View Full Version : I Beagled my first mold

03-01-2008, 04:46 PM
Well, folks on this board seem to have good luck with the LEE 175 RN 8mms bullets, do I bought a SC when they had them on close out. Last week I cast up a bunch to try in my Persian 98/29. Cast from No. 2 alloy the bullets ran .321 - .322 on the base.. Bummer as my rifle has a .323 groove diameter!

I consulted the oracles and decided that was a bad situation that did not auger well for good accuracy.

Out came the.003 Beagle tape and a little tab went on the blocks on either side of the bullet base. Shazamm!... I now have bullets that run .324 - 325 on the body. I have run them through a .325 die to seat the check and lubricate.

After all these years, my first Beagle job and it really does work!!!!

Now to see how they do over 17/2400 in the rifle.

03-01-2008, 08:59 PM
Thats great. Thats one of the things I've been wanting to try myself. The other is paper patching. Glad to hear it turned out so well.


03-01-2008, 10:50 PM
I don't mean to sound like an idiot but what is BEAGLE a bullet or mold whichever the case may be? Also how is it done?

03-01-2008, 11:21 PM
Did you use one layer of tape?
I Beagled a Lyman 501680. I used the Ace brand. I got about .001" growth.
The tape would come loose. Some times it would switch sides on the mold.
This really does work well.

03-01-2008, 11:35 PM
I don't mean to sound like an idiot but what is BEAGLE a bullet or mold whichever the case may be? Also how is it done?

There is an article on CastPics about Beageling a mold.
There are pics somewhere that are worth a thousand words, but I can't find them.

Basically you stick aluminum duct tape between the mold halves to make the boolit larger.

03-01-2008, 11:54 PM
Click on this link: http://www.castpics.net/
Then click on "Articles By Members".
Then, in the list of articles on the right side, click on "Bullet Diameter Enlargement."
Sorry, they won't set it up so I can give you a direct link to it.

03-02-2008, 01:17 AM
Hey--What a clever idea, sure glad I asked, can use this info for sure. Thanks a bunch guys. I've been molding for 30 years and never heard of this, Live and Learn.

Rick N Bama
03-02-2008, 08:47 AM
The first mold I beageled had the tape to come off after only a few casts, maybe 6 or so. I have the GB 434-210PB which was casting just a bit undersize for my needs so out came the tape again. This time I cleaned the heck out of the mold then applied the tape. I then made about 50 good casts with it & the tape is still intact. Cleaning the mold & then rubbing the tape with a stick, I believe, are the keys to a good beageling job. Worked for me.



03-02-2008, 10:26 AM
High temp flue tape (rated for 600dF) works better than the aluminium duct tape. The glue does not migrate (like into a cavity), and no problem with the strips sliding around or falling off. Only downside is more expensive for less tape, but there's enough on the roll to last a lifetime anyway.

03-02-2008, 02:14 PM
I used "J-B" weld to glue some pop can shims on the mold face of a Lee 6 cavity 45 mold because that's what I had on hand and I wanted to see if the J-B would last. It did. I cast several thousand bullets and the shims stayed put. It wasn't pretty, but it worked:)


03-02-2008, 05:04 PM
Thanks, Sundog
I did have duct tape. :roll: I picked up some flue tape. It should work much better.

Sorry for the bad info. It was not on purpose.