benevolent dictatorship that is in charge here.