View Full Version : Valentine's Day?

02-15-2015, 12:52 AM
I sincerely hope most of you are having an awesome Valentine's day. Mine sucked, just like last year. I've had relationships end on or shortly after so I'm entitled to more than a little bitterness.
On the bright side I had an excellent day in the loading room, a good dinner and an excellent bottle of Merlot.
Life is good on my little spot on the prairie, even if V's Day sux for a single man.

02-15-2015, 01:01 AM
And you saved a lot of change.... if you're the type that is attracted to women who like shiny things and pretty flowers. :drinks:

02-15-2015, 01:07 AM
It's my daughter's birthday as well as Valentine's Day, and my wife has been knitting all day while I've spent the whole day here listening to high winds sounding like the house is gonna blow down, but it's been a good day, still have power and the water pipes haven't froze up, so that's a bonus!
I'm happily married but have had some lousy Valentine's and other holidays in the past as a result of divorce, used to volunteer for overtime just to keep busy and not think about it. Like you've mentioned, I've also had times alone that were good too, a lot of the guns and loading equipment came when I had the opportunity to use my extra O/T funds to make purchases that I'm able to enjoy now. Life on the prairie sounds pretty good!

02-15-2015, 01:18 AM
And you saved a lot of change.... if you're the type that is attracted to women who like shiny things and pretty flowers. :drinks:

I've yet to meet one who doesn't like shiny things and pretty flowers.....even if they claim not to.

I've been single a while and watching others in relationships, I've learned to count my blessings.:bigsmyl2:

02-15-2015, 02:48 AM
Wife and I had a good one. It's our "dating" anniversary anyway, and one we both enjoy.


02-15-2015, 03:29 AM
If it makes ya feel any better, I worked all evening, got home around 10 and worked on algebra until about 5 mins ago.

We did go have Chinese buffet with the kids (8 year old son & 11 yr old daughter) because that's what my better half said she wanted. Chinese food is always good.

02-15-2015, 08:24 AM
lol, had reservations for a fancy restaurant my wife likes, ended up at a sports bar eating greasy food, a few drinks and playing a little keno. Don't much care for sports or gambling but like greasy food, drinks, and keno is cheap enough it don't bother me.

02-15-2015, 08:32 AM
Friday I took some flowers and a bagel(she likes bagels-OK) to my wife at her work.And I stole a copy of the minion cartoon about having a bad week,added it to the card.She hung that up on her office door.

Yesterday we went to a gun show.Didn't bring anything home,well except for her.Finished loading some slugs,hopefully I won' get blown up.

02-15-2015, 08:51 AM
I don't celebrate Hallmark holidays. I tell the wife I love her every time I leave the house and every time I come home. I don't need a special day to do so. I don't understand going out on it either. If you go out today the food is back to normal price. Flowers are back to normal price as well. Actually they're probably on sale :laugh:

02-15-2015, 08:53 AM
Taylor nailed it......show up at her work place with flowers or heck, anything. If you make her feel special in front of her coworkers or friends you've made her day and it cost very little to do that. Well done Taylor. My wife and I flew out here to Arizona to see a son of hers she hasn't seen in a year, spent the morning at the Grand Canyon and walking around Flagstaff.


02-15-2015, 09:24 AM

I worked valentine's day and my wife worked Valentine's evening.

I sent her 2 dozen red roses, an order of chocolate-dipped strawberries and left a teddy bear and a I love You card on the dining room table for her.

She is happy! A happy wife makes for a happy life.

We will go out to dinner this evening wherever she wants to go.

Oh...she bought me a pair of brass studio lamps for the den. They are tripod mounted and adjustable for height. Should be just the thing to illuminate the fox hunting prints when we hang them on the wall.

As I said...happy wife, happy life.

02-15-2015, 10:22 AM
I went to town with my older brother yesterday to help him get a couch. He had to stop at the hallmark store and get a card for his girlfriend. He was bsing with the girls at the counter while checking out and one of them asked if I needed anything. I said no, I trained mine better than that. Talk about a death stare!

Jerry Jr.

02-15-2015, 11:46 AM
I've had relationships end on or shortly after so I'm entitled to more than a little bitterness.

Don't waste time being bitter.
Spend it learning what makes you tick.
What are your hang ups? What triggers do you have?
Learn about relationships, the type of women you're drawn to and how that's a good or bad thing.
Figure out what you want in a woman. What's her background like? What's her family like?
Crazy drama? Deep in debt? Always in a crisis? Is she 25% pleasure and 75% liability?

You don't know what you don't know. When you learn who you are, you'll know what direction to go.

02-15-2015, 12:27 PM
Don't waste time being bitter.
Spend it learning what makes you tick.
What are your hang ups? What triggers do you have?
Learn about relationships, the type of women you're drawn to and how that's a good or bad thing.
Figure out what you want in a woman. What's her background like? What's her family like?
Crazy drama? Deep in debt? Always in a crisis? Is she 25% pleasure and 75% liability?

You don't know what you don't know. When you learn who you are, you'll know what direction to go.
^^^^ GOOD POST!!!

A couple more:
Don't go searching for a new relationship! One will happen in its own time.
Get to be friends first, and see where that goes.
If you find a new love seems to be a lot like the last one---run like H***

Other than an exchange of cards and a meal out, every day is Valentines day for Gail and I! We are both on the second time around marriage wise, both have been divorced after long and wasted years (except for the kids) her; 25+ and me:32+ years. We have been together for 22 years this coming May and married for 19 this coming September. Life is great!

Wayne Smith
02-15-2015, 05:53 PM
We haven't celebrated Valentine's Day since our youngest was born today, the 15th. (That was 31 years ago!) Will probably go out tonite, but that is not all that special. We will be celebrating 40 years together in June.

02-15-2015, 06:19 PM
Dryer crapped out after 15 years .So went to town bought wife a new dryer .She was happy till we got home and got to looking at the old washer ,they did not match ......so back to town and bought the matching washer

02-15-2015, 06:21 PM

02-15-2015, 06:23 PM
Spent a nice, quiet day with the wife. After 26 years of marriage we don't celebrate much. Time together means more than any card ever could.
Why wait for one day a year to tell her I love her?

02-15-2015, 06:30 PM
Dryer crapped out after 15 years .So went to town bought wife a new dryer .She was happy till we got home and got to looking at the old washer ,they did not match ......so back to town and bought the matching washer

Our dryer is 25 years old and it just keeps working. I've had to replace the belt in it once or twice when it started making a noise, but the damn thing just won't break in a manner that I can't fix it myself, so I just *have* to keep it. Replace the washer with a front load washer probably 12 or so years ago. Don't remember what it was that made me replace it instead of being able to fix it though.

02-15-2015, 06:33 PM
They certainly celebrated St Valentines Day strangely in Chicago.

big bore 99
02-15-2015, 06:38 PM
The only thing worse than being alone, is wishing you were.

02-15-2015, 06:41 PM
i usually repair rather than replace .We had the dryer for 15 years and it was used when I got it .Thermal overload on the motor was bad and it kept going out . Plus the bearings were starting to go. Did not have a replacement motor on hand so ... time for a new one .Usually try to keep some older stuff around just in case but had cleaned up in the summer and hauled it all to the scrap yard .

02-15-2015, 07:41 PM
They certainly celebrated St Valentines Day strangely in Chicago.

How so? Was O'Bozo going to the gay bath houses again?

02-15-2015, 07:43 PM
i usually repair rather than replace .We had the dryer for 15 years and it was used when I got it .Thermal overload on the motor was bad and it kept going out . Plus the bearings were starting to go. Did not have a replacement motor on hand so ... time for a new one .Usually try to keep some older stuff around just in case but had cleaned up in the summer and hauled it all to the scrap yard .

So much for being able to recycle the dryer into a brass tumbler... :)