View Full Version : Lyman 55 Powder Measure

01-29-2015, 02:04 PM
When I started handloading in 1958, I began with a Lyman 55 powder measure. I have since had others but maintain a fondness for the 55. A few years ago I started picking them up on the cheap and setting them for my favorite powder charges. Along the way, I got interested in the history and evolution of the measure. At the end of WWII in 1947 Lyman introduced the 55 powder measure which was a direct improvement over the old Ideal No. 5. Throughout the years, there have been some changes in the 55, principally in how the drop tubes were attached and how the slides are adjusted. Caps, labels, drop tubes and mounting bosses on the back also changed.

Having 5 of these, I really had no need for another, but when a first production (1947) 55 showed up with all original parts, the box and paperwork, I could not resist. After a clean up it will go to work with it's brothers and a purpose for it will show up.

01-29-2015, 02:17 PM
Nice looking 55, got 5 of them myself. My first was in 1972. They are the only measures I have ever used.

01-29-2015, 03:49 PM
One of these days when money isn't tight, I'm going to have to try one of those. Seems like those who own them, love them. Congrats on finding that one Char-Gar.

01-29-2015, 04:09 PM
I've had one for years . Definitely one of my favorites also.

01-29-2015, 05:21 PM
Lyman 55s are not expensive. You should be able to get one for $40 - $50 shipped to you, if you take your time looking. I have never seen a broken one. They can be cleaned up if a little rusty and when done they work just fine.

Some folks complain they are hard to set, but I have not found that to be true. Lyman has a chart to set these and it is very darn close. With a small adjustment from the chart setting, they are spot on.

Others don't like the knocker arrangement used to settle the powder before each throw. I don't use it. There is a fellow on Ebay that sells powder measure weights for most popular measures including the Lyman 55. With this in place, there is no need to use the knocker and the charges thrown are spot on and I can't measure any throw to throw changes. It is as uniform as any measure every made. Here is a pic of the weight system.

01-29-2015, 05:35 PM
Normally, that much money wouldn't be a big deal, but this year, I've had a lot of medical bills and started a new business. Good news is, business is making it and we should do well long term. Bad news is, money is tight in the short term, but the bills are paid, gas and groceries bought. Starting in March, we should start doing real well with the onset of spring as it's a sod broker business.

But until then, no additional luxuries. But if we do as well as the sod farm thinks we will, we'll be buying a house cash in the summer or next fall. After that, luxuries will be a lot easier to get. :)

01-29-2015, 06:02 PM
Good looking specimen. I can see why you caved.

01-29-2015, 06:39 PM
My favorite resource for old measures is suddenly a dead link, 55project.com. I have a 1c on the way according to the chart that was there. Fleabay bidders must have taken a vacation last week since I picked up the 55(less cap), a Saeco Micro-setting(less cap and stand), and a Herters measure for about $35 each after shipping. I can't wait to try it out since it is my first 55.

01-29-2015, 07:03 PM
It is all cleaned up, lubricated and ready for use. It is now in line with it's five brother representing all major changes from it's introduction in 1947 until Lyman was sold to Leisure Group in 1970. It was later bought from Leisure Group and spun off into a free standing outfit, but as far as I am concerned Lyman Gunsight Co. died in 1970.

01-29-2015, 07:20 PM
My favorite resource for old measures is suddenly a dead link, 55project.com. I have a 1c on the way according to the chart that was there. Fleabay bidders must have taken a vacation last week since I picked up the 55(less cap), a Saeco Micro-setting(less cap and stand), and a Herters measure for about $35 each after shipping. I can't wait to try it out since it is my first 55.

I checked the link and you are right it is not working although it worked yesterday. I hope it gets back as it is "the resource" on these kinds of things.

The older Lyman 55s that show use, paint loss and some rust go don't sell well on Ebay. I picked up the third one on the left in the group pic for less than $25.00 in my mailbox 6 months ago. They all clean up well and work perfectly. I don't think you can wear one of these out, they seem to be everlasting.

01-29-2015, 07:44 PM
The cached site site works http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://55project.com/

too many things
01-29-2015, 10:26 PM
well need to sell some Ihave 10 now . its a shame what some let happen to them Got one about 2 months back had about 2oz of powder and looked like cat food in the drop tube . it all cleaned up fine but how it got in that shape ?

01-29-2015, 11:00 PM
I have 2 grey and 4 orange. They just keep going and going.

01-30-2015, 05:34 PM
I have looked at these for years and bid on a few on eBay. But was never successful as they always went for more than I thought they were worth ($75 or more). And I was confused by the different colored ones. Orange and grey mostly. What was the difference in them? What is the practical range of adjustment on one of these? I have an old Pacific powder measure that seems to do pretty well with two different slides for different amounts of powder. But I thought an orange Lyman would be a good addition to my antique reloader collection.

01-30-2015, 09:16 PM
If you want a Lyman #55 you should watch the Sell/ Swap forum. A member listed four for sale recently. They went from twenty bucks to fifty with the box. I think he was only able to sell two. I have five or six myself. One of my regrets is passing on a # five made entirely of cast iron because it was missing the lid to the reservoir. The price was five dollars. At that time the # six was going for fifty bucks. That was a long time ago.

01-30-2015, 09:58 PM
With all this reloading tool eye candy like Char-Gar's 55's there oght to be a place for viewing tooling.


01-31-2015, 12:34 AM
I have looked at these for years and bid on a few on eBay. But was never successful as they always went for more than I thought they were worth ($75 or more). And I was confused by the different colored ones. Orange and grey mostly. What was the difference in them? What is the practical range of adjustment on one of these? I have an old Pacific powder measure that seems to do pretty well with two different slides for different amounts of powder. But I thought an orange Lyman would be a good addition to my antique reloader collection.

If you want a Lyman #55 you should watch the Sell/ Swap forum. A member listed four for sale recently. They went from twenty bucks to fifty with the box. I think he was only able to sell two. I have five or six myself. One of my regrets is passing on a # five made entirely of cast iron because it was missing the lid to the reservoir. The price was five dollars. At that time the # six was going for fifty bucks. That was a long time ago.
