View Full Version : Redding #3 Powder Measure

02-25-2008, 04:25 PM
A while back I got tired of hand weighing out charges of 18 grs of 2400 for my milsurps. So after some research I ordered the Redding #3 powder measure from Midway.

Holy smokes what have I been missing!

Just finished a little "test run" with my favorite 18 grns of 2400. Once I got the charge micrometer set to 18 grains and verified by my digital scale this thing kept chugging right along consistantly at 18 to 18.1 grains on every drop!

Looks like tomorrow while the kids are at school I'll be loading up a mess of 7.5x54 with the Lee C312-155-2R and 18 grns 2400 to feed the Mas-36.

Can't ask more than that!

02-25-2008, 04:58 PM
It is a super powder measure, but it is not as consistent with coarser powders (none of them are). Be especially careful if you use SR-4759 with it. I double-tap the handle at fill AND drop, and it will still bridge maybe once in 100-200 drops. Careful inspection of the filled cases under good light will catch it, especially if consecutively filled cases are adjacent in the loading block. One will be over full and one right next to it will be underfilled. Easy to spot.

02-25-2008, 05:43 PM
Thanks for the advice, Fourarmed. I will make it a practice to check every case in the loading block with a pen light.

One good thing here is that I won't be using the Redding #3 with the coarse powders. I have Pact Electronic Powder dispenser that does great with the coarse powders. However the Pact unit doesn't work very consistent with the fine grain powders, that's why I bought the Redding #3.

02-25-2008, 08:02 PM
I have a couple of Redding powder measures. They are EXCELLENT measures.

I HAVE had 4759 bridge. However, if you will take the "drop tube" (the clear plastic spout at the mouth of the measure) out of the measure and using a rat tail file make the opening OVAL. This will stop the bridging. It works very well and eliminates a potentially dangerous problem.


Morgan Astorbilt
02-25-2008, 09:42 PM
Dale, Thanks for the hint! I've also had bridging with 4759. Half a load, then 1-1/2 loads. Does the drop tube screw out?

02-25-2008, 10:52 PM
The tube is just friction fit - it's in there pretty tight though. I was successful with a pair of pliers and some leather wrapped around it.

I got tired of worrying about the tube bridging and ordered a longer clear drop tube from Midway.


Not sure if I posted this link correctly, so if I didn't just search for clear drop tube on the Midway site.

If Dale has had good luck with making the hole oval, that's certainly cheaper!!


02-25-2008, 11:23 PM
As much as I like 4831 with a 6mm its a problem too. afish4570:roll:

02-26-2008, 12:57 AM
Remove the drop tube as suggested (with pliers leather wrapped). Now, you MUST accept your own responsibility to NOT break it as it is in there pretty tight. I have done several and didn't break any, but the risk remains (however, I am sure they can be bought from Redding if worst comes to worst). Then, when it is out, carefully put it in a vise to hold it firm (with padding) and then oval the smaller diameter (about in the center of the drop tube - it tapers from both ends). I have not had any further problems after it is ovaled. Of course, test to see if you have "ovalled" it enough.


02-26-2008, 12:41 PM
I bought a bunch of stuff off ebay that was pretty neglected in its up keep, some items were rusty as hell...but the price was right.

The No. 3 Redding powder measure cleaned up very nice on its insides, though I had to replace the metering chambering devices because I didn't like their faded numbers and markings. They still worked OK, but got a good deal on new ones (pistol and rifle) for a mere $50.

Replaced the clear plastic reservoir tube & cap, replaced the drop spout...and last but not least the flip handle exchanged for a Hornady knurled knob one.

It throws good measurements, but its wise to take it apart and clean it out inside every once in awhile.


All this for a little over $30.
