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01-29-2015, 11:45 PM

01-30-2015, 12:26 AM
Nothing new, just another reason to skip the big charities and support the smaller local ones run by folks you know.

JB Weld
01-30-2015, 12:29 AM
Wow, that is a pretty compelling read. I had no idea that WWP was getting press like that.

01-30-2015, 12:32 AM
The last two times I got hit up by people from them, they made the hair stand up on my neck!

Def shady weather they were part of wounded warriors or scamming for themselves. Last time the two were trying to act like active Army. Trying way to hard and the one literally telling on himself with all he got wrong. Best part I didnt ask him if he was in military nor a single question. It was him wanting to brag and think he was being cool, talking like a soldier.

These people and groups who use the money to pay themselves high dollar salaries, or hide the cash with the high end company car, paying their mortgage, or collecting money on location posing as whatever group, but keeping it all for themselves etc make me sick!!!

As a vet it really angers me when I hear vets are doing that to other vets who are in great need of help!

My dad couldnt even get wool stump socks he needed half the time for use with his prosthetic. Only way he could walk was with it. Of course the company that made them charged and arm and a leg for them. We were poor growing up and sure as hell wasn't any group offering to get him a few xtra socks so he'd have enough to last the year. He went without and wore the worn out ones towards the end of the year. Which tore up his stump, lead to infections and him an even more miserable sob, bedause he couldn't afford to miss work. So he'd work and have weight on that stump all day. Came home one angry, crany well you get the pic. Sadly, I realize why since my injury.

He'd go out of his way to toss a dollar to guys selling the poppies made by disabled vets. He made sure I knew when I grew up to do same, saying we have to help our vets.

I noticed some of worst are what goes to vets through Vet groups. In early 90's we had those drives where our CO literally told us we were going to hit 100 percent in terms of us donating monthly to a good cause ie where they take the money out of your pay monthlt. Must be nice to enforce that among the lower ranks when your making CO pay. Me, if I was being forced into donating from list tjeu gave us to choose from. It was going to be a vet group. I was shocked when I read what we had been given that showed how much went to actually helping versus CEO salariesz if they had cars paid for by group and what kind n such. The vet groups were among the worst. Think there was two that had higher rates going to help if i recall and CEO's or heads of group making a nominal amount.. So the vet version of make a wish for sick vets got my money. Sad, I haven't heard there names in years since they had a great cause and uses most toward making last wishes happen. But I also have wondered did they get busted and another scam group too.

01-30-2015, 11:29 AM
I tried to donate to WWP when they first got started in TX. I was going to host ten deer hunters plus whatever support staff they required for a week of hunting. The gentleman on the phone made it very clear that they were not interested in in-kind donations and would be happy to receive my corporate check for the fair market value of the proposed donation. Instead, I found my own veterans and made a non-deductible donation to the karma account.

Love Life
01-30-2015, 11:37 AM
They get no money or love from me. I guess the sheer amount of malingerers I have come across in the WW battalions has soured me to the whole ordeal.

01-30-2015, 11:53 AM
and to think I held fund raising events for them at our paintball field .. never again !!!
I just can't stomach funding weasels in the name of supporting our troops

01-30-2015, 12:29 PM
They get no money or love from me. I guess the sheer amount of malingerers I have come across in the WW battalions has soured me to the whole ordeal.
That's one of my major problems too. Too many vets getting compensation for things that they do not deserve. When I retired, I was processed out rather quickly and my paperwork was shoddy at best. Now that I know a bit about the process I have managed to get part of the compensation I was due when I retired. With the injuries I received while in, I am still not as highly rated as some that can run circles around me. I believe that the compensation should only be for those things that happened because of your service, not for things that would of happened anyway like sleep apnea(which I have but do not claim). That said, I don't fault those who play by the rules as they are, but I hate it when people lie about their condition to get more compensation...that really bugs me. And the system supports it, I could easily claim PTSD the way they structure their questionnaires.

I had been getting in-processed to my VA clinic and they asked me questions such as:
"While in service have you seen someone killed?" Yes;
"Have you lost friends?" Yes;
"Have you had explosions near you?" Yes;
"Have you ever lost consciousness?" Yes,
"Do you feel like hurting yourself or others?" Whoa, whoa, I do not have any brain injury or PTSD or am I claiming to!!

Yup, you guessed it, I had an appointment at the PTSD/TBI clinic show up in the mail. Luckily the Traumatic Brain Injury clinic in Nashville's VA Hospital had a better set of questions and quickly ruled out PTSD or TBI, but if I was not honest about it I could of easily qualified. Just as many scam the insurance companies, workers comp, and social security many scam the VA too. And as a non doctor, its almost impossible to separate the ones that truly have issues. I personally only want what is due to me, nothing more, shoot I was ecstatic when I learned my lifetime TN Hunting license was only $10 for Vets 30% or more disabled, but I know many around me who are close to 100% and are healthier than I ever hope to be and are still looking to get more.

Love Life
01-30-2015, 12:44 PM
I remember one time I guided a wounded warrior fishing trip in the Sierra Nevadas. I was expecting warriors. I got 2 malingerers who had no problems hiking their backsides up and down the mountains to catch nice fish with free gear and another who was questionable. Having had many friends who were in fact WOUNDED warriors in the battalions and spending time there visiting, my eyes are open. I can go on, but it will just make me bitter so I shall bow out.

01-30-2015, 12:53 PM
I have seen other stuff written by the same source that was not credible and off the wall. I would want a second and third opinion before coming to closure about Wounded Warriors.

01-30-2015, 02:28 PM
I donate to the American Legion, and VFW - their folks are all volunteers, and dang near everything I donate goes to good service. The only paid employee at one AL I go to is the maintenance person - well, the bartender gets tips. National management is all volunteer, too...

01-30-2015, 02:34 PM
It wouldn't surprise me. Usally if the top is rotten so is the core. All sorts of skeletons should be coming out in next few months if there are any. With founder getting busted by stolen valor. Be better to find out its all up and up instead but I wouldn't hold my breath.

01-30-2015, 03:00 PM
I have seen other stuff written by the same source that was not credible and off the wall. I would want a second and third opinion before coming to closure about Wounded Warriors.

Tom Gresham is the one who began the exposé on WWP for being the anti-Second Amendment, anti-religious bunch of scamming scumbag alpha-hotels that they are. From there, a number of folks have done their own independent investigations and research in to this bunch of (expletive deleted) weasels.

Charles, I could give you lots of reasons for despising WWP such as they will not do anything for any vets other than those who served post-9/11. They will not take donations from firearms manufacturers in which said manufacturer wishes to be listed in their official (brand) capacity as a donor. They will not accept donations from church groups who desire the same (to be listed as such and such church, etc).

As Love Life so accurately pointed out, they seem to cater to a LOT of vets whose biggest injury was getting slivers in their buttocks from shining a REMF chair with their *** all day long--but who will loudly and publicly and boisterously carry the WWP flag everywhere while wearing DAV or veterans caps.

The overwhelming majority of their senior management never served one stinking day in a pair of combat boots or in ANY military capacity--which also explains why they have the disdain they do for pre-9/11 veterans.

In short, the WWP is nothing more than a money-making entity that was looking for a "cause" that would open people's heartstrings and pocketbooks. They still are, the sons of -------.


01-30-2015, 03:12 PM
I'm sure that there is graft at a lot of these charities.

A while back, the almighty Salvation Army got busted for similar greed with their upper crust. And I DO know it to be true because my BIL worked for them at the time.

I no longer give to SA or WWP.

01-30-2015, 04:48 PM
I'm sure that there is graft at a lot of these charities.

A while back, the almighty Salvation Army got busted for similar greed with their upper crust. And I DO know it to be true because my BIL worked for them at the time.

I no longer give to SA or WWP.

Do you have a link for the Salvation Army story? I've been checking and can find no reputable source.

01-31-2015, 03:43 PM
Do you have a link for the Salvation Army story? I've been checking and can find no reputable source.

This was many years ago. Either early Internet days or before.

There was an expose' or a "Looksee" on 20/20, Ba Ba,WaWa, or some magazine show.

As far as I know they may have cleaned house and restructured.

There is no doubt in my mind after what my ex-BIL told me at the time. His boss was one of the grafters in Dallas, TX.

The main things that stuck in mind, were Houses, cars, free first class airfare.

01-31-2015, 04:53 PM
I do remember the red cross getting bad press about that time but nothing on the salvation army being (for lack of a better word) greedy.

02-01-2015, 09:33 AM
Pretty much every one of the TV ad campaigns that aim to tug on your heart and bring a tear to your eye are exactly the same. Some slightly better than others but not by much. ASPCA is one of the worst but most of them are not far behind. They are money stealing machines that produce very little aid to their stated cause. WWP is no different.

There are worthwhile places you can put your money if your inclined to help. Shriners Hospital for kids is one, they have never charged a patient a single dime. All donations go directly to them and are used to run the hospital and for research.


02-01-2015, 10:33 AM
WWP has been very questionable for a long time.........

I choose to have absolutely nothing to do with them. I donate , but not to them.


02-01-2015, 12:06 PM

There are worthwhile places you can put your money if your inclined to help. Shriners Hospital for kids is one, they have never charged a patient a single dime. All donations go directly to them and are used to run the hospital and for research.


Scottish Rite Hospital is part of the Shriners from my understanding.

We took our daughter there 20 years ago for spinal problems.

They did not charge us a dime!!! Nor did they ask for a donation!!

Their ONLY concern was helping our daughter.

Pure Class all the way!!!!

02-01-2015, 12:27 PM
Scottish Rite Hospital is part of the Shriners from my understanding.

We took our daughter there 20 years ago for spinal problems.

They did not charge us a dime!!! Nor did they ask for a donation!!

Their ONLY concern was helping our daughter.

Pure Class all the way!!!!

It is the Shriner's Hospital that gives free care for children. The Scottish Rite is involved in speech pathology for children, disaster relief, and scholarships.
Although there has been a movement to change this in the past few years, one had to be a Master Mason in good standing, plus a member of either Scottish Rite, or York Rite to be a Shriner. The proposed change is to allow non-Masons to become Shriners.

32nd Degree Scottish Rite here.

02-01-2015, 01:18 PM
Shriners is the greatest; I worked there as a volunteer for 2 years during my college days in the '60s, it helped make me the person I am today, "Give to the kids" not to the "SCAMMERS"(WWP), I became a teacher after my Shriner experience to help reach more kids.

02-01-2015, 03:57 PM
Look at this way any organization that thinks veterans don't know how to enjoy firearms really has something wrong them. I found this out when I thought of donating some money their way. I think veterans who like to hunt, shoot and fish should be allowed to enjoy this type of recreation as best as they can for as long as they can.

I have thought a long time about starting a fund for veterans, but I want to be paid also and my pay would be 1% of whatever comes in and of that I would put in 50% of what I am paid back into the fund just to make sure it gets to as many veterans as possible. Yep I would be living the high life on 0.5% of donations and with that I would pay all my expenses and hope there was enough to do that. Leftover would most likely be used to have meals with veterans and see what else I could do to help them. Yea I am a real gold digger when it comes to veterans and helping them.
WWP is nothing more than a scam anymore not sure it was ever anymore.

Bad Water Bill
02-02-2015, 04:40 AM
Didn't we run them into the ground when they left disabled vets sitting on the RR tracks with a train approaching a few years ago?