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View Full Version : UPS Driver throws case of primers the pee's on house

01-28-2015, 06:26 PM
UPS Driver throws a case of primers over a fence and then pee's on the house.


Clay M
01-28-2015, 06:47 PM
My UPS driver is a bad *** dude.. He is an expert marksman, and long range competitor .
He hates delivering stuff to me ,because we will sit and talk for at least 45 minutes,and he can't get his route finished..Hahaha

01-28-2015, 07:04 PM
I don't understand why people don't understand that those are video cameras underneath those dome covers. They are fairly easy to pick out, yet people act like they are not there. It's a puzzle.


01-28-2015, 07:04 PM
Those idiots (yeah I said IDIOTS and I didn't stutter!) have lost/returned for damage in transit 3 out of the last four deliveries here, and I will swear an oath I am sitting here at this moment waiting to see if a package is going to arrive that was dropped off at two different wrong locations this past week! I swear the timing of this post could not have been better as I came here directly from checking the tracking number yet once again to see if they are still going to try to make it today! They claim they delivered the package a week ago but the truck never arrived so obviously it was left at the wrong location but those idiots (there I said it again!) were STILL suggesting until a day or so ago that I check outside to see if I was overlooking it! Dealing with them is a nightmare and both the customer service number and on-line chat are just a bad joke designed to simply isolate the problem from the company, the representatives are clearly off-shore contractors, most likely India due to the accents, that can't speak enough English to meaningfully communicate and even then they can provide no more info than what you will find by looking up the tracking number!

scarry scarney
01-28-2015, 07:13 PM
I just had to go meet the UPS driver at Subway to get my package today. He placed an "attempted to deliver note" on the delivery sign on my door that had my office telephone number (Plus there is a landline phone next to the door, for people to call in with).

01-28-2015, 07:15 PM
I've been lucky, I have a female delivery driver and she does a great job. Although, I hope I never see her squatting in my yard.

Plate plinker
01-28-2015, 07:32 PM
Bummer ups used to be a great gig. Now they ride their guys pretty hard. This will lead to more employees acting out.

01-28-2015, 07:34 PM
My usual driver is good -- luck of the draw I suppose. I get several deliveries a month and could set my watch by his arrival each time.

01-28-2015, 07:39 PM
Fortunately, those are boxes of 22LR, not primers. If the driver had tossed primers like that, the pee may not have been on the house.

01-28-2015, 07:47 PM
It doesn't have to end there and if it were me I would purse every legal avenue available! This guy could be charged with criminal mischief and willful destruction of property, he probably wasn't too concerned abut losing a "seasonal" job but if it cost him additional then that would have really gotten his attention! Just me but I would go after that jerk with everything I could!

01-28-2015, 07:54 PM
Delivery drivers aren't seasonal.
Ups is union and a delivery driver will make about 80-100k a year.
They ain't afraid to let someone go though.

01-28-2015, 07:59 PM
The news spot described him as a "seasonal employee" and I do know they add extra drivers during the Christmas holiday period, that's not to say he wasn't a full time employee usually assigned to other duties however. I hope he was a full time employee, jobs like that are not easy to come by and that jerk deserves to get fired!

01-28-2015, 08:14 PM
Worked for UPS for a short time when I was a young adult. Got the worst route in the facility, some of the hardest work I've done. Facility supervisor rode me like crazy; made up BS to criticize me. After several months of this, his assistant (my immediate supervisor) took me aside and told me he (the facility supervisor) had wanted his son-in-law to get my job.

Other than their management and on one occasion their customer service people, I've had good luck with all the drivers.

01-28-2015, 08:23 PM
I've had 2 deliveries in the last 2 weeks delivered to the wrong address. And I have an address posted! One was UPS and the other was Fed-Ex. The addresses on the boxes were correct. Most of our UPS drivers have been good, Fed-Ex is so-so.

01-28-2015, 08:31 PM
Now that guy can go home complain to family and friends how there in no jobs to found and apply for welfare ! FB

01-28-2015, 08:31 PM
The report I saw said it was an "ammunition cleaning machine" What is an "ammunition cleaning machine"?

01-28-2015, 08:33 PM
That old boy has a case of the screaming stupids. Don't you just love security cameras? That footage is priceless. Maybe next time he will look to see if one is watching him "deliver" packages.

01-28-2015, 08:58 PM
Do not ship ammo via fed ex....They recently changed their policy for pick up only.....you can not drop it at a location....I was hung up on 3 times by their dangerous goods hot line (like I was a criminal) so I went to UPS and it took 5 minutes and got there on time.

Clay M
01-28-2015, 09:00 PM
The problem I always have is with the company Goin Postal.. They are owned by socialist,and you cannot ship a gun through them.I did have a UPS driver steal a gun I shipped once.. They finally caught him and he went to prison..Didn't help me much.That was a real PITA..

01-28-2015, 09:03 PM
Delivery drivers aren't seasonal.
Ups is union and a delivery driver will make about 80-100k a year.
They ain't afraid to let someone go though.

They hire people every year for the Christmas season. Some of them stay in locations like a mall all day. Most of them ride along w/ a full time driver as a helper.

I have two friends that have been w/ them for about ten years. Neither one of them comes close to making that amount of money.

01-28-2015, 09:22 PM
Like most middle class, middle income jobs, UPS employee wages have to a great degree, stagnated over the last 25 years. Even with the incentive pay, I have trouble believing drivers are enjoying salaries much over $80K/yr.

01-28-2015, 09:48 PM
They do indeed earn $80,000+, in fact they did several years ago, but they put in a LOT of overtime for that. I remember reading quite a bit about them when they were on strike a few years ago and they were not getting much sympathy around here when folks leaned how much they earned. Not saying everyone felt that way, I certainly didn't, but the sentiment was obvious and even that article I read was obviously critical of their demands based on their already much higher than average wages for the area.

01-28-2015, 10:05 PM
I like both drivers that work on my route. One fishes in my lake and shares the crappie. I'm the last on the route so they get here from 6-8 pm, both know I shoot and we talk about it when time allows but they are ready to get home.

01-28-2015, 10:34 PM
I wonder what their annual earnings come out to if they could actually put in a straight 2,000 hours.

01-28-2015, 11:09 PM
Have a good UPS driver where I work, if we have a package that's not ready in time we call him and send a driver to meet him somewhere. FedEx drivers at work are OK, never know when the Ground guy will show but the Express driver is very consistent. FedEx driver that delivers to my house isn't worth the powder and lead it would take to solve both our problems...and my lead is "free"!

01-29-2015, 12:07 AM
I don't like it when you order something and they ship UPS or FeDX then just before you are to get it it goes to USPS to be delivered. To many hands in the pot spoils it and somethings don't get delivered.

01-29-2015, 01:00 AM
'Brown' delivered four big boxes of ammo here a few days ago, said to the
wife, "This ought to hold him for a week."



01-29-2015, 01:00 AM
Our UPS drivers have been very good. Fedex on the other hand, rarely do we get the same driver back, and often they arrive in a rental truck. I had one recently thst couldn't find my address. I was home and saw him turn around in my drive, which is next to my large rural mail box that is clearly marked with my address in large letters. I came to the aid of one this week as he was afraid to get out of his truck due to two large Shepards (my son's next door) because the gate was left open. I don't blame him. He was looking for some way to toss the package in front of the garage.

01-29-2015, 01:30 AM

Our Fed-Ex guy is never the same either, always an Arab though. They have called us and told us we had a incorrect address many times ..... :-x UPS is a total 180* thankfully, I actually help them get unstuck sometimes ..... Fed-Ex not so much .... ;)

01-29-2015, 01:32 AM
UPS driver I used to have was great, he was born in my house(used to be the midwives house). The new guy leaves my boxes everywhere BUT my house...

A pause for the COZ
01-29-2015, 03:42 AM
Well I hope the dope gets fired. Pretty sure there is another hard worker who would love a chance to get a union gig.

I never understand it. I have worked at some pretty good jobs. Phone Company, Power Company. There are always some guys who just dont appreciate what they really have.

No way i would ever risk my lively hood like that. But I guess stupid is as stupid does.

Lloyd Smale
01-29-2015, 08:21 AM
both the ups and the fedx drive love coming to my house. they know when Im home they get a chunk of summer sausage to take home.

01-29-2015, 08:52 AM
Delivery drivers aren't seasonal.
Ups is union and a delivery driver will make about 80-100k a year.
They ain't afraid to let someone go though.
Yes, some are seasonal. UPS picks up extra around thanksgiving for the Christmas season and do so every year. I applied for and was going to be hired for one position until i was told i had pay a $600 union buy in, join the union and pay dues.
Pay you to get a job? Laughed in his face, got up and walked out.

01-29-2015, 09:09 AM
Hey when you gotta go you gotta go!

01-29-2015, 11:04 AM
I had a discussion with our local UPS guy last fall. He uses a handheld unit to record all his deliveries. He told me a driver would have to be an idiot to deliver to the wrong address because the packages are GPS coded and if you don't deliver them to within a certain distance of the GPS location you would have to override the check off on the handheld unit.

Powder Burn
01-29-2015, 11:35 AM
I've had good luck with UPS. Delivers in my garage when I'm home, otherwise drops things off to my front door. Keeps items from getting wet or blown around. The "hand-off" to USPS is a little aggravating and adds another day in the delivery process. They actually drive right by the house on their way to the post office 8 blocks away.

01-29-2015, 11:54 AM
Actually I suspect that many and maybe even most of UPS mis-deliveries may actually be those packages handed of to the USPS................

01-29-2015, 12:00 PM
Looks a lot more like .22 LR ammo, than primers. Maybe primers in the box and not visible.

01-29-2015, 01:09 PM
Quote:"They do indeed earn $80,000+, in fact they did several years ago, but they put in a LOT of overtime for that. I remember reading quite a bit about them when they were on strike a few years ago and they were not getting much sympathy around here when folks leaned how much they earned. Not saying everyone felt that way, I certainly didn't, but the sentiment was obvious and even that article I read was obviously critical of their demands based on their already much higher than average wages for the area."

I have never understood the mentality of "that guy/gal earns too much"! By the time I was 17 I had figured out that if someone was making more than I was for similar/same category work---I was not making enough! The next thing was "how do I go about fixing that"?

01-29-2015, 01:39 PM
Quote:"They do indeed earn $80,000+, in fact they did several years ago, but they put in a LOT of overtime for that. I remember reading quite a bit about them when they were on strike a few years ago and they were not getting much sympathy around here when folks leaned how much they earned. Not saying everyone felt that way, I certainly didn't, but the sentiment was obvious and even that article I read was obviously critical of their demands based on their already much higher than average wages for the area."

I have never understood the mentality of "that guy/gal earns too much"! By the time I was 17 I had figured out that if someone was making more than I was for similar/same category work---I was not making enough! The next thing was "how do I go about fixing that"?

Couldn't agree more and like I said I was not one of those who were less than sympathetic because they felt these guys were overpaid. I have no problem with an employee getting a cut of the profits that HE/SHE is making for that company! If a company can make the profits like UPS does then their employees should share in that, after all in spite of what most folks think the relationship between employee and employer is a partnership, neither can exist without the other, and profits should be shared accordingly. OTOH, if the employees are demanding and/or getting above average wages from a struggling company that's another matter entirely, such is not the case with UPS! Those folks who begrudge the employees their good wages need to drop the "if I can't have it neither should they" attitude and consider trying to do better themselves rather than begrudge someone else who made better choices.

Lead Fred
01-29-2015, 02:46 PM
Our UPS man is cool, its one the the Fed Ex dudes that creeped me out one day.
Door bell rang, answered, He had brought 48 lbs of powder, that was for a friend.
He said" Aw, huh, have a hun fun with your ah gun powder" Is a Beevis voice.

Neat thing was, no where on the boxes did it say gun powder of any sort.

01-29-2015, 03:14 PM
Lead Fred, I agree as I have a really good UPS guy who delivers to my house. He tries to guess if I got a scope, reloading supplies, etc. when he delivers. He is a hunter and reloader too.

01-29-2015, 03:50 PM
Now you know why there is a hazmat fee on shipping certain items it is to help pay for the stupid things the delivery people do with packages

Bad Water Bill
01-29-2015, 04:10 PM
I have no idea who or what my UPS or FED/EX folks are or do.

They pull up in front of my house grab the package and RUN to my door.

Have not seen a fat driver in many a year.

Yes they may get paid the old fashion way in my area.

They earn it by hard work.

01-29-2015, 04:45 PM
I regularly see the UPS guy arrive in town at 7am, from his base 45 miles away, and leave town at 7 pm. They earn their money. I swear the guy that just retired knew everyone in our 4,500 population town. If no-one was at home he would track you down at work, or your mothers or girlfriends place or wherever..........

01-29-2015, 07:25 PM
Not UPS but after 34 years as a city carrier for the Post Office and 20+ on the same route I knew things about my customers that I did not know I knew until something happened.

01-29-2015, 07:37 PM
Our normal UPS guy is cool. If its raining he'll put the package in the truck, garage or even in the garbage can to keep it dry and leave a note. He will also leave a signature required package after we asked him as he knows its powder or ammo if we are expecting one. He will put it in the unlocked pickup in the yard and lock it for us. A couple of fill in guys sucked. One guy parked on the road, left a note on the front door that he couldn't deliver the package (micro brew beer of the month club) a no-one was home to sign and drove off waving to my wife who was out back hanging clothes. Another one stopped half way up the drive and through a box of Starline Brass out the window onto the lawn and left it there. I found the soggy, crushed box when I came home from work.

01-29-2015, 07:51 PM
Ok the guy was a jerk and should be fired...now a little UPS information...check it if you don't believe it..UPS trucks never turn left on their delivery route...it's a company rule and mandate...it's interesting and has been proven over an over to save fuel and be more effecient even if the routing can be a bit further on some drops...UPS never turns left when delivering.

Clay M
01-29-2015, 08:10 PM
Over the past thirty two years I have had two really outstanding UPS drivers.. My hat is off to them.Hey I will buy either one of them a steak today if they want..
But whatever I could do for them ,is not good enough in my book. They have damn sure been good to me.

01-30-2015, 12:32 AM
I know of 1 GPS unit that gets my house right, rest put me 2 miles north of town.. google earth is wrong too

I had a discussion with our local UPS guy last fall. He uses a handheld unit to record all his deliveries. He told me a driver would have to be an idiot to deliver to the wrong address because the packages are GPS coded and if you don't deliver them to within a certain distance of the GPS location you would have to override the check off on the handheld unit.

Bad Water Bill
01-30-2015, 04:59 AM
When they added the extra 4 numbers to your zip code that was to assure everything came to your home only.

One day I entered all 9 # in there and found 6 DIFFERENT structures on my block alone.

No I did not look to see how many other locations were in my town. [smilie=b:[smilie=b:[smilie=b:

01-30-2015, 10:34 AM
That's what "brown" can do for ya! At least all he left was yellow!:groner:

01-30-2015, 10:41 AM
He had to post the video on YouTube because UPS just didn't care. About a phone call.

I'm sure the guy would have kept it quit if the talked to him.

Sad sad sad

Clay M
01-30-2015, 12:19 PM
There are good and bad people in ever occupation...The times I had packages destroyed ,was not done by the driver.. Just some gorilla they hired to load trucks in a distribution center.
When I ship something fragile like a guitar or a rifle, I use FedEx second day..
I have yet to have any problems with that..
I have also been told that it is easier to collect the insurance for FEDX. I do know that it is a real PITA with UPS.

01-30-2015, 04:41 PM
Sometimes a little bit of ignorance is a good thing...I go through a lot of black powder so I order 25 pounds at a time to get the price breaks and distribute the haz-mat fee better. About a year after we moved here and I had my shop up and running again I ordered 25 pounds from PowderInc, my UPS driver showed up at his usual time about 3ish in the afternoon on probably one of the hottest days of summer. He had noticed the haz-mat and sig required and said something like dangerous stuff or something like that, so I casually mentioned that it was enough explosives to leave his truck nothing more than a nice looking crater. He said "EXPLOSIVES" and I said yeah 25 pounds of Black Powder that you've been bouncing around in your truck on the hottest day of the year.

Ever since then my UPS shows up first thing in the morning regardless of what it is. It's funny, because I know that he only changes his route on days that he is delivering to my house...otherwise I see him go by to my neighbors in the afternoon most days.

01-31-2015, 12:08 AM
Easiest way to process an insurance claim with any carrier is wait for them to deny it the first time or ignore it 2 weeks, then call them and say you have the paperwork for small claims all filled out and will be filing it in 3 days. They have to defend themselves in the court you file in and in between travel time, lawyer time etc it is cheaper for them to just pay up.

UPS destroyed a doubled boxed foam packed $2,500 amplifier I shipped. I got the remains back and they had backed into it with a truck smashing it against a wall. I filed, they claimed it was improperly packed, I said I have video of it going into the box and small claims paperwork ready to file. All of a sudden they could pay up. I had a check next day for it and got to salvage the remains for a $500 tube and $200 socket, rest was a loss. I couldn't resell the tube or socket in case of internal damage so I used it myself for 10 years.

02-02-2015, 10:03 AM
Good advice Mary. I had to threaten Computershare with a small claims action when they ignored my demand to return money from a cancelled transaction. After 3 calls and 6 weeks, I told them there would be no more calls, I would be initiating a small action in 72 hrs. if I did not have my money in my hand. Check arrived the next day.