View Full Version : Range pick up 9mm into .357/38's

01-19-2015, 05:59 PM
I'm that guy that scrounges in the dud box at the range for anything and everything, heck I have nearly 12 20oz jars full of .22 rimfire pick ups that are good still I save for "plinking" days. I also have a coffee can of 9mm pulled bullets of various weights and conditions that I will never shoot because I'm not a huge fan of 9mm....but I can bump them up to .357 and make a very interesting SWC out of them with the punch I have on hand for my 105 type die. I'll lathe turn some other punches as these don't want to fill out all the way and some early attempts sheared the jacket at the shoulder which should act like a soft point pretty much I'm thinking. anyways some 9mm swaged in a .357 105 dies with a keith type nose punch made the pictured below. will try them out next range trip.


01-19-2015, 06:14 PM
Interesting idea; I like it! I was once given a bunch of 9mm FMJ bullets, with exposed lead at the base. I wished at the time that I had the required die(s) and punch(es) to convert them to JHP bullets. Since I didn't, I shot them as-issued.

01-19-2015, 08:03 PM
Interesting. Do the jackets ever split during that process?

01-19-2015, 11:03 PM
Have not split the sides, not a lot of major upsetting going on there, I think you mostly have to worry about shearing around the nose area depending on how drastic the change in shape is.

01-20-2015, 02:11 PM
Cool! I like it! What weights are they? Seems like the 3rd one is a tad heavier?