View Full Version : A personal and business update

01-26-2015, 06:30 PM
Just wanted to share what is going on in my life. I've adapted really well to my prosthetic lower leg. I put it on in the morning and take it off at night and really don't notice it most of the time. I was walking w/o a cane or anything for a couple of weeks but hurt my lower back right before Christmas so I had to go back to using a walker. I pinched a nerve that made my good leg go numb and my knee would just fold up on me. The pain is mostly gone now and I am walking short distances without any assistance as leg gets stronger and the numbness fades. I'll get an opinion from my doctor in another couple of weeks but so far so good.

On the business side things are getting real exciting. I converted my sole proprietorship business to a Chapter S corporation. I am now majority stockholder in BigFoot Technical Services Inc. My wife and my apprentice are also stockholders. We are also the corporate officers.

My apprentice kept my business going when I wasn't able to, and giving him ownership is both a reward for that and an incentive. I have no doubts that he would do just as good a job without this, he is a man of good morals and character. Which is why I have no problem giving him some stock. Truthfully, I have never wanted to start a business with anyone else, but something feels good about this whole thing. (He and his wife were over for supper last Saturday for my 61st birthday - she is a sweet and very bright woman and has no problems with him throwing in with me.)

I have been working with my banker to get corporate account set up and borrow enough money to buy a Haas TM1-P CNC mill. He thinks I will have a bank draft to give to my Haas rep next Monday, and my rep says he can have a mill delivered in about two weeks. I am working with a handyman to make some changes to the shop - we have to cut away part of four trusses and reinforce them, and remove the garage door. A commercial service that does garage doors (we use them for our mini storage facility) is going to install a rollup type door, the door I have now that is on tracks just won't work.

Got all my federal stuff done, and I'm waiting to get my State tax stuff sent to me. I will have to charge sales tax on Indiana purchases but I won't have to pay sales tax for most business purchases.

I am going to hire a commercial service to do payroll and make all the proper tax payments so I can concentrate on what I do best.

My son is helping me get a website set up. He works for a site development company and is really good at what he does, and he understands what I'm doing and the image I want to convey so I think that will come out fine.

I'm blown away to think that I could have a CNC mill in my shop by the middle of February. The first thing I'm planning to run is some Lyman-sized die retention nut drivers.

A year ago I was in pain, had two holes in my foot, and was attached to a wound vac. I made a decision to do what it took to get better. My life works a lot better when I take charge and make decisions, even tough ones. I know that we can't control what happens to us sometimes, but when we can we need to man up and make the best decisions we can. I decided that instead of living forever on disability (guaranteed income and few risks) and sucking on the sympathy bottle I'm going to stand tall and fulfill my dreams of owning my own shop. I may fail, but it won't be from not trying.

By the way, I don't consider myself handicapped, my brain still works just fine.

01-26-2015, 06:34 PM
Good news; glad you are vetting back into fighting form! Wish you mountains of success in your business, being the number 2 in a small.family business I know how much work thought and sacrifice goes into it all! Best wishes from my family to yours!!!!

01-26-2015, 06:34 PM
Good for you. Great to here that you are managing well and planning for a productive future.

GOD bless you and your family...and the business endeavor.

high standard 40
01-26-2015, 06:39 PM
Congratulations on your business model and more so your spirit. I pray your business will be a huge success.

gray wolf
01-26-2015, 08:37 PM
Sir that sounds like some great news,
Julie and I are happy to get the up-date and to know that things are looking up for you.

We wish you the best of good fortune in your new expanded venture and may your health issues continue to improve.

Thank you for the UP-date and may God bless you and your family

Sam & Julie

01-26-2015, 08:38 PM
As always it sounds like you are way ahead of the game, congrats!!!

01-26-2015, 09:08 PM
Glad to hear it, Keith!

Good luck, and godspeed...

01-26-2015, 09:24 PM
Sounds great! Congratulations and hope everything works out great.

01-26-2015, 09:35 PM
Great news Keith. I wish everyone looked at what is possible rather than focus on what isn't.

You are an inspiration to all of us.

01-26-2015, 09:44 PM
"I know that we can't control what happens to us sometimes, but when we can we need to man up and make the best decisions we can. I decided that instead of living forever on disability (guaranteed income and few risks) and sucking on the sympathy bottle I'm going to stand tall and fulfill my dreams of owning my own shop. I may fail, but it won't be from not trying.

By the way, I don't consider myself handicapped, my brain still works just fine."

You sir are an exception to the rule, a true inspiration. I truly wish there were more folks with your attitude in this old world. If there were we would all be better off because of it. I pray that you are richly blessed in you new endeavor and the quantity of business is more than you can imagine.

01-26-2015, 09:47 PM
Great news and I am jealous, always wanted a little hobby cnc mill to play with. My body is broken and beat up but like you I refuse to give in. My brain works fine and I can still sit and work on graphics for the laser engraver!

William Yanda
01-26-2015, 09:51 PM
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear of your progress both physically and on the business front.

01-26-2015, 09:52 PM
Good luck, Keith and admire your pertinacity.

Circuit Rider
01-26-2015, 10:23 PM
That's great news Keith. You've been through a lot, but the worst is behind. Good luck. CR

01-26-2015, 10:27 PM
Ditto's on all the above comments !
And wishing you the Best !

John Allen
01-26-2015, 11:00 PM
Good to hear Keith, I love the corporation name.

01-26-2015, 11:11 PM
Best of luck to you sir!!!!

01-27-2015, 12:00 AM
This is very exciting news indeed! Glad to hear things are going well.Robert

01-27-2015, 12:05 AM
Good news. I wish only the best for you!

01-27-2015, 12:08 AM
That is great news! I'll be doing my part down the road to help your business be a success. I suspect I'll have to get in line.

01-27-2015, 12:10 AM
Great news for sure. Best of luck in everything.

01-27-2015, 12:16 AM
Great news. Hope you have a healthy, happy and a prosperious new year for you and your business.

01-27-2015, 12:19 AM
Best wishes for your health and your newly formed corporation.

01-27-2015, 12:26 AM
Sounds like you have a great doable plan. Look forward to doing more business with you in the near future. Good luck


01-27-2015, 12:29 AM
I sure have appreciated you sharing the often difficult journey you have been on the last year or so and it is music to the ears to now here the clouds have given way to sunshine!

01-27-2015, 04:03 AM

That's all great news. I'm glad things are going so well.

When you get your site set up be sure to let us have a link.


01-27-2015, 07:38 AM
Awesome news Keith!!!!

mold maker
01-27-2015, 08:15 AM
Keith, Your determination to meet adversity with a can do attitude, is an inspiration, to us all. I expect your new business to be the model, for many to copy.
Congrats, and keep on, "getting er done".

Wayne Smith
01-27-2015, 08:45 AM
Great news Keith! Put me on the list for one of those Lyman nut drivers if it is, as I think, for the 450/4500 nut.

01-27-2015, 10:53 AM
Great news Keith! Put me on the list for one of those Lyman nut drivers if it is, as I think, for the 450/4500 nut.

Me, three!
Nut drivers, of course!

Absolutely awesome news on your recovery and future endeavors!

01-27-2015, 10:57 AM
Thanks for all the good will everyone has shown me while I have been through this period of my life.

Wayne - yes, it is designed to make it easy and almost goof proof to remove the die retention nut from Lyman 450/4500 lubers. Here is a link to an old post when I first offered them.


Before I got sick I had run a batch of them. The next to last step is to cut the hex opening in the end. (The last step is to glue in the ceramic magnet.) This is best done on a CNC mill, which I had access to after hours at work. I made 1/3 of the batch into 7/8" (Lyman size) drivers, 1/3 into 15/16" (RCBS) drivers, and I left 1/3 of them uncut, figuring that I would make more of the best selling item when needed. Turns out the Lyman size far outsold the RCBS size. By the time I was ready to cut more Lyman size drivers I was off work and now am on disability with no more access to the machines at the University.

I have lots of plans for utilizing my new resource once it is in place. I'd like to make more lead head hammers as a site benefit, and I have several new products in mind that I prefer not to discuss at this stage of development. I also have a couple of projects that I'm working on with an internet-based vendor to make some of their products. They have been buying their products from an "overseas" source. Believe it or not, we can meet or beat their price and deliver the product quicker and with better quality.

Imagine, I'm reverse engineering their products and taking away some of their business! Sweet!

I will definitely post a sign up list for the wrenches when the machine is up and working. Same for the lead head hammers. Right now we are trying to finish making a couple of the pieces needed to satisfy the folks that signed up for one of my push through sizer sets.

As soon as I get my website up I will put link in my sig line.

Once again thanks to all for your support. It is appreciated.

01-27-2015, 11:15 AM
I have one of the Lyman wrenches. It would be well worth the $ at twice what I paid.

I find it is more useful starting the nut than removing it. I have always had trouble with those extra fine threads.

Cap'n Morgan
01-27-2015, 12:04 PM
You're on the right track, perfessor. Once you get the Haas up'n'running you'll wonder how you managed without a CNC mill for so long. Don't hesitate to ask if you get get stuck or something. Also, I have written several small macro programs for some of the more mundane tasks. If you are interested just let me know.

01-27-2015, 12:41 PM
Wonderful news Kieth! I was wondering how you were doing, praying all the while.

I too have one of your lyman luber nut wrenches, it's so easy to use and I no longer have to worry that I would cross thread the threads, destroying the whole luber. I was also in on one of the first run of the push-through dies, the one that got the black anodized finish. I use it all the time for sizing powder coated boolits. I have a lot more Lyman dies than I do the lee's, and they're in sizes that lee doesn't make. If anybody wants to post size an already lubed boolit to a smaller size, or size a pan lubed boolit, these dies are worth every penny. OR in my case sizing powder coated boolits after they have their purty colored finish!

DR Owl Creek
01-27-2015, 01:00 PM

I'm glad to hear that things are coming along well for you. Good Luck to you!


01-27-2015, 01:21 PM
The die retention nut is the weakest feature of the Lyman 450/4500 lubers. The larger, coarser thread nut on the RCBS unit makes them less susceptible to cross threading. It also accounts for the significant difference in sales of the two nut driver sizes.

01-27-2015, 02:49 PM
Good to hear the news, Keith. You are an inspiration for all of us who
will having health issues now or in the future.

Best wishes.


01-27-2015, 04:56 PM
Great news Kieth. I know that lots of prayers have been lifted in your name. Thank the Good Lord and keep up the work and good attitude. Handicaps are just life's little hill challenges--no hill for a stepper.

01-27-2015, 05:29 PM

You're the man! Maybe I can come down and visit your shop next deer season when I return home to Indiana...I'll probably bring my "adopted son"... a hunting buddy and friend that I have helped on hunting & gun related projects... latest is paper patching bullets for muzzleloader... one of your push thru kits would be great for him... he lives in Texas, but comes back to the family farm near Versailles.

It is comforting to know that a man with your skill, integrity and positive thinking will maintain a business that most of us into reloading or casting can look to for quality products at fair prices.... You will do great!


01-27-2015, 05:45 PM
For sure will get you to make some stuff for me.Once you get tooled up give us All A Shout.I'm glad things have moved forward no retreat.

01-27-2015, 10:34 PM
Every good wish to you sir.
Ole Jack

01-27-2015, 11:28 PM
I have the Lyman tool when you get set up please run a few for the RCBS as want one of them also.
Thanks for a great tool.

01-28-2015, 03:04 AM
Good to hear all is going to plan Keith, I'm hoping all continues on course for you and your family.

big bore 99
01-28-2015, 03:35 AM
Best of luck!

01-28-2015, 09:36 AM
Keith, attitude is 90 percent of the battle and it sounds like you have it.
I wish you all the luck with your heath and business changes.

01-28-2015, 01:06 PM
Just saw the nut driver, I always thought it was designed that way to be hard being thin and with those fine threads. I'll just have to get one when things are back up and running.

01-28-2015, 01:16 PM
Good to hear all is going to plan Keith, I'm hoping all continues on course for you and your family.

Ditto for me!

01-28-2015, 01:31 PM

01-28-2015, 01:35 PM
God bless you sir! that's great to hear!

01-28-2015, 03:37 PM
Well, hold the phone. I'm back in the hospital, within the last twenty four hours my big toe on my remaining foot turned black and is now in a condition called "dry gangrene". They can't just take off big toe, none of the arteries in my right foot are open. Same thing that happened to my left foot which is reason for below knee amputation. I'm probably going to have to have right foot removed in a similar procedure. Looks like I may end up a double-stumper.


I'll find out tomorrow after another lab test what will happen.

I'm going to give myself one day to feel sorry for myself then I'm going to adjust my attitude and expectations and keep doing what I planned to do. I will adjust and survive.

01-28-2015, 03:43 PM
I've been thinking about you lately, and am glad to hear you are adapting well. Congradulations on your recovery progress and the business end.

Oops! I made this post after reading just the first entry. I sure hope it all goes well from this point forward. My prayers for you.

01-28-2015, 03:48 PM
Well sir from my chair you are handicapped when you give up and don't try. I have a broken ankle, two shattered patellas and deteriorating spine and I still get up and go to work each day. Hope to have my own ranch one day even.
Glad to hear things are working out for you and yours, can't wait to hear how things work out for you in the business venture.

01-28-2015, 03:48 PM
Well, hold the phone. I'm back in the hospital, within the last twenty four hours my big toe on my remaining foot turned black and is now in a condition called "dry gangrene". They can't just take off big toe, none of the arteries in my right foot are open. Same thing that happened to my left foot which is reason for below knee amputation. I'm probably going to have to have right foot removed in a similar procedure. Looks like I may end up a double-stumper.


I'll find out tomorrow after another lab test what will happen.

I'm going to give myself one day to feel sorry for myself then I'm going to adjust my attitude and expectations and keep doing what I planned to do. I will adjust and survive.
Well ****. I will continue to think positive for you.

01-28-2015, 03:55 PM
Prayers up Keith. Hope for the best, and deal with the rest.

01-28-2015, 04:08 PM
As others have said I will think good thoughts about and what is going on right now in your life.

01-28-2015, 05:53 PM
I'll do fine. Anyone want to share a prayer for my father I would be very appreciative. He is taking this a lot harder than I am.

01-28-2015, 06:10 PM
Most definitely your father can be included in prayers sent in your behalf. He is after all part of your family structure.
Dad's at times take it harder than do the individuals dealing with challenges.
The one thing you can tell him is that you intend to hang around for a long time yet as you have a lot more to expose your dad to as you and he both gain wisdom in this life.

01-28-2015, 08:21 PM
Prayin' for you and your family.

01-28-2015, 08:41 PM
Keith,Sorry to hear about even more medical problems but know you will succeed ! I admire and deeply respect your determination and mind set. These things truly affect the whole family and my prayers will be with you and family. FB

01-28-2015, 09:01 PM
My hat is off to you, Sir! You are truly an inspiration. I'm sorry to hear of your newest challenge, but I'm sure you will meet it head on, and Win. I hope your new business is successful, and look forward to seeing your products for sale here.

01-28-2015, 09:09 PM
You, sir, exemplify Americana. Congratulations, and you have my word that if I ever need a product or service you provide, you have my business.

01-28-2015, 10:54 PM
Tough news today, hated to read it. My thoughts up to that point were that you've been thru a lot in the last year, you're no quitter. I don't think that's changed in the past 24 hours. Do what it takes to do what you want to do, I'll keep you and your father in my thoughts and prayers.

01-28-2015, 11:32 PM
Keith, sorry to hear about the health setback. I know you are a fighter and will lick it if it can be licked! You and your family are in our prayers, as always. Thought about you the other day, was sizing some round nose Boolits and thought, how come the top punch is such a good fit? Then I realized it was one of your pour your own nose punches. Keep sluggin and good luck with your business as well. Best wishes, Tim

01-29-2015, 01:56 AM
Prayers for a quick outcome and back to work whatever you decide.

01-30-2015, 09:09 AM
I had an angiogram yesterday and they put a stent in my right leg. The arteries in my foot are still clogged up but the doctor thinks the stent will increase the blood flow enough to my foot that I won't need an amputation of the food itself. He will consult with my podiatrist today and if they agree they will only amputate my big toe and leave the rest of the foot.

I know this is not permanent - the foot is not going to get better as I age but if this gives me six months or a year to get my business affairs in order and for my wife and I to move to a new handicapped accessible house it will be a real blessing.

i'll find out later on this morning what the decision is. In any case I'll probably be watching the Super Bowl this year from the hospital bed.

01-30-2015, 09:18 AM
We are all pulling for you Keith.
I'm sure your apprentice will keep things going as best he can in your absence.

01-30-2015, 11:28 AM
Although I never responded to your postings I have followed them for sometime. I'm rooting for a speedy recovery good future health for you and great success in you business venture.

01-30-2015, 12:05 PM
Well, Shucks.

01-30-2015, 01:04 PM
I may have caught a break! Surgeon put three stents in calf and thigh yesterday during my angiogram. Blood flow to foot has improved enough that they have ruled out ANY amputations at this point. They want me to get IV antibiotics for another day or two and then they will kick me out. I talked to infectious disease specialist and he said if blood tests come out OK then he might let me out Sunday. My vascular surgeon and podiatrist have already signed off on discharge.

I will be limited in what I can do until big toe heals completely but I can be patient.

Sooner or later the toe or foot still may have to come off, but this gives me enough time for wife and I to build new handicapped accessible home and bigger shop and get business going good. More time to train up my apprentice too.

This the best outcome I could hope for medically. And I still may be able to watch the Super Bowl from my home with my fur babies on my lap.

01-30-2015, 01:07 PM
Awesome news.
Nothing better than being home.

gray wolf
01-30-2015, 05:46 PM
Sir you are never ending in our prayers.

01-30-2015, 07:51 PM
Glad to hear the good news ! FB

01-30-2015, 11:27 PM
Super news! (yes I know bad pun) I treat every day as a new battle to move and I keep winning and I refuse to quit fighting. That is the key.

01-31-2015, 10:47 AM
Talked to infectious disease guy this morning. He's OK with kicking me out of hospital if my surgeon is OK with it. Yesterday my surgeon said if the ID guy OKs it he would sign off on discharge. Feel like a kid asking for permission to do something, it's OK with me if your Dad says its fine, it's OK with me if your Mom says its fine...

just got to get these guys talking to each other.

01-31-2015, 10:55 AM
If the infectious disease guy is good with the way things look then the surgeon may not get any work.

Enjoy the house and kitties.

01-31-2015, 11:01 AM
Talked to infectious disease guy this morning. He's OK with kicking me out of hospital if my surgeon is OK with it. Yesterday my surgeon said if the ID guy OKs it he would sign off on discharge. Feel like a kid asking for permission to do something, it's OK with me if your Dad says its fine, it's OK with me if your Mom says its fine...

just got to get these guys talking to each other.

As a parent about then I'd say enough!!! Get yur heads together and lemme outa here! [smilie=b::killingpc

I'm glad for your progress Kieth. Glad you get to keep the remaining foot for enough time to allow your business to get started. Will keep up the prayers, it never hurts to stay vigilant.

01-31-2015, 11:09 AM
All the Drs agree that what will most likely happen is that all the necrotic tissue on big toe will slough off and normal healthy tissue will be underneath. Toe will be deformed and I might lose toenail but unless infection reoccurs I should be alright.

I'm constantly reminded of how fortunate I am compared to folks that are in daily pain and/or have life threatening health issues. Folks like MaryB and many others here have it much worse than I do and serve as an inspiration to me.

Wayne Smith
01-31-2015, 04:16 PM
Hang in there Keith! Continuing to pray for your full recovery.

02-03-2015, 06:51 PM
Hadn't posted to this for a while so I thought I'd do what is hopefully the final update on this issue. I had posted about how the doctors needed to talk to each other and they finally did. The conclusion was that it was safer for me in the long run to remove the gangrenous area. End result - last Sunday morning at 8 a.m. I had my the end of my big toe amputated at the distal (first knuckle) joint. The surgeon said that the tissue under the effected area was quite healthy and bled copiously during the operation. Only took about an hour and I was out of recovery and back in my room by 10:30. No pain then, no pain now. Lots of followup appointment with my podiatrist/surgeon, vascular surgeon, and infectious disease specialist. Have to stay off foot and can't drive for two weeks, but I can deal with that.

This has pushed my overall business plans back by about a week, but I still expect to be running my own CNC mill by the end of February. And while I was hors de combat for 8 days my business checks arrived, as did my State tax certificate and several other necessary business documents. My apprentice is going to start back to work Thursday so we can finish up some catch bottle adapters that we started on several weeks ago.

Not the end of the road, just a bump, but I think I dodged the bullet on this one folks. To use another metaphor I will take it as a warning shot across the bow telling me to take care of all of my body and get regular foot care.

02-03-2015, 07:36 PM
Great news and a speedy recovery
prayers still on the list of those to be watched over and supported

02-04-2015, 12:24 AM
:smile: Hi Keith.Wishing you the best for speedy and uncomplicated recovery.Also,wishing you the best in your new business venture..God bless you and yours.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

02-04-2015, 12:33 AM
That's great news on the health and business fronts. I look forward to doing business with your old new company??
Best wishes!!

02-13-2015, 02:22 PM
Glad to hear things have gotten better, after a fashion. I look forward to hearing more form you, Keith!

02-13-2015, 04:54 PM
Saw my podiatrist/surgeon yesterday, she says I can be up and about and drive again, but she won't take the stitches out of my toe until next Thursday. Circulation to toe is good, healing is fine. I'm just taking a lunch break, was helping apprentice set up on next mill operation on catch bottle adapters, hope to get those done soon and resume shipping my sizer sets.


Before I could post my banker dropped by with loan papers and check to give to Haas. My salesrep called just as I was signing last set of papers, he will stop in later today to get check. Once rep has my check I am less than two weeks away from having my CNC mill delivered and installed. I have everything/everybody else lined up and ready to go. I can hardly wait.

02-13-2015, 05:23 PM
Well, That's excellent!

02-13-2015, 10:14 PM
Good news keeps coming!

mold maker
02-14-2015, 09:58 AM
Glad to hear you're making the best of a bad situation, as usual.
Some of us, ( I/me) could use pictures of the products you make.

02-14-2015, 10:03 AM
How long until the apprentice becomes the shop help and you are shipping and management? You have done well thru some tough times and still found a way to pass on knowledge to someone else. Impressive.

02-14-2015, 10:53 AM
Excellent progress and determination!

02-14-2015, 03:49 PM
How long until the apprentice becomes the shop help and you are shipping and management? You have done well thru some tough times and still found a way to pass on knowledge to someone else. Impressive.

I'll bet Keith likes turning handles to much to give it up completely. Much more likely he will become the Research and Development Department and hire shipping and supervisory personnel, more fun that way.

02-14-2015, 06:52 PM
Glad to hear the business is "on track" :)

02-19-2015, 10:51 AM
Haas rep was supposed to come by last Friday to pick up check but ended up stuck somewhere in Kentucky. Monday we woke up with lots of snow on grounds and roads and that pretty much shut down most travel. Same for Tuesday. I was able to get out to shop and apprentice has big pick up truck and made it fine but rep called an put me off until yesterday (Wednesday).

It seems as if this small gray cloud (OK, I'm anxious to get new machine!) had a silver lining. Tuesday night Haas cut prices another 5% across the board, so not only will I get my machine I'll also get a $2k+ rebate! I still think I'll have it delivered before end of February but it might be first week of March before it is fully operational.

The rebate will just about pay for the delivery and installation and wiring. I still will have to pay for a new garage door and some modifications to my shop (have to take out old garage door and part of front of garage and then replace the exterior structure and install different type of garage door). I know its false riches/borrowed money and will have to be repaid but right now I need all the money I can get together to get off to a good start.

I am also hiring a payroll/tax service that will do payroll and pay my employee(s) and the State and Federal .gov. Price is pretty reasonable. I want to keep legal and run a legitimate business and spend my time doing engineering and design and managing the shop.

Sometime in the future when I'm through the startup phase I'll start a thread on all the challenges involved in starting a small business. Machine shops are not usually highly regulated, and there is still a whole lot of work and cost involved.

gray wolf
02-19-2015, 11:40 PM
So glad to hear about the positive progress.


02-19-2015, 11:43 PM
Glad my small business is more of a hobby even though I put out $8k to get the laser and stuff to get going. Thinking up adding a second galvo laser so I can engrave bare metals to do things like AR serial numbers

02-20-2015, 02:45 AM
Keep up the great attitude. You are an inspiration to us all. Adapt and overcome and you are doing that.
