View Full Version : Crusty Mold Cleanup

01-20-2015, 01:54 AM
I hope this may help someone with a similar problem in the future, or mayhap one of you has a tip or two. I received a Lee SC 308-113 soupcan mold from Fishman a few weeks back as a gift(maybe a challenge). He also received it in this condition...the pics below are after soaking it in boiling water with dishsoap, and then with citric acid. I soaked/boiled it, scrubbed the Bejeebers out of it with a toothbrush.
I think a brass parts brush is next in order from the auto store. If that doesnt work, I guess I'll resort to gently scraping the crud off with a sharp knife. I really want to be able to use it when I finally get my 30-30 barrel!
And since I used the last of my coffee this morning, I had to go out to the garage and roast a pound of Guatemala beans. New one for me.128027

mold maker
01-20-2015, 07:55 AM
Do you know what the source of the crud is? Could it be residue from beageling?
Try a layer of paper towel left in the mold, soaked in a citrus based cleaner like Goo Gone. The outside of the mould is only cosmetic, except for the sprue plate and it's mating mould surface. So concentrate on the vent surfaces around the cavities.

01-20-2015, 09:27 AM
Bet it was owned by someone who used beeswax or bullet lube as a lube on the mould. Burned on goo. I would try a good soak in solvent, maybe kerosene or ATF.

01-20-2015, 10:06 AM
No I dont know what the goop is, but suspected something meant to lube the mold, as Btroj mentioned. I will try the goo gone first, since its the closest. I did see a couple spots where the crud was beginning to flake off just a bit on the exterior. But obviously the vent lines and cavities are more important. Thanks!!

01-20-2015, 10:22 AM
I have had to clean a mold or 2 like that. It is burned on carbon deposits. I found Birchwood Casey Gun Scrubber(at Walmart here) worked well on it, as well as some automotive intake cleaners I had that say they will clean up carbon fouling in an engine.

01-21-2015, 01:58 PM
You might try some automotive products that are safe for aluminum. Gasket cleaner or something similar may soften the carbon. Again, watch for aluminum safe chemicals. Oven cleaner will remove/soften burned on stuff, but can be tough on aluminum.

country gent
01-21-2015, 02:34 PM
If there is a marine supply or boat shop near you stop in and get some cleaner for 2 cycle boat motors. (mercury quick silver comes to mind) This is a cleaner /solvent ment to clean deposits like 2 cycle oil, lubes and carbon from aluminum parts on boat motors. Very effective and works well.

Big Boomer
01-24-2015, 06:26 PM
If you have some Fast Orange hand cleaner available, try some of that with an old toothbrush. That's what I use to de-grease all my moulds. Downside is that once hand cleaner is used, anything ferrous will rust in a hurry. Not a problem with anything aluminum. Big Boomer

01-25-2015, 10:11 AM
Simple green in hot water. Keep an eye on it!
For iron mold's I've tumbled 1/2 at a time in SS media and they cleaned up

01-26-2015, 02:27 PM
I did the Goo Gone on paper towel clamped in between the mold blocks. Sat that way all weekend untill last night. I took a brass brush and basically wiped everything out easily! Did not touch the cavities, I will test cast it and proceed further if needed.http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/26/bb786e9a426403bce5d9670f9f645e32.jpg
Thank guys! I have several options for the next one!