View Full Version : 2 high end custom made side locks for sale.

01-24-2015, 04:35 PM
if any one is interested please go to swappen and sellin and read about them. if you are seriously interested please pm me your email and my wife can send as many pictures as you desire from her phone. thanks

01-24-2015, 10:01 PM
I have one of Mr Johnson's 50 caliber muzzle loaders for several years now. It shoots GREAT and I have won several of our monthly matches with it. The biggest issue I have is the teasing I get about my "fancy" rifle!!!!

01-25-2015, 12:36 AM
oldracer your gun has an interesting history. when i had that barrel made for that gun several years ago it was made by one of the best barrel makers in the business. it was one of his last ones or maybe be was his last one. he was 85 years old and the most meticulous man their could be. he was hard to work for as he did it right and nothing else was acceptable. the sad part that just after he cut this barrel he and his wife were killed when a drunk ran a stop sign at high speed and plowed into them. your gun has a story and yes it is a pretty one beside being able to cut center every time. thanks for your comments.