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02-24-2008, 09:06 PM
All right who gave the tire guy on Monticello rd. in Columbia 50 bones for a 5 gallon bucket of wheel weights?

Down South
02-24-2008, 09:13 PM
I had a owner of a tire place last week telling me that someone gives him $100 per bucket. :roll: I think that he was FOS. As you can tell, I didn't get any WW from him.

02-24-2008, 09:15 PM
Seems I rember a time when peple were paying 5-15 bucks for them. Sure hope my free supply last for a while longer.

02-24-2008, 09:35 PM
Seems to be going around. I'm afraid that all the tire guys will learn about ebay.

Take a look at this auction. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=90949942

02-24-2008, 10:35 PM
And one of the guys from our forum won the auction!

02-25-2008, 12:09 AM
I've made my wife and sons aware of the value of those little lead bars, just in case the aliens whisk me me away to stud for populating a new planet. Or sumthi'n. DALE

Down South
02-25-2008, 11:13 AM
Seems I rember a time when peple were paying 5-15 bucks for them. Sure hope my free supply last for a while longer.

I have paid up to $20 per bucket a few times. I've got a few dealers now who are giving me enough free WW that I shouldn't have to worry about buying anymore. My stash is building pretty good. I'm hoping to pick up at least one full bucket full tomorrow. :-D

02-25-2008, 11:28 AM
I have traded reloaded ammo for WWs, that seems to work for me.


02-25-2008, 11:29 AM
I did buy thru the GunAuction Board 50 pounds of WW ingots, but the guy has more.


02-25-2008, 12:13 PM
I have traded reloaded ammo for WWs, that seems to work for me.


That's a good idea! I did that once for a scavenger friend of my dad's who got me a bunch of scrap he had, loaded him up some 357 LSWCs. I was nervous about liability ("what could POSSIBLY be the harm in reloading a magnum revolver round for some guy I don't know to shoot in a gun of unknown condition!?!?"), so I dealt with it by loading the rounds very very mildly, labeling them as "mild target loads", and I also attached a note with some standard verbiage about only shooting this ammo in firearms in good condition etc.

But yeah, if you could find a tire guy who likes 357, then wow! A box of 50 357s or 44s or whatever for plinking could be worth $20 or $30, and would only cost you maybe $3.

I may consider this to supplant my stash of lead. I've gone to 10 local stores and been able to score wheelweights only once out of all that, 1/2 bucket for $10.

02-25-2008, 12:20 PM
Aside from the liability question, you need a license to sell or trade ammunition.

Wayne Smith
02-25-2008, 04:34 PM
Aside from the liability question, you need a license to sell or trade ammunition.

FFL 06 - $10 per year, 3 years at a time. That and a visit to see your operation is all it took for me. Relatively painless.

02-25-2008, 09:05 PM
small one man shop.

Heck, I bet I have to pay him 25 bucks for them, or haul off to get them out of his way!

Oh when I think of all those barrels full of Linotype type that I passed up at 25 cents per pound!

The Dove
02-25-2008, 10:22 PM
Where I'm from you only need to have a good reputation and a buddy to trade ammunition.... Heck, I give it away for some WW's....

The Dove

02-25-2008, 10:34 PM
I was told $10.00 per bucket but... He said that they get audited and that is why everyone in the area shys away from giving them up.

02-25-2008, 10:46 PM
not really, because the ammo you 'traded' was from the brass he gave you. :)

02-26-2008, 12:51 AM
All right who gave the tire guy on Monticello rd. in Columbia 50 bones for a 5 gallon bucket of wheel weights?

Did they look like these?

The bucket wasn't worth any bones to me, the crate was a freebie & so was the WW's :mrgreen:

.......... just kidding - twas not I - but these were free for the taking. And theres more to come so I'm told.


02-26-2008, 08:23 AM
not really, because the ammo you 'traded' was from the brass he gave you. :)

You and your $400 an hour attorney can argue about it for years against the endless taxpayer funded resources of the BATFE. And if you lose, you become a felon and ineligible to own guns.

We're all adults here. Do what you want. But know the stakes.

02-26-2008, 11:34 PM
Hello, I'm new here but thinking about getting into casting. I have one 5 gal bucket of w.w. and #850 of pure lead bars; Just thought I would hang around and see what I can learn. thanks Glenn

02-27-2008, 12:19 AM
Wheel weights have gone up in Oz still costs me a carton of beer, but beers $40 a carton now!!!:(
At least I have found a tyre place that is willing to trade.:drinks:

02-27-2008, 12:34 AM
Welcome to the asylum fornra.

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. :)

02-27-2008, 10:32 AM
Wheel weights have gone up in Oz still costs me a carton of beer, but beers $40 a carton now!!!:(
At least I have found a tyre place that is willing to trade.:drinks:

How many beers are in that carton and what size are they? Knowing aussies I'm betting those are some man-sized beers!

Bob Krack
02-27-2008, 12:30 PM
You and your $400 an hour attorney can argue about it for years against the endless taxpayer funded resources of the BATFE. And if you lose, you become a felon and ineligible to own guns.

We're all adults here. Do what you want. But know the stakes.

I hope I'm not stirring up anything here, but it is entirely legal (under Fed law at least) to reload another's brass without BATFE licensing. I will post a BATFE code citation if you need it.

Big requirement is that the brass - the actual same brass - came from the person being reloaded for.


02-27-2008, 02:26 PM
I hope I'm not stirring up anything here, but it is entirely legal (under Fed law at least) to reload another's brass without BATFE licensing. I will post a BATFE code citation if you need it.

Big requirement is that the brass - the actual same brass - came from the person being reloaded for.


Is it OK to receive compensation for doing so?

compass will
02-27-2008, 03:59 PM
The scrap yard is paying $50.00 for a drywall compound size bucket full of wheel weights. I have been paying $30.00 per full bucket. Problem is all the tire dealers seem to think that they are in a contract with the battery seller and can't sell them to me no matter how much I offer.

Still, in 3 hours of door banging I collected 120 pounds. I still have some truck tire places to hit, but there is a lot of casters in my area. I also think there is a lot of people living off of collecting and selling scrap anything! Anything I put in the trash that has value to someone else is gone before the trash man shows up.

I checked with my Buddy's shop and he had none. I stopped again the following weekend and someone had beat me to the bucket. He took 8 wheel weights! I have tried to offer paying up front and leaving a bucket with my name on it but they all say "first come, first serve".

02-27-2008, 05:14 PM
WW is getting considerably more difficult for me to get. I had it made with a friend that worked in a Volvo dealership. Volvo as part of their warranty rotates and balances tires with the first service and I was getting 200 to 300 pounds at a time but then . . . Europe banned lead weights. Not a single lead weight in the past year or more. I've been hitting tire stores and found a few. A truck place I went into a month or two ago didn't have a single WW there. I asked what they did with them and he pointed to the dumpster and said its not worth saving them. I told him I would supply buckets for them and he said, not worth it. I said I'd give him $20.00 a full bucket, he said nope, not worth it. I said I'd give him the buckets, $20.00 and a case of beer for his guys and he said, nope, not worth it. http://www.lasc.us/smileycrying.gif

At least that's what I think he was saying, I don't speak spanish.


02-28-2008, 04:33 PM
I drove to a nearby town this morning and stopped at a tire store and asked if they had any used wheel weights for sale. The guy went into the shop and came back and said $20 per bucket. I asked if they were 5 gallon buckets and he told me they were. I agreed to buy two buckets.

When I drove the truck around to the shop, they brought out two 5 gallon buckets and a smaller bucket (4 gallon?) and loaded them up. The guy said "$60", and I peeled out 3 twenties for him. That was almost all the cash I had with me, and I wasn't going to argue. WW are getting harder to find, and I may go back in a month or so to see if he has more. My town of 5000 has no sources of WW for sale, as I have tried several times.

This is the most I have paid for WW, but glad to get them. Dang, I remember paying 10 cents a pound for all I could carry away!

Down South
02-28-2008, 07:28 PM
I lucked up on a little over two bucket fulls a couple days ago. I traded the guy a couple pair of new gloves for them.

02-28-2008, 07:53 PM
I've spent the last couple of hours sorting through today's WW purchase. I've got a 25 lb capacity digital counting scale and divvied the WW up to see what I ended up with.

The first 5 gal bucket contained 113.7 lbs of clip-on wheelweights and 9.8 lb of the stick-on.

Second 5 gal bucket contained 132.7 lbs of clip-on wheelweights and 8.3 lbs of stick-on.

The 3.5 lb "Murphy" bucket contained 118.85 lbs of clip-on and 8.47 lbs of stick-on.

Total of 365.25 lbs of clip-on wheelweights and 26.57 lbs of the stick-on. This was a pleasant surprise, as I figured I had around 200 lbs.

Weights were after culling all the foreign matter and a couple of pounds of oddball WW that I didn't want to deal with.

Not counting the stick-on, I paid 16.4 cents per pound for the clip-on wheelweights. Very reasonable, and this was some of the cleanest I have seen. $20 per bucket doesn't seem so unreasonable now. Final smelting to remove the clips will raise the average cost per lb, but still not bad.

I won't factor in the gasoline for the 80 mile round trip, as I needed a "mental health" day just to get out and do something different, so I look at the WW as a bonus.

I am glad the young men at the tire shop were willing to load my truck. Those buckets would have been too much for this graying guy :)

02-28-2008, 08:17 PM
I was at the tire garage and asked about ww.he had at least 10 5gallon buckets
asked $12 per.was at scrap yard and asked about ww he said they were not worth any thing and said $.04 pound.I am still confused. wish I was younger and could get around better,I would get all the lead and make bullets.at 83 I am finding it harder to get around.wish I had been 20 yrs ago geting this place.two deer just went thru the back yrd and the Malteze out the door and after them.he is very protective of his territory.--:coffee:---[smilie=1:---:Fire:

02-28-2008, 08:57 PM
I was at the tire garage and asked about ww.he had at least 10 5gallon buckets
asked $12 per.was at scrap yard and asked about ww he said they were not worth any thing and said $.04 pound.

The scrap yard only wants to give you .04 per pound.

I collected about about 60 pounds this week. I also have some possible leads.

I have been getting the same ol "We can't sell them, the battery company takes them" story.

compass will
03-02-2008, 12:31 PM
I hit this old truck tire dealer yesterday. I thought it was a junk yard but it had a tire sign so I stopped in. I made the standard offer of $30.00 for drywall size bucket full. He said "come back in 2 hours, I'll have bucket for you"

I came back, he had this bucket over flowing with brand new truck style wheel weights. he said he don't ballance truck tires, and these things been laying around for years.

Some of these weights are around a pound each! I took it home and weighed it. 162 lbs.
Plus I don't need to spend an hour or 2 sorting through them, and will have much less loss with clips.

Yesterday I sorted through a 5 gallon bucket that came from a place that sells to mostly new cars getting there first set of tires. Finished sorted product was 100 lbs of WW, 18 lbs of Stick-on and 8 lbs of zinc. Most of the zinc was marked Zn, but some was not. I found if your not sure what it is, drop the wheel weight on concrete, zinc will ring. Then try to cut it with side cutters, you can't even mark zinc where Lead will cut easy. I Also noticed around 1/4 of the raw stick-on was zinc, but not marked Zn!

03-02-2008, 01:13 PM
I am starting to feel like a tight wad I have a couplem of tire dealers that save the old ones.I just go by every couple of weeks and pick them up for nothing.

03-02-2008, 01:23 PM
I sorted 2 buckets this week that I had been hauling around for a couple of weeks, waiting for some time to do it. Here's the truck weights, 16 ouncer in the middle, that came out of the 2 buckets. All are 4 ouncers or better.


And here at the bottom of the pic is the stick-ons that came in said 2 buckets. That lil pile to the right of the stick-ons is all the trash that was in both buckets! No butts, spit, soda cans, paper, etc. You take care of your ww supplier, they'll take care of you. :wink:


03-02-2008, 01:52 PM
Interesting finds on the wheelweights. Uh I was just wondering what do you guys use for ingot mold to process them?

03-02-2008, 02:08 PM
Interesting finds on the wheelweights. Uh I was just wondering what do you guys use for ingot mold to process them?

My wife found a muffin pan at a garage sale . Teflon lined , holds 9 muffins . Boy , does it dump the little lead " muffins " out clean and easy ! :-)

I use a modified garage sale " Fry Daddy " out on the concrete patio , to melt my let . Then a ladle to scoop the lead out and pour it into the muffin pan .

God bless

Down South
03-02-2008, 04:12 PM
I use muffin pans for my WW and a cornbread pan/mold for my stick on WW. This way I know the difference of which is what. I've got three of the muffin pans. two of them are 12 muffins each and the other is nine.

03-02-2008, 06:24 PM
My wife found a muffin pan at a garage sale . Teflon lined , holds 9 muffins . Boy , does it dump the little lead " muffins " out clean and easy ! :-)

I use a modified garage sale " Fry Daddy " out on the concrete patio , to melt my let . Then a ladle to scoop the lead out and pour it into the muffin pan .

God bless

I did the same thing , if you take apart the regulator( stops at 400) and break the bimetal swithch off so it runs all the time and then if you want more heat I put it on a colman stove. went through about 200 lbs of wheel weights today with it. going to go pick up some more tomorrow . :-D I learned you only fill the 5gal bucket up 1/4 way with muffin ign.