View Full Version : Just saw Unique for sale

Petrol & Powder
01-24-2015, 04:14 PM
Just saw Unique for sale at $120 for a new, unopened 8 pound jug. I didn't buy it (don't need 8 pounds) but that's only $15/lb. There was also 1 lb. cans of WW231/HP-38 and H110 available, although not at a good price.

I'm not saying we're out of the woods but I really think that the seller's market for powder is on the verge of crashing.

01-24-2015, 04:23 PM
Good to see availability and sane pricing together for a change.

01-24-2015, 04:24 PM
that is a great price for a keg of Unique

Petrol & Powder
01-24-2015, 05:31 PM
If I needed it, I would have purchased it at that price in a heartbeat. The WW231 was $34.00/lb. and that wasn't reasonable.
I also saw 8 pound jugs of 231 but they were $230 which is a bit cheaper per pound but still pretty high.

01-24-2015, 05:43 PM
I hope it's coming back. It would be nice to be able to go buy a pound of powder when I want, rather than have to buy a case once a year when I find it.

Baron von Trollwhack
01-24-2015, 08:24 PM
One cheap jug of powder does not make a recovery from the dearth of powder most of us are finding.

Don't you remember?
It was possible to walk into most of our suppliers and get most any powder of most any maker at reasonable prices.
Here in central Kentucky I am lucky to hit one pound of powder I can use (even by substituting from what I really want) within 60 miles, in one of five trips, and then its overpriced. Pay up or do without for sure.


01-25-2015, 02:05 AM
At that price I would of got it.then will be set for some time with it no matter what.But it will be some time before it will get back to so call normal for how it is all going.Also for there is alot of new reloaders out there now then before.

01-25-2015, 03:10 AM
I go down to valley and shelves are usally bare at big box sporting stores. But this is lgs near me and they keep adding more weekly. So fingers crossed its coming back. They have even dropped their prices once already. That made me happy. Its double posted pic.

01-25-2015, 05:01 PM
I go down to valley and shelves are usally bare at big box sporting stores. But this is lgs near me and they keep adding more weekly. So fingers crossed its coming back. They have even dropped their prices once already. That made me happy. Its double posted pic.

None of my local gun stores have supplies like that!

Our shelves are still bare except for 50cal powder.

C. Latch
01-25-2015, 05:09 PM
There's a store an hour north of me that has a small, expensive reloading section, and they usually have at least one pistol powder, 3-5 rifle powders, and 3-4 types of centerfire primers.

Last trip they had nothing I needed, and I didn't buy the pound of Longshot that I wanted, because, frankly, it was a want, not a need.

Other than that, there's nothing around here. I'm sure there's powder in or near Knoxville, but that's an hour away and I just haven't needed anything badly enough to look that hard yet. I'd rather wait until stocks are back up and place a big order with Powder Valley.

01-25-2015, 11:00 PM
don't be surprised if prices are higher and things don't hit 'normal' for quite a while.
things are relaxing a little, but I still ain't seen any 22's or 2400 on a shelf anywhere.

as the powders come in, many reloaders that were caught a bit short 'are not gonna let that happen again', and then there's the I got some powder but it ain't what I wanted crowd, that'll be looking for what they wanted to begin with.
so it's gonna push things along even longer.

01-25-2015, 11:06 PM
Just had I'm assuming a dealer post they are selling cases of (ten boxes) of that federal match or something or another. For $350. Said they had a lot too. But $35.00 a box seems high to me. I'll stick to when I find deals on the Rem bulk in the $20's. Mama's mosquito only likes mini mags so that's where my expensive 22 ammo pudchaes are made. Just glad as a kid I perfered the mini mags because of plastic containers when I couldn't find the bucket of bullets. Hated the boxes.

Turns out even as a young kid I was an ammo horder :). Lead bird shot too. Just wish it had been a lot more then what I had at $7.50 a bag.

01-25-2015, 11:07 PM
Yankton South Dakota gun show this weekend; bought 2400 for 19.95 (limit of 2 lb.s), Winchester LR primers $28.50/l000.

01-26-2015, 01:24 AM
been hearing rumors of some 2400 out there, but it's drips and drabs and one pound containers.
but that's how the other stuff started coming in too.

01-26-2015, 01:46 AM
I have a question about this powder shortage thing. Just curiosity and it doesn't really matter, but I've been wondering about the logistical supply chain specifics; exactly where has all the powder been going?

I don't mean necessarily who's been buying it, rather has the bulk of it been going through different channels somehow? The reason I'm curious is because nobody you talk to has seen much around for a very long time, including gun shops and sporting goods counters. Powder Valley is always sold out. If they never have any, how do they stay in business? Or does it just come in and go out so fast that it just looks like they never have any?

Let's say, for the sake of discussion, that the local Bi-Mart used to sell on average 100 pounds per month. Now a few pounds trickle in once in a while only to sell out in a few hours. Is some big East Coast chain getting all those hundreds and hundreds of pounds that Bi-Mart used to get in, rerouted for a better profit?

Is all the excess production the manufacturers are cranking out going to the larger retailers in larger markets, with the smaller retailers being left out in the cold?

Is it all selling online and never really making it into the supply chain?

Or are retailers actually selling as much or more than they used to, but it just seems less because stock is depleted and it goes out as fast as it comes in?

Again, it doesn't really matter. It is whatever it is, and I'm patient. But sometimes curious minds do want to know...

01-26-2015, 02:19 AM
LGS out here is selling plenty of powder for 44$#. To rich for my blood, but it is around. Bimart seems like they are not even ordering powder from what I can tell. Our local Bimart gets in powder here or there, but nothing like it used to be. They had some magnum rifle powder come in last week, and it went away in a few days. All that has been staying on the shelf is Pyrodex.I am going to try ordering an 8#'r and see if it comes in. I did that with bullets that they do not carry and are hard to come by. They came through for me, but it took a couple of months.

01-26-2015, 03:56 AM
I don't know full reasons. But a plant fire haulted production of some very popular/high demand powders in pistol/shotgun. There was another plant issue too but I don't recall who or what reasons were.

I know a vendor I used to deal with and I believe he was biggest dealer in two states was told in late June of last year they had no idea when powders were going to be flowing regulary. He's dealing with manufactures, not middle guys.

Something else to think about. Years ago was a Dupont relative who had several semis (stored outside) on his property. There were loaded with powders, primers and ammo. He would get his yearly load up through Dupont at family price. He would wait for prices to go up and sell to all the local fun shops in Northern IL. (They said he made out like a bandit and literalt only sold a few months a year and was done till next year, didnt mean trailer s were empty just had enough cash) Also sold to people at his property. I'm told this went on for a lot of years. They think he died and only reason it stopped. My commander said he had been going to property since he was a kid and buying. Said the trailers were loaded top to bottom. I've heard of people hoarding before and waiting years for a big price increase before selling. No kme knows what happened to trailers.

Fast forward to when ammo shortage happen thanks to a certain leader . My dept literally ran out of 10mm ammo. Their normal supplier basically said no idea when will have any either. So they began looking for a new vendor. They found a law enf only Vendor who had cases n cases of it. Not saying their name to tarnish them because they are a good business and very honest from my experience. (Putting this part in there early, they got the ammo through their normal Leo vendor sales, reseller or whatver you want to call it, not some new our outside unknown source).

My agency bought ten cases. Now they start qualifying the officers who had 10mm. They start having primer stikes and no bang. Lots of them. This ammo is supposed to be new. One Iof bosses realize all the officers who shoot ten are shooting ten year old pistols and I guess brand x was known for firing spring to weaken. So a few xtra power springs or whatver were ordered to fix said issue. Nope still same amount of primer strikes and nada

Next call is to Winchester. When Winchester is given lot numbers they are told its not new ammo but ammo from the early 80's. But hey shouldn't matter. So ammo was sent back to a Winchester who tested it. Basically said the stuff had been improperly stored the entire time. Called it the must have been stored in a barn and exposed to extreme temps/variations since purchased
The kicker no one can figure out how it entered the supply chain. Again it was through Leo channels and outside source should have never happened. But everyone was calming no clue. I know leo reseller had proof they bought it from Win author distributor too.

Every time I see a few bottles of the hardest to find powders were are told hasn't shipped or in forever or just a few primers. Makes me wonder where it has been and came from.

Bottom line someone was able to put privately owned ammo back into supllyw chain but not by going to LGS and selling but by reintroducing two steps above.

Not saying it's still happening but sure makes me wonder.

Petrol & Powder
01-26-2015, 09:18 AM
fatelk - Those are good questions that I don't have answers for. I think your hypothesis that it is simply being purchased by wholesalers and then retailers so quickly that it appears to be unavailable is a real possibility. Never underestimate the power of the consumers to make a run on a particular product and create a shortage.

Dhammer- I too wonder about the age and storage conditions of powders/primers that suddenly re-appear on the market. That was one of my concerns when I saw that 8 pound jug of Unique. Sometimes you can tell the age by the packaging but you can never tell how it was stored.