View Full Version : Winchester 1890 & 62A.

01-27-2015, 10:57 PM
Couple weeks ago brother came over to show me his latest find, 1890 in 22 long, has a tangen rear sight, think it has to be in the 85/90 o/o range, he was a real happy camper. Then yesterday a friend gave me a call, come on over, I did, came home with a 62A, it too is in the 85/90 o/o range, serial # puts it at 1948, still need to clean the old dry lube from it, now I'm a happy camper.
Cheers, Woof woof Gus an me.

01-28-2015, 04:00 AM
The Winchester 62A was my first rifle. I put a lot of lead down the tube. I still have it and still shoots fine.


01-28-2015, 10:26 AM
The feeding system on those rifles is one of the many stellar examples of why John Browning was such a stud. I picked up the 1906 version as "therapy" to help me get out of the super-serious competition target shooting rut I was in. Every time I went to the range, it was shooting coats, spotting scopes, and micrometer peep/globe sights - in short, I woke up one morning and realized I had forgotten how to plink.

With this gun, I can (and often do) load from whatever baggie of mismatched ammo comes my way. Not only will it shoot shorts, longs, and long rifles, I sometimes run them all in the same magazine. Some days it's good to leave the Eley at home.[smilie=w:

They're also my nomination to be among the "guns that will be the last to wear out after the breakdown of civilzation". SOLID!

Iowa Fox
01-31-2015, 02:07 PM
Nice going. I've got a real soft spot for the old Winchesters.