View Full Version : George was at my house???

01-22-2015, 01:43 AM
Man oh man, what next?? I got a package from George, A pristine
Lyman 44 cal 2 cav mold & handles & bull plate.
Kind of had a feeling he was gonna show up & he did.
That dude sure has some strange taste's?? Finished off a new jug of Patron,
then he ate the last 2 Chocolate covered Bavarian Cream donuts I had.
Then instead of sacking out on the couch, he curled up under under my
loading bench, & playing with my bit's, stones & cut off wheels???
But that's OK, George is an OK dude, & welcome anytime..
Thank's George... Just next time, leave me one donut please????

01-23-2015, 11:36 AM
George seems like an awesome guy. I hope he finds his way down to Louisiana some day. I got some boudin and cracklins waiting for him.