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02-04-2015, 01:05 AM
I've been down in my back for months, can't stand or sit for long, so I've been watching a lot of TV from bed. Yesterday on Sportsman Channel an inexperienced hunter missed a buck at 250 yds and then got a second chance ar 450 and dropped him. Both shots showed him shooting what appears to be a 750 Rem. autoloader, including a slowmo of the cartridge ejecting. When he got to the buck he is carrying the rifle slung on his shoulder and the one glimpse of the rifle that I got revealed a bolt knob on the action and a different look to the forearm. Just thought that interesting. Today on History Channel Snipers was played and in showed military guys working up loads that were tested until they found the best performing load, and then they send the specs to a commercial loader to be loaded in volume. They showed a guy priming brass on an RCBS priming tool. He seats a primer and shows the camera, the primer is a fired primer.Then they .work out oal after seating bullets and place them in a 50 rd. plastic box that looks like MTM. They had weighed the powder, and put it in the brass. There were no primers in any cartridge in the box.

02-04-2015, 01:17 AM
Tonight on Auction Hunters a u.nit had a bear trap that the guy depressed the springs with his thumb and declared it was worth $1500. He found a Browning A5 in what looked to be 50-60 % and said it was worth $2000. Then a Winchester 97 that looked about 75 % that he said would bring $3500. Really? Semed very inflated to me. What do you think?

02-04-2015, 01:19 AM
Yep, Wayyyy too much TV. Hollywood, not real life! Start walking around the place more till you get stronger, then start walking around outside as much as you can. You'll start felling better in no time.

02-04-2015, 01:24 AM
My back doc always hollers at me to walk more, hard to do in winter unless I go somewhere indoors. Made 4 laps around a super WalMart today to get some exercise(plus I had stuff out of order on my shopping list, normally I plan the list to make a circle). Low back has been bugging me bad so walking felt good.

02-04-2015, 08:39 AM
I've been off work for two months with a shoulder injury and am having rotator cuff surgery today, so will be off with no use of right arm in a sling for 4-6 weeks then rehab. TV is too easy to get hooked on so I've tried to break away and am reading good books now. Currently reading "Hell, I Was There!" by Elmer Keith and two Teddy Roosevelt books on hunting & ranch life, and just received over 100 back issues of Handloader magazine I bought from a member here, so that ought to keep me out of trouble for a while ;-)


02-04-2015, 08:48 AM
By and large, TV is ment for 3 things, entertainment, selling whatever is advertised, & last ratings.

For the record I do enjoy the entertainment value I get, but then I'm old and unable to get around much.

02-04-2015, 08:57 AM
I cut the cord when I bought my house in 2006. I do have Netflix and Amazon Prime. I don't miss broadcast TV one bit. It seems that Netflix is only adding garbage TV shows as of late. If that continues I will be dropping them.

02-04-2015, 09:17 AM
After a surgery some time back, walmart was some of my first extended walking & exercise. When I got tired, I would go to car while my wife finished up. That's not a bad plan of attack. Now how about a Bass Pro, Cabelas.... or a hardware store... that might cause one to over do things

mold maker
02-04-2015, 09:56 AM
I too find less interest in TV. Too much drama. If it weren't for reality (??????) entertainment, How it's Made, and news I'd toss it out the door.
Even the news is all about drama.

02-04-2015, 10:23 AM
I can't take much TV. Besides most of the programing being pure crappolla meant for the brain dead I just can't sit through that much commercial time and the commercials are truly BS, snake oil, ambulance chasing, brand new wonder pill that you must have even though the side effects are much worse than what the pill is for repetition.

I used to enjoy auto racing but FOX has pretty much taken over racing on TV and they have completely destroyed any entertainment value with constant over whelming commercial time. Fox has gone as far as an extended commercial break during the race, when they come back on all they say is "this what you missed during the break and we'll be back after this commercial break". I just can't sit through that.

Too much TV? Yeah, for me it's about gotten to the point that any TV is too much TV.


02-04-2015, 11:02 AM
I still like 'Person Of Interest', and watch 'Castle', 'Blacklist', 'Mysteries Of Laura', and 'Madam Secretary' for whatever reason. Those, and Fox News (Outnumbered, The Five, O'Reilly), plus local news @ 1800 do it for me. GF snuggles up (on couch!) and goes to sleep while I watch - TV is not for her. I have earphones, so sound doesn't bother her. DWTS has gone downhill, and 'Reality' shows have never shown me much reality, so never watch them. National news is an arm of the Dems, so never watch them...

02-04-2015, 11:11 AM
It's all a big scam.... The providers tempt people with huge numbers of channels but many of those channels are programs only a very small percentage of people watch and many others are basically a broken record that repeat the same handful of shows over and over every day for the entire month. On many of those channels if you watch it for the entire day you will have viewed the entire months programing. I honestly think most customers would be happiest if the providers would throw out a price for X many channels and let the customers pick those channels. But the programers are not gonna like that...........

02-04-2015, 11:55 AM
TV rots your brain; its a proven fact.

02-04-2015, 12:06 PM
No opinions on the prices on Auction Hunters? I kn ow they are inflated, but by how much?

02-04-2015, 12:13 PM
TV is simply a sales tool. They tell you what you want to see & hear, in return for the opportunity to saturate your mind with advertising, and yes, thought control. Usually, what you want to see, is probably the worst thing for you.

02-04-2015, 12:28 PM
We only have an antenna. I also have 3 little kids. Only thing that I ever see on is cartoons. If the reception is bad some movies are put on. Being that 2 of the kids are girls it tends to be barbie. Hey, it beats watching that big purple thing or dora (I really hate that one).

Jerry Jr.

02-04-2015, 03:23 PM
The prices that they come up with on every auction or picker show that I have watched, seem to come from some desire to show how much money these people are making from some other person's misfortune (couldn't pay their storage fees), or from the current owners lack of value knowledge (American Pickers, Pawn Stars). In other words, I think the producers set the value, not the market.

02-04-2015, 04:08 PM
I remember the pair of pliers that lived on top of our TV growing up. It was a duel purpose tool. 1) It was used to turn the lower dial. 2) It was used to adjust the homemade antenna to facilitate better reception!
We cut the cord long long ago and use netflix. If we have the hankering to watch a movie, away we go! One of the best moves we ever made!
(We just watched the original War of the Worlds the other day, what a great movie!)

02-04-2015, 05:13 PM
The only tv shows I have ever been interested in are "Lost" and "Breaking Bad". The rest is just garbage, imho. Even the gun related shows drive me nuts. They dumb them down so much.

02-04-2015, 06:25 PM
Blue Bloods, Vikings, Hell on Wheels, Manhattan, NCIS ?? "wife likes it", old series of GunSmoke both black & white & color, Black Sails, various old movies such as The Benny Goodman Story, The Maltese Falcon, and others.

Of course various Fox News. Once in a great while Pawn Stars, and Hardcore Pawn. Just for laughs. Hey, nothing wrong with humor!

Ya, I like TV.

02-04-2015, 06:27 PM
TV rots your brain; its a proven fact.

Really?? We've had TV since 1949.

02-04-2015, 09:24 PM
TV is a waste of time for me. I have a workshop in my garage and one in my basement that I can keep busy in. In my den I have about 500 books, only about 5% are fiction. And I have a library card. My wife watches TV but I don't and we haven't gone to or rented a movie in 20 years.
Ole Jack