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Bad Water Bill
02-02-2015, 02:36 PM
YOU need to be there to protect your gun rights.

Robin Kelly, Bloomberg's hand-picked congresswoman from the 2nd Illinois District will be holding a "community forum" to advance the nationwide passage of New York-style gun control. At the forum, Kelly will be advancing her vision of an America where private firearm ownership is an expensive and impractical rarity.

Those of you familiar with Kelly's agenda know her for advocating:

Ammunition Registration
A ban on target rifles, pistols shotguns
Government lawsuits to run gun manufacturers out of business
Government approval of gun design and performance characteristics
Mandatory "smart gun" technology
Gun confiscation prompted by angry family members or jilted lovers.
A larger, more intrusive ATF
Elimination of personal privacy for those who own guns
Taxpayer-funded government programs to discourage private gun ownership

Robin Kelly is a major threat to your right to keep and bear arms.


Attend Robin Kelly's "community forum" on Friday, February 6, 2015 at the Quality Inn, 800 Kinzie, Bradley, Illinois. RSVP at info@kankakeecountychamber.com Plan to be at the hotel at 11:00 AM at the latest.
Even if you are told that the forum is "full," plan to be there anyway. Gun owners must show up in large numbers to let Kelly know that we won't be bullied into surrendering our rights.
Pass this Alert on to your friends and family - tell them to show up at the "community forum" as well to protect the 2nd Amendment.
Post this alert to any and all Internet blogs and bulletin boards to which you belong.


02-02-2015, 03:19 PM
Well, here we go again. You would think Chicago would have learned its lesson fighting the 2nd amendment. The Wind City lost in McDonald vs Chicago and lost big time with concealed carry. This pathetic attempt to limit gun ownership will share a similar fate. What Chicago and it's liberal representatives haven't figured out yet is that there is another part of Illinois called "Down State". We like our guns down here and still have enough political clout to give Chicago a run for it's (Bloomberg's) money. Even though this will go nowhere, except the front page of liberal newspapers, I've emailed my representative expressing my concern. Thanks for the heads up.

02-02-2015, 03:21 PM
I know it is threat but so far I think we owners have been heard.

Bad Water Bill
02-02-2015, 03:36 PM
Keep in mind that Bloomberg OWNS her lock broomhandle and mop.

Without his ONE MILLION DOLLAR gift no one would have known who she was.Also look how Quinn expanded her district.

Yes we definitely NEED to send her a message.

I think she will find herself in the middle of enemy territory.:bigsmyl2:

02-02-2015, 07:23 PM
Do what Bill asks guys. If you think for a minute the fight is over you are sadly mistaken. The other side will never stop their agenda and they have money to push it. Yes the NRA asks for money all the time but today's reality is it takes money and votes to keep them at bay. I'm not certain it's a battle we can ever fully win. It's more of a constant war to keep them at bay.

02-02-2015, 07:37 PM
Do what Bill asks guys. If you think for a minute the fight is over you are sadly mistaken. The other side will never stop their agenda and they have money to push it. Yes the NRA asks for money all the time but today's reality is it takes money and votes to keep them at bay. I'm not certain it's a battle we can ever fully win. It's more of a constant war to keep them at bay.

You're right it's a war we will never fully win but we could very well lose it if we become complacent and think for even a fleeting moment that we have already won! This fight will always be with us and the moment we are lulled by past victories into thinking we have no more reason to worry we will then be in big trouble, these people will NEVER stop and when/if we do we will LOSE!

Bad Water Bill
02-02-2015, 07:45 PM
Bloomberg has DUMP TRUCKS full of $100.00 bills set aside just to take away EVERY firearm you own.

02-03-2015, 01:47 AM
The good news is that ALL of the positions are entirely untenable nationally, and in
almost all states (CA, NJ possible exceptions) would be literally laughed out of the
state legislature.


02-03-2015, 01:49 AM
Maryland, New Jersey, and New York, add them to the list.

02-03-2015, 02:58 AM
can't emphasize strongly enough how important it is to show up at these meetings and push back against these self-centered little tyrants!

you've got to do it now while you still have the opportunity to squash their ludicrous plans . . . don't let them gain any traction in their efforts to impose their abusive constraints on decent Americans.

i'm in NY and plenty of folks here thought there's no way it could ever get any worse, right?

then late one night three guys in a room stick it to nearly 20 million "constituents".

sad part is, now it's too late. and now that the so-called SAFE Act is here it will only get worse.

there are 62 counties in NYS and even though 52 of them have passed resolutions to oppose/repeal this heinous piece of legislation "The Man", sitting in the big chairs in Albany, refuses even to acknowledge the will of the law-abiding people in the state.

everyone who is able must go to this forum and make themselves heard.

Jimmy the Dentist

Bad Water Bill
02-03-2015, 06:19 AM
We have 102 counties here in Illinois and winning in only 2 counties was enough to keep Gov Quinn in office in the 2010 election.

Yes there are enough ENTITLED voters who have NEVER had a real job in generations to over rule all of the hard workers in the rest of the state.

When the state was re apportioned in 2010 the democrats had spent countless ???? to count how many ENTITLED voters they could drop into FORMERLY Republican districts to take over more areas of the state.

One Republican legislator lost his seat because only his home was included in the redrawn map placing him into a ENTITLED area and of course the Democrats won ANOTHER seat in the state legislature.

This Bloomberg bought and paid for congresswoman actually had her area extended over 20 miles out into the farm country because there are enough deadbeats living in the center of Chiraq to insure her election..

Not being to bright she chose a location for this meeting right in the middle of the farm country.[smilie=b:[smilie=b:[smilie=b:

Barring another snow storm I will be there wearing my IGOLD gear to let my voice be heard.

She ain't seen nothing yet.

02-03-2015, 07:38 AM
Go get'em Bill! all it takes is enough folks with this type of attitude and the gumption to follow through on it to put a stop to these idiots, however too many good people are content to just blow off a little steam on forums or when talking with friends rather than get out and do something that will actually help. I can say this because I too, like Bill, get off my duff and do what I can when I can but fortunately here in Tn we have it a little better than some places for gun ownership, still there are other issues locally we have to get out and defend.

02-03-2015, 10:06 AM
........ I can say this because I too, like Bill, get off my duff and do what I can when I can but fortunately here in Tn we have it a little better than some places for gun ownership, still there are other issues locally we have to get out and defend.

Indeed there are other issues. Gun ownership is only 1/2 of the 2nd Admendment. I assume that you support the 2nd.

02-03-2015, 10:19 AM
Bill is right. These fools need to see large groups of people telling them "Hell NO". Don't wait for the NRA or courts to send the message, get out there and send it yourself.

Keep up the fight Bill, you guys are making a difference

Bad Water Bill
02-03-2015, 10:21 AM
Indeed there are other issues. Gun ownership is only 1/2 of the 2nd Admendment. I assume that you support the 2nd.

I have only missed one IGOLD rally in the last 8 years and that was because I got a phone call at 4AM saying the weather was so bad the buses could not get on the road.

Yes I DO know all of the major players at http://illinoiscarry.com/forum/ on a first name basis.

Sure wish I could get more Illinois members to help out tho.

We got a ton of help from the NRA and theid fantastic rep here (Todd Vandermeid) I am not sure where we would be.

Not only did he help with the legislation and testifying by the hour but when the law was finally passed he met with the State Police to see we got as good a deal as we could from that group of professional Politicians.

Don Purcell
02-03-2015, 11:41 AM
To liberal Dummycrats truth and real life never figure into the equation.

Bad Water Bill
02-04-2015, 01:29 PM
Illinois .Carry has just reported that the meeting is actually a Chamber Of Commerce meeting and she will be the first AND guest speaker.

Time for us to show up and tell the chamber to look closely before they select their next guest speaker.

Possibly she may have offered to pay the rental and other expenses (using Bloomers Bucks) if she could speak then she could brag she was invited by the hard workers in that newly conquered area.

I finally have ONE member here that is going ti TRY and attend and if IRC he is also a disabled vet.

Bad Water Bill
02-05-2015, 03:57 AM
Bump back to the top

John Guedry
02-05-2015, 11:09 AM
Good to know folks like you Bill are fighting the good fight on behalf of the good people of Illionois.

Bad Water Bill
02-05-2015, 11:24 AM
Some times what we here in Illinois are fighting for results in benefits for everyone across the country.

Read up on Otis McDonald V Chicago to see how that ruling benefited everyone.

Rest in peace Otis my friend cause YOU earned it.

YES I will be wearing my IGOLD hoodie tomorrow and again on March 18 in Springfield.

Now who here will be at my back?

02-05-2015, 05:40 PM
Nothing so terrifies progressives such as Communists, fascists, Nazis, Peronists, etc like peasants with the means to resist. Historically, that is why the samurais in Japan banned bladed weapons for peasants and the English ruling class once banned longbows for peasants. Nothing new here but is is good to know her name for future reference.

Bad Water Bill
02-05-2015, 08:11 PM
And a reminder from the Illinois State Rifle Assn just minutes ago.

As a reminder, Congress Woman Robin Kelly will be having a "Community Forum" at the
Quality Inn, 800 Kinzie, Bradley, Illinois this Friday. I would remind everyone to be on their best behavior. The Quality Inn is private property so you may be asked to go to a designated area. There will be a police presence there so please cooperate with them.

Richard Pearson
ISRA Executive Director

Yes it IS a gun free zone so act accordingly.

See you there.