View Full Version : I think we should arm our police force.....duh.

01-20-2015, 12:01 PM

Sometimes I really have to question the mental capacity of some leaders. I know the EU is not like the US, but obviously, the world is not a peaceful place and the use of arms, especially for policing agencies/officers, should never be a question of if, but of what to arm them with.

01-20-2015, 12:19 PM
Not to nitpick, but I think you mean EU rather than EEUU. EEUU is the Spanish abbreviation for Estados Unidos or United States.

That said, I am all for police carrying guns, they have a very dangerous job. Of course, they also ought to be properly trained on how and when to use them and a mechanism needs to be in place to ensure that they are competent, mentally and physically, in their training.

01-20-2015, 12:35 PM
The general population being armed would be ideal, in my opinion.

01-20-2015, 01:13 PM
not unless we can be armed too

01-20-2015, 01:18 PM
Not to nitpick, but I think you mean EU rather than EEUU. EEUU is the Spanish abbreviation for Estados Unidos or United States.

That said, I am all for police carrying guns, they have a very dangerous job. Of course, they also ought to be properly trained on how and when to use them and a mechanism needs to be in place to ensure that they are competent, mentally and physically, in their training.

My last name is Garcia, LOL. :p

I was too finger happy with too much coffee this AM.

01-20-2015, 01:27 PM
The general population being armed would be ideal, in my opinion.

Yes it would be, that way it will not be like sheep like they are now.Also robg,you are right why not.Since the EU want to be in a fantasy world of gun free it is now come back on them now.Also there was alot of countrys went with the small arms treaty also.So there is more guns that they think can be taken off the street.

01-20-2015, 01:55 PM
The general population being armed would be ideal, in my opinion.

I think this assumes they are competent, law abiding and sober. This is a poor assumption. Not everyone should arm themselves. Some people would never be able to safely keep and bare arms. There are also people who want arms to do evil, I think we ought to try to keep arms from criminals.


01-20-2015, 02:14 PM
Meanwhile in America, crowds gather in the streets demanding the disarming of American police in the wake of a number of shootings by police officers.

01-20-2015, 02:18 PM
I think this assumes they are competent, law abiding and sober. This is a poor assumption. Not everyone should arm themselves. Some people would never be able to safely keep and bare arms. There are also people who want arms to do evil, I think we ought to try to keep arms from criminals.

I know I spoke in simplistic terms, however, every human being has the potential to "do evil". I'd prefer elitist thought police stay out of things lest we all be disarmed.. see my first sentence.

01-20-2015, 02:19 PM
“Let’s total this up. The four attackers had body armor and radio communications. They were armed with numerous 9mm handguns, Kalashnikov rifles, a rocket launcher, 10 Molotov cocktails, 10 smoke grenades, a hand grenade, and 15 sticks of dynamite. These are the people we will be fighting in the fourth-generation warfare of the future.

Why do you feel comfortable leaving your house armed only with a .38 snubnose and no spare ammo? “

- See more at: http://www.activeresponsetraining.net/enough-gun#sthash.ivsUyViz.dpuf

01-20-2015, 02:23 PM
“Let’s total this up. The four attackers had body armor and radio communications. They were armed with numerous 9mm handguns, Kalashnikov rifles, a rocket launcher, 10 Molotov cocktails, 10 smoke grenades, a hand grenade, and 15 sticks of dynamite. These are the people we will be fighting in the fourth-generation warfare of the future.

Why do you feel comfortable leaving your house armed only with a .38 snubnose and no spare ammo? “

- See more at: http://www.activeresponsetraining.net/enough-gun#sthash.ivsUyViz.dpuf
Because my tinfoil hat will distract them.. easy pickins then. lol

01-20-2015, 02:29 PM
I know I spoke in simplistic terms, however, every human being has the potential to "do evil". I'd prefer elitist thought police stay out of things lest we all be disarmed.. see my first sentence.

Do you mean the first sentence in this response or the first and only sentence in the original post "The general population being armed would be ideal, in my opinion."

Ideally nobody would need to be armed and there would be no need for police, thought or otherwise. Then there is the real world. I am not advocating that the government regulate personal arms, just suggesting the we should not encourage everyone start carrying. Let people use their own judgment to decide when and where to carry and if they make bad decision they should suffer the consequence of their actions.


01-20-2015, 02:45 PM
..Let people use their own judgment to decide when and where to carry and if they make bad decision they should suffer the consequence of their actions.

Indeed, no skin off my nose if people choose to fall victim to murderous thugs.. that's their choice.. in this country.. thankfully.

01-20-2015, 07:34 PM
“Let’s total this up. The four attackers had body armor and radio communications. They were armed with numerous 9mm handguns, Kalashnikov rifles, a rocket launcher, 10 Molotov cocktails, 10 smoke grenades, a hand grenade, and 15 sticks of dynamite. These are the people we will be fighting in the fourth-generation warfare of the future.

Why do you feel comfortable leaving your house armed only with a .38 snubnose and no spare ammo? “

- See more at: http://www.activeresponsetraining.net/enough-gun#sthash.ivsUyViz.dpuf

Because we all know nothing like this could ever happen here. "They" won't allow it.

01-20-2015, 09:44 PM
To many buy a gun and never fire it and in a crunch have no clue how it operates. They are the ones who have their own weapons turned on them. Every house should have a shotgun and not a pistol, buckshot or even #4 I use for pheasants will stop an attacker big time.

01-20-2015, 09:52 PM
To many buy a gun and never fire it and in a crunch have no clue how it operates. They are the ones who have their own weapons turned on them. Every house should have a shotgun and not a pistol, buckshot or even #4 I use for pheasants will stop an attacker big time.
It's easier to learn how to use and carry a pistol than to carry a house around on your back.

01-20-2015, 11:30 PM
“Let’s total this up. The four attackers had body armor and radio communications. They were armed with numerous 9mm handguns, Kalashnikov rifles, a rocket launcher, 10 Molotov cocktails, 10 smoke grenades, a hand grenade, and 15 sticks of dynamite. These are the people we will be fighting in the fourth-generation warfare of the future.

Why do you feel comfortable leaving your house armed only with a .38 snubnose and no spare ammo? “

- See more at: http://www.activeresponsetraining.net/enough-gun#sthash.ivsUyViz.dpuf

I like my odds better with a 5 shot snub nose than with nothing at all. When they start lining people up and shooting them, that snub nose might not keep me alive but it might save someone else. I just don't understand the mentality that says that just because the odds are 100:1 against you taking on heavily armed attackers, you should line up and get shot one-by-one execution-style instead. I would hope that a few people would have a "Let's do this" moment if they knew the attackers were only there to kill as many as possible.

01-20-2015, 11:43 PM
I like my odds better with a 5 shot snub nose than with nothing at all. When they start lining people up and shooting them, that snub nose might not keep me alive but it might save someone else. I just don't understand the mentality that says that just because the odds are 100:1 against you taking on heavily armed attackers, you should line up and get shot one-by-one execution-style instead. I would hope that a few people would have a "Let's do this" moment if they knew the attackers were only there to kill as many as possible.
Indeed. Israeli air marshals used to use the Beretta .22LRS to successfully take out more than one hijacker armed with AK's.. it's not the arrow, it's the indian.. then and now

01-21-2015, 12:23 PM
In that case the proper weapon to respond with is Seal team Six, but then again a man armed with an AK, 47 bottles of gas, yadayada, is still likely to respond to a bullet thru the head. The question is can you put it there?

01-21-2015, 12:36 PM

Sometimes I really have to question the mental capacity of some leaders. I know the EU is not like the US, but obviously, the world is not a peaceful place and the use of arms, especially for policing agencies/officers, should never be a question of if, but of what to arm them with.

Generally speaking, the more liberal a country is, the less armed the police are. It's the whole "kum-by-ya" mentality. When it doesn't work out due to nut cases and criminals, the liberal politicians get more totalitarian and ban civilian gun ownership, rather than arming the police. Finally, we are seeing with terrorism that, ultimately even the moronic liberals have to admit a capability of some kind of force is better than none, and indeed is even required...

Love Life
01-21-2015, 12:41 PM
Their problem, not mine.

01-21-2015, 12:53 PM
Level the playing field! Arm everybody! Those who choose not to arm---takes their chances.

01-21-2015, 02:01 PM
Like a lot of stories surrounding the recent shootings some are just made up or exaggerated this story has to be read in some context. The fact one or two officers were not armed doesn't mean none of them are. If you look beyond the story, some jurisdictions have "traffic police" who are really nothing more than human traffic lights in a uniform. Saying all the police are not armed then is a bit of a misstatement at the least. A lot like all the nonsense FOX NEWS put out on the "no go" areas of Paris and the Shiria Law stories FOX NEWS now admits were not true and were in reality just made up. Belgium had the Army on their streets in Brussels last week when the threats were made. The French made short work of the three terrorists as well. They aren't the flower children some here think.

I would not make to many assumptions about how one country reacts to these attacks. The World Trade Centre had a car bomb go off under it well before the planes arrived on 911. There is a limit to what a free society can do and still remain a free society. Whether a society is armed to the teeth makes very little difference to the end result of these attacks. The ability of Intelligence Services to detect plots ahead of them happening has much more affect on the success or failure of terrorists than Grand Pa Higgins and his trusty Colt. 45. Unfortunately when our Intelligence Services are successful they often are not news worthy.

Take Care


01-21-2015, 02:54 PM
.Whether a society is armed to the teeth makes very little difference to the end result of these attacks.
I don't think a J-frame five shot (see someone's quip some posts ago) is "armed to the teeth". What I'm saying is the goblins have eyes and can easily see what's "protected" (or perhaps easy guns to be got from uniformed "protectors") and what's not.. since it's not wearing a peacock uniform and strutting about with no true vested interest save their pension.

01-21-2015, 03:16 PM
I don't think a J-frame five shot (see someone's quip some posts ago) is "armed to the teeth". What I'm saying is the goblins have eyes and can easily see what's "protected" (or perhaps easy guns to be got from uniformed "protectors") and what's not.. since it's not wearing a peacock uniform and strutting about with no true vested interest save their pension.

It didn't work out to well to the guy who shot up our Parliament building - he was shot by the Sargent of Arms who normally carries into the House of Commons a ceremonial Mace and wearing a black suit and tie. He also is in charge of security and carries a Glock 17 loaded with 17 odd rds of Winchester HP bullets under his black suit and tie, all of which he delivered to the BG's chest. Our man is a retired Army type in his late 50's, early sixties, grey thinning hair and who recently was given the job as Ambassador to Ireland - he must like golf and Irish Whiskey as his reward.

I would suggest problems can arise when we make to many assumptions.

Take Care


01-21-2015, 03:20 PM
It didn't work out to well to the guy who shot up our Parliament building - he was shot by the Sargent of Arms who normally carries into the House of Commons a ceremonial Mace and wearing a black suit and tie. He also is in charge of security and carries a Glock 17 loaded with 17 odd rds of Winchester HP bullets under his black suit and tie, all of which he delivered to the BG's chest. Our man is a retired Army type in his late 50's, early sixties, grey thinning hair and who recently was given the job as Ambassador to Ireland - he must like golf and Irish Whiskey as his reward.

I would suggest problems can arise when we make to many assumptions.

Take Care

That's what I said.

01-21-2015, 03:23 PM
How hard could it be to utilize a Ruger SP101? Point and pull the trigger, easy peasy.

To many buy a gun and never fire it and in a crunch have no clue how it operates. They are the ones who have their own weapons turned on them. Every house should have a shotgun and not a pistol, buckshot or even #4 I use for pheasants will stop an attacker big time.

01-21-2015, 03:27 PM
How hard could it be to utilize a Ruger SP101? Point and pull the trigger, easy peasy.

Depends whether you want to hit anything or not.

Take Care


01-21-2015, 03:48 PM
So why are some (robertbank) slamming "Fox news" in multiple threads just today and espousing Pravda/Orwellian 1984? I really don't know. Pretty odd, especially from a "moderator".

Love Life
01-21-2015, 03:55 PM
I think we should police our arms!

01-21-2015, 03:56 PM
And in not "political" threads. If it's not in it's proper place and if it's in your care to move it, then move it/them.. and then squat on it with your steaming agenda.

01-21-2015, 05:05 PM
So why are some (robertbank) slamming "Fox news" in multiple threads just today and espousing Pravda/Orwellian 1984? I really don't know. Pretty odd, especially from a "moderator".
Well the reported after the Paris shooting there were "no go" Muslim only areas located in Paris where Sheira (sp) Law was in force. The fact is there is no such areas in Paris, in fact, the City of Paris apparently is considering suing FOX News for reporting such nonsense. I don'r hold many media outlets with very high regard but FOX News is among the lowest. I understand FOX has admitted they were wrong in saying there were such areas. Sorry if you are a FOX NEWS grouppy but making up such nonsense is not what you expect from a mainstream news outlet that sells itself as a NEWS outlet. That probably why "some" are slamming FOX....just guessing.

Take Care


01-21-2015, 06:00 PM
Unfortunately, that is exactly what I have come to expect from ALL news media! Sensational jerks!

01-21-2015, 10:48 PM
Depends how you define no go areas. If I walked into some of the neighborhoods they would harass me badly for not wearing a headbag, people drinking have been beaten, cops do not want to go into those areas because it is dangerous. I call that a no go zone.

01-21-2015, 11:46 PM
Depends how you define no go areas. If I walked into some of the neighborhoods they would harass me badly for not wearing a headbag, people drinking have been beaten, cops do not want to go into those areas because it is dangerous. I call that a no go zone.

When I go down to the French Quarter in New Orleans I stick to the streets that I know are cool, the other areas are not so much a no go zone as a stupid to go there if you don't belong zone. I they don't know you then you are a mark, someone to be taken. If you have business there you are probably alright unless you have some unsettle obligation or are competition. There are other worse neighborhoods as well, I don't think the Cops fear going into any of them, the Cops are feared if not respected. None of this has anything to do with Muslims but it does have a racial aspect. The Cops will not have you covered, they are not there to make sure all hoods are safe for tourists or outsiders they have enough trouble making sure the hoods are safe for the residents. Same goes for my town, Slidell, if you go to a poor neighborhood and don't have a home there, you better stay in your car. It will not matter how you dress or what car you drive, they know who belongs and who doesn't Again, the cops are feared if not respected.



01-22-2015, 01:17 AM
I drove through an area west of the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit when my son was attending the University of Windsor. Looked like Bosnia on a bad day. He was told by US Border Services not ever to go near the area at night. If he did the cops would not go into the area until morning. Such is life in big cities. Vancouver has a couple of areas that are not pleasant after dark. Nothing to do with religion or race or nationality unless it is necessary to identify Christian whites and not sure what religions make up the Asian and sub Continent Community or the folks in the drug culture from various ethnic backgrounds.

We have a war going on with terrorists who are using a religion as their excuse to do evil on others. It isn`t the first time a religion has been contorted by a few to justify despicable acts and it likely won`t be the last but the latest will be ended. Not soon but soon enough.

Take Care


01-22-2015, 06:41 PM
not unless we can be armed too

That makes perfect sense and changed my thoughts on this whole topic.

01-22-2015, 07:32 PM
It didn't work out to well to the guy who shot up our Parliament building - he was shot by the Sargent of Arms who normally carries into the House of Commons a ceremonial Mace and wearing a black suit and tie. He also is in charge of security and carries a Glock 17 loaded with 17 odd rds of Winchester HP bullets under his black suit and tie, all of which he delivered to the BG's chest. Our man is a retired Army type in his late 50's, early sixties, grey thinning hair and who recently was given the job as Ambassador to Ireland - he must like golf and Irish Whiskey as his reward.

I would suggest problems can arise when we make to many assumptions.

Take Care


Unless Glock has made a silver-reflective/metallic grey frame and slide pistol secretly, Sgt.-At-Arms Vickers was carrying something else. Here's a good video of the pistol:


01-23-2015, 05:42 AM
I think this assumes they are competent, law abiding and sober. This is a poor assumption. Not everyone should arm themselves. Some people would never be able to safely keep and bare arms. There are also people who want arms to do evil, I think we ought to try to keep arms from criminals.Tim

Probly werk about like keeping drugs from the people has.

01-23-2015, 01:41 PM
Well the reported after the Paris shooting there were "no go" Muslim only areas located in Paris where Sheira (sp) Law was in force. The fact is there is no such areas in Paris, in fact, the City of Paris apparently is considering suing FOX News for reporting such nonsense. I don'r hold many media outlets with very high regard but FOX News is among the lowest. I understand FOX has admitted they were wrong in saying there were such areas. Sorry if you are a FOX NEWS grouppy but making up such nonsense is not what you expect from a mainstream news outlet that sells itself as a NEWS outlet. That probably why "some" are slamming FOX....just guessing.

Take Care

I understand we don't live there but it was my understanding that the French government itself delineates/currently describes like 800 "Muslim no go zones", however they might define those within that government.

01-23-2015, 01:55 PM
I understand we don't live there but it was my understanding that the French government itself delineates/currently describes like 800 "Muslim no go zones", however they might define those within that government.

When you say something like, "it was my understanding that the French government itself delineates/currently describes like 800 "Muslim no go zones", it is helpful if you identify the source, I am sure you did not make that up, you got it from somewhere and where makes a difference to me.


01-23-2015, 08:19 PM
I understand we don't live there but it was my understanding that the French government itself delineates/currently describes like 800 "Muslim no go zones", however they might define those within that government.

Your understanding is wrong. It is utter and complete nonsense. This is exactly or close to it, what FOX NEWS reported. FYI The French Gov't just fast tracked an Algerian Muslin for French Citizenship after the gentleman saved the lives of several French citizens at the location where the Jewish citizens were killed. He got the certificate from the President himself.

I get frustrated when I watch our Canadian news services with their very thin and often skewed reporting but it never gets as bad as FOX and for that I am grateful. If you can try to get some of your news from offshore. BBC is very good for instance. Their World Report is worth watching. The reporting is pretty balanced.

Take Care


01-23-2015, 08:33 PM
Anyone familiar with the phrase "consider the source"


01-23-2015, 09:48 PM
Tim it was from FOX and their editorial content they pass off as NEWS broadcasting.

Take Care


01-23-2015, 10:01 PM
"Anyone familiar with the phrase "consider the source"" ^^^

O the irony

01-23-2015, 10:13 PM
CNN was backtracking on calling FOX a liar about the no-go zones, seems they said the same thing 2 years ago...

01-23-2015, 11:50 PM
Tim it was from FOX and their editorial content they pass off as NEWS broadcasting.

Take Care


So the poster I asked for a source, got his info from the FOX report that they have already retracted because they admitted it was not correct?


01-24-2015, 12:04 AM
There are MANY links saying the no-go zones exist http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/5128/france-no-go-zones France is just to embarrassed to admit they are losing control. And again, these are not sharply delineated areas, women walking there without covering their heads get harassed, men drinking have been beat... The radicals try to enforce sharia law in those areas and the cops do not patrol there much.

01-24-2015, 01:51 AM
After 25 years as a LEO I'll pass this along: if you're going to send someone looking for trouble he should be armed. If he's brave enough to go in the first place you may want him to live long enough for another assignment.
As for the no-go zones we all have heard of the growing populations of muslims in major cities. Minorities tend to concentrate in proximity to others of similar ethnicity. In that community a few will tend to be activists. Activists tend to dislike outsiders. No-go zones may be politically incorrect but the possibility can't be ignored.

01-24-2015, 02:21 AM
The dominate force in the Ghettos of the U.S. does change over time, I guess Muslims are taking their turn where they have settled. Law enforcement should do just that and certainly they will need to be armed. I expect that there will be conflict with the previous dominate force but they will be able to carve out a nitch. It has yet to be seen if they can mange to avoid assimilation. I see some complaints about some immigrants not assimilating, the American Lifestyle is massively corrupting and few young people can avoiding falling for it. Hey it has got to be better than wearing a suicide vest. We should stop most immigration and we should enforce the laws across the country.


01-24-2015, 08:56 AM
Corrupting it may be, but being better, ie. the best in the world is certainly not my definition of corrupting. Freedom, what's not to fall for? Most affluent ain't bad either.

mold maker
01-24-2015, 10:47 AM
I think this assumes they are competent, law abiding and sober. This is a poor assumption. Not everyone should arm themselves. Some people would never be able to safely keep and bare arms. There are also people who want arms to do evil, I think we ought to try to keep arms from criminals.


Taking the criminals off the streets would help more. Multi offenders are the problem.
A no release without a legal trade policy would provide a way back for those that work at it.

01-24-2015, 12:32 PM
So the poster I asked for a source, got his info from the FOX report that they have already retracted because they admitted it was not correct?


No the source for the correction came from an interview between a CBC reporter and the Assistant Mayor of Paris. The interview was made when it was reported the City of Paris was considering suing FOX for defamation. I don't bother with FOX NEWS since so little of their coverage consists of NEWS as opposed to editorial opinion. When I do watch American NEWS, CNN and CBS would be the two I watch. CBC, CTV and BBC World Report would be my source for TV generated NEWS.

Take Care


01-24-2015, 12:48 PM
"I don't bother with FOX NEWS since so little of their coverage consists of NEWS as opposed to editorial opinion. When I do watch American NEWS, CNN and CBS would be the two I watch."

No surprise considering how out of touch you are with the American Way. Seriously, CNN and CBS, two of the least trustworthy liberal media hack networks. Straight, unfiltered, propaganda from the DNC talking points. Gun control, abortion, taxes, regulation, gun control, obama drones, gun control. Have you got over the loss of Piers Morgan's credibility?

01-24-2015, 03:36 PM
"I don't bother with FOX NEWS since so little of their coverage consists of NEWS as opposed to editorial opinion. When I do watch American NEWS, CNN and CBS would be the two I watch."

No surprise considering how out of touch you are with the American Way. Seriously, CNN and CBS, two of the least trustworthy liberal media hack networks. Straight, unfiltered, propaganda from the DNC talking points. Gun control, abortion, taxes, regulation, gun control, obama drones, gun control. Have you got over the loss of Piers Morgan's credibility?
It seems that some are quite bitter/jealous that their respective governments didn't draw up a better constitution.. or are left wing operatives.. or both.

01-25-2015, 07:43 AM
The MSM either manufactures news or slants it very badly, or refuses to publish it if it isn't politically friendly to their politics. Has since the 1950s. I'm not going to say much about Fox being perfect, but given our liar in chief's propensity for coverups (outright misrepresentation of facts, manufactures scenarios rather than the facts), and lack of contact with reality, at least they aren't in tight anal formation with his misdirection. You don't get anywhere near to contact with the truth nowadays with the liberal news agencies. Since Zero has been with us we've seen astounding warpage to the representation of reality by the liberals, and the communist in chief hissself.

mold maker
01-25-2015, 09:48 AM
If your looking only for the truth, watch the weather man. He gets it right most of the time and can blame nature for his mistakes.

cajun shooter
01-25-2015, 10:28 AM
I can't believe what some of you have decided to post in your answers. First let me say that I'm a former LEO who lost two riding partners during my tour of duty. I got into law enforcement after serving my 3 years with Uncle Sam, 65-68 with the 4th ID.
The first thing that really bothers me is how quick the citizens who are given the service of these men and women being out there 24-7 for them are ready to jump on them when they use deadly force.
I was a FBI trained Firearms Instructor and armorer for a 1200 man force. When a cop draws his gun and pulls that trigger, he only has a split second to make that decision. The rest of the world has months and years to dissect every move to see if they were correct in that initial decision.
Go through a shoot or don't shoot simulated course of fire to see how much your blood pressure and other body functions elevate.
I have been in the real thing and you have better have some good training behind you or you will be a victim for sure.
Mary B., the shotgun is a very good weapon but unless you have some formal training, it has a good chance of being used against you. See if you are able to tell me why.
As far as news channels and the people who run them, I have no faith in many of them at all. It's just as my signature quotes Teddy Roosevelt, if you have not been in the arena, you don't understand. Piers Morgan should be deported back to the UK where he can project his Polly Anna World feelings somewhere other than here. It's people like him and that little fool that came out the other night putting down on the military of the USA, they don't belong where the other people protect their butts.
Take Care My Fellow Members, David

01-25-2015, 10:36 PM
"BBC is pretty balanced" --- LOL!

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.


01-25-2015, 10:40 PM
Pretty funny anyway.

01-25-2015, 10:50 PM
It seems that some are quite bitter/jealous that their respective governments didn't draw up a better constitution.. or are left wing operatives.. or both.

In as much as we have a Conservative Gov't and your President and up until recently both the Senate and House were controlled by liberal democrats that is quite the statement to make. When was the last time Oregon voted Republican?

To answer Mortimer the irony is FOX NEWS calling itself a news service.

Take care


01-25-2015, 10:54 PM
People let the bad guy get to close and the shotgun can be grabbed. I also wrap the sling on my arm, it is not coming off without taking my arm with it. But the average person is going to threaten and not make that snap decision needed

01-26-2015, 07:27 AM
I told my wife "You cock the gun, if he comes toward you, kill him. If he goes away, let him." She wouldn't have fired, she had a death wish. Liberal.

01-26-2015, 10:05 AM
I have been in the real thing and you have better have some good training behind you or you will be a victim for sure.

I have been in the real thing a couple of times too. The only formal train I've had was a hunter safety class when I was 12 years old. The only other training has been hunting and practice(10,000's of rounds) snap shooting.

01-26-2015, 10:58 AM
I get a laugh out of all the metaphors being used here that mean absolutely nothing. Unless anyone here has gone abroad to interview French citizens and LEO's, they have no idea whether what they're reading or listening to is true or false. Anything received by your radio that's broadcast from this country, and anything you see on your TV from the US has to be approved by the FCC. They basically tell you what they want you to know so any news network will be restricted to what is allowed by the federal government.
When the plane flew into the 14th street bridge in Washington DC during a snowstorm, CNN had coverage on it within 15 minutes. When the two cops were shot in NYC, they waited 36 hours to have coverage. I saw it on the Daily Mail before it was on CNN and that's coming from the UK. It was definitely circulating in the media but not being broadcasted here by CNN. Not one iota of information in this country is presented to us unless the FCC says we can receive it so the argument over one network being better than the other is pointless. All of this ISIS nonsense could all be a ruse, just to justify a stronger police presence across the globe. It wouldn't surprise me if all these terrorist cells were funded by the CIA, in an effort to achieve a world government.

01-27-2015, 08:21 AM
Opinions - yup, just like rectums. Full of .

01-27-2015, 05:48 PM
Opinions - yup, just like rectums. Full of .

[smilie=l: Just in case you didn't know...........http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphor