View Full Version : Lead exposure? How about WIFI?

01-14-2015, 06:35 AM
The lead in that cast boolit may not get you, but your cell phone or iPad WIFI RF may! According to the latest studies, people are being exposed to WIFI signals at an alarming rate. Especially kids. And since the long-term effects are not known, it may be decades B4 any real proof is documented.


So.......don't fear you casting pot! Keep an eye on your cell phone and iPAD!

...........or not. :groner:

One documented PROVEN scientific medical fact:
You eat right, exercise regularly, live clean....and you still die.

So cast away, talk away, game away....we are all just fellow travlers to the grave.

01-14-2015, 10:13 AM
I suspect cell phones and pads will also lead to an increasing number of people that will need glasses as they age.

Life is a game of moderation...drift too far one way or the other and you are more likely to shorten it..........

01-14-2015, 10:39 AM
i laugh at ridicule joggers wasting their time on running trails...one day they'll be on their death beds dying from absolutely nothing.

didn't add any years to Jim Fixx either.

Randy C
01-14-2015, 10:45 AM
I thought casting in the house in ND was a way of life in the winter, smelter out side, now I have to worry about electronic devices great.

01-14-2015, 11:41 AM
WiFi operates in the 2.4 GHZ (gigahertz) and 5 GHZ RF (Radio Frequency) ranges. Your house microwave operates in the 2.4 GHZ range. The health risk is a combination of the frequency, distance from the transmitter, power of transmission, and time of exposure.

Most home microwave stoves operate in the 700 to 1500 watt range. The FCC restricts the manufacturers for home WiFi devices to 0.125 watts. (There are exceptions for some types of "Professional" devices). Similar restrictions apply to lower frequency devices such as cell phones and "Two Way" radios.

The FCC restrictions result in low risk for short duration (time of short duration?????) transmissions. With a societal move over the years that has become dependent upon many wireless devices across all aspects of our lives, the duration of exposure to lower power transmission has become dramatically greater. In the 1950's there was concern of children sitting in front of TV's and exposure to the TV tube and it's frequencies; resulting in guidance to not let children sit on the floor near the TV. There was never any hard data to show recordable damage to children or adults, but back then they did not watch as much TV as in the 70's, 80's, .... to now.

RF can kill given enough power, proximity to the transmitter, and time exposure. On naval ships any time a man (or woman) is "aloft" (would have been in the rigging back in sail days) there is an announcement over the shipboard speaker system not to radiate (this includes all frequency ranges from HF (High Frequency) up to EHF (Extreme High Frequency) systems. In all the services there have been service members seriously injured or killed by RF signals in the HF (High Frequency) up to EHF (Extreme High Frequency) systems; this includes being in the transmission path/too close to the transmitter.

My personal belief is that in 20 years we will see validated scientific reports of broad damage to people in measurable numbers from long term RF exposure of our hand held and home devices. Just as long term unprotected exposure to the sun can cause significant cellular damage, the same must apply to RF exposure. Keep in mind that your WiFI router is constantly broadcasting whether you are using it or not, the same applies to that cell phone, iPad, Notebook computer, etc.. as long as they are turned on they are generating those RF signals. We have a society where many people have one or more devices immediately in contact with their bodies for most of the day, they may pay a large price over time for that "Convenience".

Practices to protect yourself:

Restrict Time of exposure by turning devices off when not needed, and increase the distance between yourself and transmitters such as placing your cell on the desk, car dashboard, etc... rather than in your pocket when not needed for actual speaking, use "Speaker Phone" placed on a desk/etc.. when feasible.

01-14-2015, 12:04 PM
I agree 100%.
I think in just a few years there is going to be a SERIOUS amount of "new" medical problems.
The sad thing is, it does no good to try and convince anyone about this because 95% of the population think that they absolutely have to be in contact with EVERYONE at any given time.

It totally pi$$3$ me off when I look around and everyone I see is staring at the phone like a zombie. What the hell happened to people? Good God get a life. You can go to a restaurant and see a couple sitting there playing on their phones and never even talk to each other the ENTIRE time they are sitting there. I've seen it happen.
I rebelled and quit carrying my phone. If I do have it along, its off until I need it. I didnt get it so everyone could call me every few minutes when they are bored. I'm paying for it, I will use it IF I want to.

Sorry for the rant. This hit a sore spot for me.

01-14-2015, 02:16 PM
Already has effected them they are "ZOMBIES" they cant think or act anymore just stare and move their thumbs. Going to have wore out thumbs. [smilie=b:

01-14-2015, 03:38 PM
I agree 100%.
I think in just a few years there is going to be a SERIOUS amount of "new" medical problems.
The sad thing is, it does no good to try and convince anyone about this because 95% of the population think that they absolutely have to be in contact with EVERYONE at any given time.

It totally pi$$3$ me off when I look around and everyone I see is staring at the phone like a zombie. What the hell happened to people? Good God get a life. You can go to a restaurant and see a couple sitting there playing on their phones and never even talk to each other the ENTIRE time they are sitting there. I've seen it happen.
I rebelled and quit carrying my phone. If I do have it along, its off until I need it. I didnt get it so everyone could call me every few minutes when they are bored. I'm paying for it, I will use it IF I want to.

Sorry for the rant. This hit a sore spot for me.

That pretty much sums it up, and it's worse in some other countries. When I was working in Kuwait, I watched a Kuwaiti woman at a restaurant pull two cell phones and a pager out of her purse until she figured out which one was ringing! In Korea, walking down the sidewalk was dangerous, because of all the pedestrians walking along texting on their phones and never once looking up!

01-16-2015, 12:20 PM
There was a study done many years ago that showed that magnetic fields caused cancer. The testing methodology was a tad flawed, the group that they used were ham radio operators, they did indeed have a higher cancer rate than the general population at the time. They were a group that tinkered with their equipment and were exposed to magnetic fields to a larger degree than the general population.

The form of cancer that showed up in larger percentages within this group was Mesothelioma, it seems that not only did they take apart their ham radio equipment and tinker, it was insulated with asbestos...

This study is still used by people to show magnetic fields cause cancer even though it is well proven that this study did not in fact prove that.

xs hedspace
01-16-2015, 03:27 PM
As an electrical inspector, I used to get invited to the yearly dinners/seminars put on by the local power company. One time they were going on about a study showing greater cancer rates among people living along higher voltage power lines, and gave some study as proof that the cancers were not related to the voltages on the lines. I stuck my hand up, and asked if anybody tested the well water in these houses, and looked for traces of the "agent orange" type brush killer that they used to spray on rights-of-way. OMG, hammina, hammina, errr, no, can't be that.......I only turn on my cell phone when I want to call somebody, or if my wife wants to be in touch when I'm on the road.

scarry scarney
01-16-2015, 06:53 PM
I spent 22 years, working on Electronic Warfare equipment in the Air Force (active microwave jammers and such). Upon retiring, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. After 2 years of treatment, was Cancer free for a number of years, only to be diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Been in treatment for this one for almost four years now. I'm not a quitter!

"There's no hazard due to low power radiation." Yea, right.