View Full Version : '94 Marlin 44 Mag Loads - FINALLY!!

Foto Joe
02-16-2015, 12:49 PM
I think I've finally hit the combination for my '94 Marlin 44 Mag (16" BBL). For years I thumped 44 Specials sized to .429 out of this thing with good results other than trying to shoot past 50 yards meant something on the order of an artillery trajectory to come close to a target stand. I was quite happy to plink along at 25-40 yards and the recoil was non-existent. A few weeks ago along comes a couple of hundred pieces of 44 Mag brass and I thinks to myself, "self let's start loading 44 Mag for the Marlin."

To say the least, my learning curve has been steep on this one. I started out sizing to .429 (I had never bothered to slug the barrel) and the results on a target resembled what you might get with a shotgun at that range and a substantial amount of leading. After slugging the barrel and coming up with .4295-.4300 I borrowed a .430 H&I die and the accuracy improved a little but I still was getting way too much leading so I purchased a .431 H&I. From that I got even better accuracy and the leading diminished but was still there. Last week I cast up some boolits (Lee429-200RF's dropping .431-.4325 @ 211 grains) and water dropped them then lubed with Lyman Alox. I haven't run a hardness test on them yet but experience tells me that they should be 18-21 BHN.

Yesterday I took 100 rounds out to the range loaded with three different powders totaling five different charge/powder combinations as well as my chronograph. The powders were AutoComp 10.7 & 11.3 grains, 800X 9.9 grains and Unique 10.1 & 10.7 grains. The AutoComp produced decent results accuracy wise and no leading with speeds ranging from 1,401 to 1,482 fps with reasonable extreme spreads. The 800X yielded 1,318 fps, an extreme spread of only 47 fps, good accuracy and a LOT of leading, that load won't get used again. The one that surprised me was the Unique which ran out at 1,385 and 1,435 fps, extreme spreads were 62 and 75 fps with minimal if any leading and the groups were (at least for me) impressive. Keep in mind the targets below were hit with iron sights at 50 yards from a rest.

The 10.1gr Unique target has a flyer at 7 o'clock which was my fault. The 10.7gr Unique target has two flyers at 9 o'clock also that were caused by my lack of skill on the trigger. The group of 8 on that one really surprised me though, I'm going to have to put some more of those together and see if I can replicate the results.

02-16-2015, 01:30 PM
Looking pretty good. My .44 handi sluggs at .431 and likes a 265gr ( COWW GC) NOE mold sized to .432. It likes 21gr of 2400 but 9gr of Titegroup is the best yet for me....burns clean as well.

02-16-2015, 10:36 PM
You might try some gas checked boolits at .432. I've come to like the RANCH DOG 432 265 with LLA in my 44s...use the NOE plain base lube groove clone with 44 special level loads.

Question: Your 16" 44..factory, you had it done or ? I gave my custom (16 1/4" LYMAN receiver sight) to the ex step son (long sad story there) and he traded it on a .264 magnum bolt gun some years back. It rode in a saddle scabbard back when I had Appaloosa horses. The shorties are handy little guys.

Foto Joe
02-17-2015, 11:34 AM

I'm trying to avoid gas checked boolits I'm afraid. I use the same boolits in 44 Special, 44-40 revolver and 44 Mag. I don't mind casting at all but I've got enough peanut jars full of different boolits to keep me confused most of the time. I did set up my hardness tester and punched three boolits and they came out right at 20 BHN so I think the hardness combined with the .431 sizing is the right combination.

The Marlin is a factory gun. I came into through an old friend who passed away years ago, he was an armorer for a sheriff's office in northern Nevada and had acquired quite a number of interesting pieces over the years. His widow asked me if I'd like one of his lever guns and I gladly inherited it. She also had an original Henry but that one was slated to go to their son so I settled for the Marlin. I originally intended it to be a Bambi shooter but it's never gotten used for that. Something about a heavy wide meplat boolit smacking the wrong part of a deer just keeps me from wiping out an entire front quarter of a mulie. A 30-30 does enough damage should I not quite put it where I wanted.

Foto Joe
02-20-2015, 12:04 PM
10.5gr of Unique launching a 210RF with iron sights at 100 yards (1385fps). Some may be able to beat this but I'm a happy camper with this particular load. Since it appears that I might be getting some vertical stringing I think next time I'll breach load instead of using the magazine and seeing if they tighten up a bit. The reason I say this is that I fired five at 50 yards and got a quite noticeable vertical 3" vertical string with windage of less than 1/2".