View Full Version : super blackhawk shooters

02-11-2015, 01:51 AM
I have a vaquero 'new model' and have an itch to install some super Blackhawk grip frame to it ... so here is what im asking for;

I need measurements of a couple area's on your super Blackhawk grip frame.

1- distance between centers on the rear of the grip frame where the two screw attachments just beside the hammer pivot.

2- the two screw centers at the rear of the trigger guard.

3- distance from the center of the two screws at the trigger guard to the front screw center ahead of the trigger guard.

doesn't matter what the metal does as I can trim and polish this. also that last ... front screw center ... is moveable as well ... as these grip frames are steel and I can move that hole ... the others will be more of a pain to move however.

thanks for your time and measurements.

02-11-2015, 03:47 AM
Just put a SBH hammer on it and be done with it.
Those guns are s'posed to be handy/fast handling and not weigh an extra half pound.
With a humungus grip.

But it's your gun

and i'm not answerin your q's just for spite.....................poor gun.:cry:

02-11-2015, 09:30 AM
Why do you need measurements? The SBH grip frame will screw right on a New Vaquero frame. Many folks swap around grip frames among the Ruger line. All have the same hole pattern.

02-11-2015, 11:53 AM
Just put a SBH hammer on it and be done with it.
Those guns are s'posed to be handy/fast handling and not weigh an extra half pound.
With a humungus grip.

But it's your gun

and i'm not answerin your q's just for spite.....................poor gun.:cry:

Really? Wow! Some people have humongous hands and prefer to shoot good over looking good. Others much prefer to look good.


02-12-2015, 12:38 AM
I switched grip frames on a bunch of Original Size VAQUEROS. The hole pattern is as close a match as any mass produced item. You'll have more trouble with the height of the ears. I used DRAGOON and HUNTER grip frames to replace the XR3-red originals.

What I did was remove grip frames and place each gun in a soda flat cardboard box. Then I played "musical grip frames" to find the best fits. The worst fits went to the gunsmith at trigger job time.

The SUPER BLACKHAWK hammer is a good idea. I have them on the latest VAQUEROS I've purchased. A HUNTER grip frame and SBH hammer on a stainless 44 is my current favorite. (I have big hands and short fingers.)

02-12-2015, 09:08 PM
Just put a SBH hammer on it and be done with it.
Those guns are s'posed to be handy/fast handling and not weigh an extra half pound.
With a humungus grip.

But it's your gun

and i'm not answerin your q's just for spite.....................poor gun.:cry:

I spose one smart assed post deserves another and so here is yours there tiny...

some of us have grown up and have hands that have worked hard for years and are both stiff and huge. I have problems with those tiny grips but love the revolver so much that a "fix" is called for ... just the same as my 1861 Colt that I installed 1860 army grips on ... this revolver now fits my hands and I do well with it and plan to do the same with MY revolver.

don't like it ... well then go read another forum.

on a serious note ... I did not know that all the screw holes were in the same place on all the ruger single action models ... figured that the smaller frame of the "new vaquero" was a different animal. but if they will fit then ill just get a grip frame and grips and set about fitting it up for a grip I can grip and shoot with.

02-12-2015, 09:30 PM
All good information to have. I don't have many Ruger revolvers, and one of the main reasons is the models sold with the shorter barrels I like have those tiny little grip frames I can only get 2 fingers on. I really prefer to have all 3 involved, especially on anything that kicks hard.

02-13-2015, 06:14 AM
Yes the frames screws will line up , but there will have to be some fitting and fileing done both to the grip frame and revolver frame I changed out two and had to do a lot of sanding and fileing and polishing. If your gun is not stainless reblueing will be necesery.

02-13-2015, 06:49 AM
If you get a frame that has already been fitted to a gun, a takeoff, there is very little fitting required. You will only need to file off the ears on the SBH frame, the "ears" go into the frame...just file the off and bolt the SBH gripframe onto the New Vaquero. If you gun is stainless...I have a stainless frame that I have already removed the ears from, that I am going to let go...just needs to be bolted on a gun.

No fitting has to be done to the frame...only remove the "ears" on the gripframe.

This pic is my New Vaquero Sheriff that has a Bisley gripframe from a Super Blackhawk. Removed the ears carefully with a bench grinder and put it on...took about 30 minutes from start to finish.


02-13-2015, 09:57 AM
Good for you bigted. I always like a handful; them little tiny guns at times are like a handful of bees.

02-13-2015, 10:07 AM
I have well over 50 Ruger SA's in my safes. I also have a box full of about 20 grip frames. I've swapped around many Ruger grip frames from time to time, including adding a NM grip frame to an OM after I make a trigger return spring adapter. Yes, some of the absolute newest frames do require the removal of the "ears" that go into a frame. Other than that, unless you buy a "in the white" grip frame, I've never had to sand, grind, or otherwise custom fit any grip frame to a main frame.
I currently enjoy a NM Bisley grip frame under a 5 digit OM Super Blackhawk. The g/f is stainless, and the SBH is blued. I also added a NM stainless ERH to give it a pinto look. Yes, I had to modify the screw hole.

Nowadays, you can buy grip frames "in the white" that require fitting. Or, depending upon the vintage, the ears modification. But the screw hole pattern hasn't changed.

02-13-2015, 10:31 AM
Wow, over 50 Rugers! That has to qualify as more fun than a person can have. :mrgreen:

I have a 45 Colt I bought from my gunsmith friend that is the OM SBH with Bisley grip frame. He built two matching guns for himself, a 4 1/2 inch and a 7 1/2 inch. He decided he liked the short barrel better and sold me the 7 1/2. I am delighted he liked the short barrel. Sweet gun. That's the revolver I took in search of Bambi this year but Bambi didn't see the humor and didn't cooperate. Try with it again next year.


02-14-2015, 04:35 AM
I spose one smart assed post deserves another and so here is yours there tiny...

some of us have grown up and have hands that have worked hard for years and are both stiff and huge. I have problems with those tiny grips but love the revolver so much that a "fix" is called for ... just the same as my 1861 Colt that I installed 1860 army grips on ... this revolver now fits my hands and I do well with it and plan to do the same with MY revolver.

don't like it ... well then go read another forum.

on a serious note ... I did not know that all the screw holes were in the same place on all the ruger single action models ... figured that the smaller frame of the "new vaquero" was a different animal. but if they will fit then ill just get a grip frame and grips and set about fitting it up for a grip I can grip and shoot with.

I answered the OP with a lil bit of humor. I have a SBH that was a 4-5/8 w/ the NMBH grip. With heavy loads and just those 3 fingers managin the recoil, it is still fun. For serious shooting I just use both hands, and a rest if one is close by. No apologies here.

02-20-2015, 01:49 PM
no apologies necessary from this front.

I really like the Ruger and now I managed to trade into a couple Colts as well with the same grip style. wonderfull revolvers and I love them very much ... however ... may in the future have to find a couple Uberti grip frames from the 1860 Colt revolvers to modify slightly for my real Colts.

till then tho ... I will smoke them as often as I can ... great fun!!! :drinks: