View Full Version : Lost an old friend to UPS

02-06-2015, 08:47 AM
I sent a barrel in to have it rebored two months ago,got a tube back yesterday nothing in it. Thanks UPS.

02-06-2015, 09:37 AM
You would be amazed at people that put machined steel parts in a PAPER envelope, and stick it in the mail. A guy sent a cylinder, loose, in a USPS flat rate CARDBOARD envelope, it's anybody's guess how it made it here, it had torn holes all in the paper, the paper had gotten wet, unbelievable. The same guy when I nicely informed him of his luck, immediately started ranting about the USPS....

02-06-2015, 09:48 AM
If it was on it's way back as you state, you can probably thank who ever packed it to ship it back. Tubes are a little harder to pack in due to the way the ends close on the tube. Was it insured?

02-06-2015, 10:17 AM
the tube was packaged properly,whoever stole it had to open it with a knife.this is not a rant against ups jus the sob that stole my barrel. any one else had this happen.the barrel man said he carried 100 dollars insurance.

02-06-2015, 11:12 AM
not sure what is more frustrating getting an empty box means they can at least find your house

I have been sitting in the living room by the big window that over looks my front step and gotten the email that says my package was just delivered by fedex , the fed ex truck was never even on my street

02-06-2015, 11:21 AM
Ya Know folks, there are 316 million people residing in the U.S. that the Government counts. Out of that 316 million I'm guessing 3/4 of us get USPS, UPS, FED-X, and courier service deliveries, plus all the packages delivered to business and retail establishments.

Yes there are foul-up along the way. Frankly I consider it amazing we get things delivered as well as we do.

Think you could do better???????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????


02-06-2015, 11:35 AM
Ya Know folks, there are 316 million people residing in the U.S. that the Government counts. Out of that 316 million I'm guessing 3/4 of us get USPS, UPS, FED-X, and courier service deliveries, plus all the packages delivered to business and retail establishments.

Yes there are foul-up along the way. Frankly I consider it amazing we get things delivered as well as we do.

Think you could do better???????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????


all in all they do pretty good Sorry about the missing barrel I once had a die that came out of a very well packed box my mail carrier found it a couple weeks later while cleaning out his truck he knew it was Mine because I took the time to tell him it was missing out of the package

02-06-2015, 12:14 PM
When I ship stuff, I usually stick a return label on the item, in case it somehow gets out of the package. Won't make any difference to a thief in the mail room, but accidents DO happen. And when I use an FR envelope, I reinforce it with vinyl tape. Completely enclose it in vinyl, and it ain't gonna be torn open. Can pack a LOT in a reinforced FR envelope...

DR Owl Creek
02-06-2015, 01:35 PM


02-06-2015, 01:59 PM
not sure what is more frustrating getting an empty box means they can at least find your house

I have been sitting in the living room by the big window that over looks my front step and gotten the email that says my package was just delivered by fedex , the fed ex truck was never even on my street

Wow, do we share a common complaint! Although my gripe is with UPS, I bought a tool grinding fixture for my shop and watched the tracking number closely awaiting my new toy. The tracking info showed out for delivery and I though "well a delivery is going to make it this time" (I will explain that later). No joy, at 6:38 PM, the usual delivery time at my place the info changed to "Delivered, left at side door" and I knew I was in trouble since, just as in your case, no truck had showed up and I don't even have a stinkin side door! Sure enough no grinding fixture! I spent the next two days an literally hours on the phone trying to make those people understand that I didn't have my package but (when I could get someone on the phone who could speak English enough to understand) they would just tell me to go back outside and look around thoroughly for it! After a week of this nonsense, and three days after they FINALLY admitted it was lost they started a worthless investigation into what might have happened to it, the guy I bought it from sent me a replacement by USPS. There was a heck of a lot more to that story than I mentioned but I'm not going into that other to say that I am convinced that the upper management at UPS must be Larry, Moe and Curly!

Now the part about the delivery actually making it this time, I will swear an oath to the All Mighty that UPS has lost and/or returned for in-transit damage three of the last four shipments to me! One of them I was watching on the tracking site went in a zig-zag route all around me going East, South then North East and finally passing right by me and ending up sitting in Lexington KY for two days before then being returned to the sender due to damage in transit! No surprise there, they simply wore out the darn thing packing it around!

All this happened very recently with the last one just this past week so yep I am still quite POed and tend to rant about it if I get remined of UPS!

02-06-2015, 02:12 PM
One of my weaknesses is antique sewing machines.
I bought one on Ebay once, the lady put two pieces of news print around the machine inside a cardboard box.
When I got it the box was in shambles and wide open, a part of the machine was broken.
Not really a fault of the USPS. But a fault of the person doing the packing.
Every bobbin and attachment was still with the machine.
Every time you picked up the package they would fall out.

I've used Fedex and UPS.
nine out of ten times the package would be roughed up and the machine would be shattered.
Even though the machine was packaged well.

I'll take the USPS over the others.

02-06-2015, 02:24 PM
USPS is the only one I have had issues with. Four packages in the last 18 months totaling about $750.0. The USPS insurance is worth used toilet paper. Two of the sellers made good and two came out of my pocket. Both had full insurance and after dozens of calls and letters to USPS still no payment. One had been going on for over a year.

02-06-2015, 02:32 PM
My 2 cents-- I always extra pack and remind sellers to extra pack. Mostly it works. I could tell all the above stories 10 times over.
But my favorite is this: county mountie shows up one day with a warrant for my arrest. OK ! No miranda rights, blah blah.
Off to jail I go.
Next day in court, it seems my lawyer decided to go back to Florida so he sent the judge a "get yourself another lawyer" letter.
Never sent me one, no CERTIFIED LETTER, no REGISTERED letter.
Since that day I have started to photo or scan ALL letters I get that are addressed to someone else.
That's about 1 every 2 months. Bills, bank statements, gobermint check once.
still, it's about the best in the world.

rant rant rant

02-06-2015, 02:41 PM
UPS is getting more unreliable these days. Had a med shipment I was tracking. Said delivered at 3:30, but I was not more than 10 feet from the door all the time. Driver came back and swore he put it by my front door. His GPS showed he stopped "in the neighborhood", but he had deliveries at 5 different houses. Filed stolen report for full replacement (insured).

5 days later a gal from almost a mile away showed up with my package. She found it on her front door step after returning from a long weekend. The only thing in common with my address and where UPS left was: there were numbers and letters in the address!!!!!

Get a traking number and insurance for full value! I have lost a lot of faith in UPS in the recent months. FEDEX seems more reliable and is many times cheaper for ground.

02-06-2015, 02:54 PM
UPS is getting more unreliable these days. Had a med shipment I was tracking. Said delivered at 3:30, but I was not more than 10 feet from the door all the time. Driver came back and swore he put it by my front door. His GPS showed he stopped "in the neighborhood", but he had deliveries at 5 different houses. Filed stolen report for full replacement (insured).

5 days later a gal from almost a mile away showed up with my package. She found it on her front door step after returning from a long weekend. The only thing in common with my address and where UPS left was: there were numbers and letters in the address!!!!!

Get a traking number and insurance for full value! I have lost a lot of faith in UPS in the recent months. FEDEX seems more reliable and is many times cheaper for ground.

Part of my long story (well, rant as the case may be) was how the saga of the UPS package finally ended, AFTER the replacement was sent a fella knocked on my door and had a very well roughed up package from UPS addressed to me, like in your case it was not a UPS driver! Turns out this guy found it lying beside his parking lot at his cabinet shop several miles from here, this was well over a week after it went missing and we don't know who left it there but it looked as if it had just been tossed out! Not knowing what to do with it he tried leaving it at the post office but of course they could not accept a UPS package but the clerk there gave him directions to my place and the guy was kind enough to take the time and expend the gas driving over to deliver this package to a total stranger, not many folks like that any more. So even though UPS never found it I finally did get it Waaaaay to late so it had to be sent back where it came from.

02-06-2015, 03:08 PM
Back in the early 1980's ,I went to work with my cousin that was a part time UPS employee. When a truck came in to be unloaded he was given a certain amount of time based on the weight of contents. The mode of unloading was throwing boxes 20-30 feet.

Plate plinker
02-06-2015, 05:20 PM
All in the name of profits and cheap rates I guess. To bad they are not as concerned about good service anymore

02-06-2015, 11:41 PM
I now ship barrels in scheule 40 pvc pipe, foam stuffed in until it is impossible for it to move, then glue on caps. Finish by writing shipping ammo on the pipe in permanent marker. If their lable gets lost, mine is there. Sure there is extra cost, but it is cheaper than even the hassel of filing a lost claim. The recipient needs a saw to open the package

02-07-2015, 12:48 AM
I live in a town of under 300 population. Maybe 80 houses total. Think UPS or Fedex can deliver to my house? Nope! I always have to track my packages down.

Ya Know folks, there are 316 million people residing in the U.S. that the Government counts. Out of that 316 million I'm guessing 3/4 of us get USPS, UPS, FED-X, and courier service deliveries, plus all the packages delivered to business and retail establishments.

Yes there are foul-up along the way. Frankly I consider it amazing we get things delivered as well as we do.

Think you could do better???????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????


02-07-2015, 01:11 PM
Yes there are foul-up along the way. Frankly I consider it amazing we get things delivered as well as we do.

Think you could do better???????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????

If I thought or even imagined I could even do as well it is done now, I'd start up company to do it.


A few months ago I bought a Weiner .223 barrel on GB. When the package arrived it was open on one end and the barrel fell out of the package. IMO, it's likely that one or more times someone in the delivery chain had put the barrel back into the package.

02-07-2015, 05:21 PM
I now ship barrels in scheule 40 pvc pipe, foam stuffed in until it is impossible for it to move, then glue on caps. Finish by writing shipping ammo on the pipe in permanent marker. If their lable gets lost, mine is there. Sure there is extra cost, but it is cheaper than even the hassel of filing a lost claim. The recipient needs a saw to open the package

I can attest to that! I bought a barrel from you a while back, and that thing was packed to survive a war! I laughed the whole time I was hacksawing it open. What a great idea!

02-07-2015, 06:06 PM
I sold an Encore barrel once and shipped it USPS. I used their large document tube, but I placed the barrel inside of a piece of PVC pipe and stuffed newspaper tightly between the barrel and the PVC. I then stuffed more wadded up newspapaer tightly between the PVC and the cardboard tube. And then I added heavy duty shipping tape in addition to the glue strips that came with the tube. No problem with it getting damaged in transit.

Back in the old days, if you were shipping something, you built a wooden crate to ship it. These days people think cardboard will work just as well. Well, cardboard doesn't work as well, but it *might* word well enough.

02-07-2015, 06:44 PM
My mom worked for the post office one time during Christmas and she said fragile means nothing it was like a trash truck emptying a dumpster.

02-07-2015, 07:22 PM
Ya Know folks, there are 316 million people residing in the U.S. that the Government counts. Out of that 316 million I'm guessing 3/4 of us get USPS, UPS, FED-X, and courier service deliveries, plus all the packages delivered to business and retail establishments.

Yes there are foul-up along the way. Frankly I consider it amazing we get things delivered as well as we do.

Think you could do better???????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????


Spoken like a USPS/FED-EX/UPS employee!

02-07-2015, 08:35 PM
Spoken like a USPS/FED-EX/UPS employee!

What a Joke.

70+ years old, retired at 58 from my own successful retail & craft business.

Prior to that worked for the largest RV Mfg. at the time, was Dir. of Purchasing for one of their Divisions.

Spoken like a USPS/FED-EX/UPS employee!

Spoken like a true know it all, that actually knows little about what he's replying to!

02-07-2015, 09:08 PM
I ordered a wireless printer a couple months ago, shipped by ups. Almost two weeks went by and my wife called them. Seems they delivered it to a summer home up the road and left it on the steps in the rain for 4 days.
Package was clearly labeled as is my home and mailbox.
USPS rarely makes a mistake here

02-07-2015, 09:11 PM
I sold an Encore barrel once and shipped it USPS. I used their large document tube, but I placed the barrel inside of a piece of PVC pipe and stuffed newspaper tightly between the barrel and the PVC. I then stuffed more wadded up newspapaer tightly between the PVC and the cardboard tube. And then I added heavy duty shipping tape in addition to the glue strips that came with the tube. No problem with it getting damaged in transit.

Back in the old days, if you were shipping something, you built a wooden crate to ship it. These days people think cardboard will work just as well. Well, cardboard doesn't work as well, but it *might* word well enough.

I shipped a very heavy 3 phase motor recently and built a wooden crate and bolted it fast to the bottom. Made it to the customer fine. Cost over 100.00 to ship it.

02-09-2015, 12:57 PM
Just my latest regarding the USPS.

On Thursday night at approx. 9PM I ordered a movie from an E-Bay seller in California, I'm here in Indiana.

I received said movie in todays mail at approx. 10AM.

Less than 1 1/2 business days and 2 days for the weekend. Pretty good for 1/2 way across the U.S. I'd say.