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02-08-2015, 11:03 AM
Oh the pain... I had a pot full of lead, a shortage on 160 gr SAECO #382s, and uninterrupted time on my hands last night. So I heated the pot up and went at it. Around 9:00 or so, the thermostat in my Lyman pot apparently went out, I'll diagnose this today. I was really rolling for a while, and knocked out about about 15 lbs of the little darlins. Then I couldn't get to sleep, no matter what I did. My shoulders were killing me. It had been awhile since I had a long casting session with a 4 cavity mould. I also break sprues by hand, so both sides got punished. There was a time when I could have stayed up all night (Lord Lyman willing) casting. Today is tylenol, epsom salt baths, and magnesium capsules.

02-08-2015, 11:08 AM
That happened to me once, when I had a whole pizza in a room by myself............

02-08-2015, 11:11 AM
The older I get, the better I used to be.

02-08-2015, 11:48 AM
A 4 cav mould in anything but aluminum is a bear to work with. The weight leaves me a bit tired too. I love the way iron and brass cast but with they were a bit lighter. Aluminum doesn't cast as well, for me, but the weight is so nice.

Suck it up or we will change your handle to bhn14, you seem to be getting a bit soft.

02-08-2015, 11:50 AM
Whenever my hands are hurting from casting, I go out to the garage and put my hands in the bucket of boolits that I just made. It doesn't stop the pain but it makes me smile.

country gent
02-08-2015, 12:04 PM
I can feel for you BHN22. As we get older things arnt quite the same as before. SOme things you can make a "work around" for, maybe do things a little diffrently and accomplish the same thing with out the discomfort and strain. I ladle pour most all of my cast bullets. I have found working with the heavier brass moulds that resting them all I can helps alot. When filling I rest them on the edge of my pot and when opening closing I rest them on the edge of the catch box. Saves holding the wieght all the time for me. Look at the movements needed and see if you can shorten them or modify to easier motions. Another trick we found in industry is changing the motion a little from time to time helps alot as repitions use the same muscles over and over. Maybe cast for awhile dropping on the right side then switch to left side.

45 2.1
02-08-2015, 12:50 PM
You could let technology help you. A Magma Master Caster uses two cavity molds and doesn't allow hollow points, but it isn't very hard on you to empty the 40 lb pot twice either.

02-08-2015, 01:23 PM
I noticed how much heavier the lyman 4 cavity molds are too.
I went from a 5 cavity aluminum mold to a 4 cavity 120gr mehanite mold one right after the other.
it was like hanging an anvil out on the end of some scissors.

then I remembered why I built that box under my pour spout.
the only time I am holding the mold is when it is moving to dump the boolits on the table, and back to that mold holder.
if the weight really bothered me I would build a ramp from the pot to the table and slide the mold down it, break the sprue, and knock the boolits out only lifting the mold to dump the boolits out.
kind of a handicapped ramp type thing.
but my pot is a bit elevated off the table so I can see right under it.

02-08-2015, 01:28 PM
When I cast I use two molds, and set the "spare" on a hot plate this keeps me from hanging onto a heavy iron mold constantly while casting.

When using Lyman 4 cav's I mount the mold "backwards" on the old nutcraker handles, as a lefty it is much easier for me to take a soft faced mallet and crack the sprue.

But I to am not as good as I used to be and so my most used Lyman 4 cav's wear Red River Rick's steel copy of Lee's cam'd sprue plate with a trough cut into the top of the mold.

Used in rotation it's a lot easier on the hands and shoulders!

02-08-2015, 01:53 PM
A 4 cav mould in anything but aluminum is a bear to work with. The weight leaves me a bit tired too. I love the way iron and brass cast but with they were a bit lighter. Aluminum doesn't cast as well, for me, but the weight is so nice.

Suck it up or we will change your handle to bhn14, you seem to be getting a bit soft.

Been sampling the products at work again? Ever since the "4" changed to a "5" in my age, things have gotten heavier. I do like how everything seems to level off with iron moulds after a bit, and casting gets really consistent.

02-08-2015, 01:59 PM
Iron and brass moulds just get into a rhythm and work. I love my brass MP moulds but a 4 cav is a workout. I'm willing to pay the price because of the results I get.

That "5" is just under a year away. Thanks for the heads up.

02-08-2015, 03:11 PM
Your warranty expires when you hit "five" too.

02-08-2015, 03:22 PM
Warranty? I was told that my wife came "as is", no warranty. Was I lied to by her parents?

45 2.1
02-08-2015, 04:23 PM
Your warranty expires when you hit "five" too.

Hahaha......... wait till there is a six or seven there. You really don't understand that yet, but you will given time.

Warranty? I was told that my wife came "as is", no warranty. Was I lied to by her parents?

No, but I think you didn't take that as a warning either.

02-08-2015, 04:32 PM
Suck it up or we will change your handle to bhn14, you seem to be getting a bit soft.

thats just freaking funny right there,,,,,,

02-08-2015, 04:32 PM
Yeah, old age can be a PITA, but it is better than the alternative.

I have a three cavity LBT that is a joy to use as it drops the bullets when you open the mould. Wish I had more.

02-08-2015, 04:40 PM
Use guys are goin bout casting all wrong!!!

You are supposed to get your wife casting.

country gent
02-08-2015, 04:41 PM
Old age isnt that bad, while a little weaker we are now smart enough to work it thru finding the easiest way to do it. With age comes experience and knowledge way better than brawn and muscles.

02-08-2015, 04:41 PM
Happens to me after a few hundred rounds. Nothing serious but the old shoulders need a rest after an hour or two of casting boolits, skinning and processing deer or playing in the kitchen. Just have to pace myself.

45 2.1
02-08-2015, 04:44 PM
With age comes experience and knowledge way better than brawn and muscles.

Sort of like "age and deceit beats youth and enthusiasm every time".

mold maker
02-08-2015, 06:59 PM
I find myself sitting while doing lots of things I stood for all my life. I wonder if we had sat earlier on, could we still be comfortably standing?

02-08-2015, 07:25 PM
Warranty? I was told that my wife came "as is", no warranty. Was I lied to by her parents?

And your family told her that no returns would be accepted after the first 90 minutes.

Clay M
02-08-2015, 07:34 PM
I usually cast about 200 rifle bullets at a time with a two cavity mold..I use either brass or iron molds..
I am usually tired of casting when I get through..Of course I am getting older now so I try to enjoy what I am doing.. When I get tired I quit..

02-08-2015, 11:19 PM
If it makes you feel any better, I've also become a member of this not so exclusive club.

I can still pull off those really long day bleeding into late night casting sessions that end up in huge piles of boolits. Man! I sure do pay for it the next day, and for a few more after that as well.

I'm sneaking up on the same number issue, as I get real close to putting a 5 in front of that 4... I have taken to casting sitting down. The back sure appreciates it a lot more. Many of the things I used to do while bent over for most of the day, have glaringly reminded me that I shouldn't be doing them that way any longer.

Been using a chair on rollers while I cast outside on the picnic table. I wasn't too keen on the idea at first, as I have always just bent over for hours on end while I cast and melted ingots. I think I can roll away and move quickly enough on the chair if I have to. It only cost me a few bucks along with a trip to the local thrift store to find a suitable chair that I didn't mind taking outdoors for the job.

As to the heavy moulds well... I find myself enjoying the aluminum 2 cavities more than the 6 cavity ones myself these days. When I use my heavy iron moulds, I try to rest them on the picnic table instead of using my shoulders and wrists for everything. I do the gloves and hand opening the sprues thing as well. If you can talk or cajole a helper into assisting you, I find it's even better.

It also helps to cast smaller batches of boolits for only a couple of hours, instead of the marathon casting sessions I used to do when I was still in my 20's and 30's.

Aspirin, Epsom salt baths, trying to stay active but not overdoing it. Like everyone else has said getting old certainly isn't for the weak, but it sure beats the alternative.

- Bullwolf

02-08-2015, 11:57 PM
I went to 2 cavity aluminum molds to baby my torn up shoulders and carpal tunnel(right shoulder rotator cuff surgery twice, right wrist carpal tunnel twice!) but I can still do 400 or so pistol bullets in a session. Did 300 30 cal for a friends AK in one session too. I sit and if I start getting tired I take a break, stretch, walk a bit, come back and keep going.

02-09-2015, 12:31 AM
Had a boss that said this in response to the "Getting older beats the alternative." He said "How do you know?"

02-09-2015, 12:33 AM
Lord willing, I will be rolling the double "5's" in a month...and my casting has taken on a different look, of late. About a month ago, I had an extended session that yielded about 800 over the course of a couple of hours and I really felt it the next morning. I have gotten to the point of casting mostly one caliber per session and smaller piles...easier on me and I tend to get a little better bullets.

It is, what it is...but I enjoy it even if it hurts the next day.

02-09-2015, 12:48 AM
As age starts taking it's toll you have to start working smarter not harder. I used to be able to use a 4 cavity for hours on end by just picking up it and now use a piece of wood to give it a rest or me for the short time before opening up the cavities. The old 10 cavity H&G used to be a piece of cake but wow maybe an hour at a time now is it. But a good pile of boolits are the result though. You will find ways to ease your pain as you age and it's not being a wuss just finally getter smarter


02-09-2015, 12:48 PM
If you think the "5"'s are bad wait till your closer to the "8"'s than the "7"

02-09-2015, 12:52 PM
You need to hit the gym to keep those arms in shape.. It doesn't bother me but probably because part of my job is carrying around a 3LB recording device in my left hand for 7-8 hrs a day.

02-09-2015, 04:35 PM
Sometimes I hurt worse "all over", more than I do anywhere else!:bigsmyl2:

02-09-2015, 05:02 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one!


3 gun Gus
02-09-2015, 05:11 PM
I keep my arms in shape by using my 10 cavity H&G.
I love how it rains those wad cutters!
One year from the big 60.

country gent
02-09-2015, 05:13 PM
My issue isnt the hurt. My issue is due to MS My arms and legs are numb, sort of feel like they are asleep all the time. Being out in the cold I dont realize that Im cold till its to the throbbing point. Working around Hot is an issue as burns and such dont feel the same to me. I cast with friends as we are all having issues and its a plus to have someone present if something should happen. The company is nice also. We sit aaround the pot ( ussually 3 of us) ladle cast and shoot the B***, tease each other and just enjoy the morning. We start around 8:00 - 9:00 and run till noon or so then it of to local resteraunt for lunch. LOL