View Full Version : Elephant season

Lead melter
02-25-2008, 09:27 AM
Saw in the news today that South Africa is going to legalize elephant hunting. Hopefully we can get up a group buy on something and all compare notes in Pretoria.:-D

02-25-2008, 01:27 PM
They want to control the number of elephants the way MOST states here control deer numbers. The more animal vehicle collisions the higher the cull rate.

shooting on a shoestring
02-25-2008, 08:19 PM
Guys I'll grab my .22 Hornet and be right with you.

02-25-2008, 08:21 PM
hmmm . . . thinking I would need a bigger meat grinder . . .

02-25-2008, 08:26 PM
You need to mix pork with elephant to make sausage??????

02-25-2008, 09:26 PM
Sounds good. The elelphant population is getting out of hand in some areas. Years ago, I turned down a deal on one of John Buhmiller's elephant rifles. Wish I would have taken it!

02-25-2008, 09:54 PM
What would I do with a dead elephant?

02-26-2008, 12:00 AM
What would I do with a dead elephant?

They look quite nice, stuffed and placed in the begonia patch in the front yard. And the ribs are great! Don't you remember Fred Flintstone taking the family out for ribs?

02-26-2008, 12:25 AM
Kruger Park has around 8000 elephants and can only support about
half or less than that without permanent damage. They are much
smarter than we are, since we are in the same situation in Rocky
Mtn Park with elk. We are going to pay sharpshooters to kill the 'extra'
elk rather than get hunters to PAY to shoot them and have a wonderful
time, and get some great meat and trophies.

We are losing it, IMHO.


02-26-2008, 12:34 AM
What would I do with a dead elephant?

Trade the meat for stuff, or set up and shoot scavengers for the next week, do bullet test's, let it bloat good, get up wind and pay some fool to go poke a hole in it. Take a picture and go find another .

some guy's just have no imagination :)

good luck

The Double D
02-26-2008, 01:11 AM
They have not legalized hunting for Elephant in SA. They have authorized culling.

Down here if you are an out of town hunter you don't get the meat, it belongs to the land owner. You get the trophy only. Can't bring it back to America anyway.

Most of the culling will be selective for young bulls, cows and calves and probably will be done by game rangers.