View Full Version : Recommend a lube recipe?

01-13-2015, 07:34 PM
I'm needing a bullet lube for pan lubing. I tried another recipe using a mixture of moly grease, beeswax, and paraffin wax, but it's some foul smelling stuff! It worked pretty good though.

Does anyone know of a recipe that's cheap and easy to make that would work great for pan lubing? I'd like one that could do anything from pistols to rifles. If it could also double as a BP lube that would be a definite plus. :D

Thanks! :)

01-13-2015, 07:37 PM
Obviously I'm more than just a bit prejudiced, but I'll vote for Ben's Red.


01-13-2015, 07:41 PM
Equal parts by liquid volume of Goya manteca and beeswax. Non-halal lube insures any Islamic terrorists you shoot don't go to heaven. Great BP lube.

01-13-2015, 07:51 PM
40 percent crisco
40 percent beeswax
20 percent jpa

wonderful stuff and great for your hands !!!

01-13-2015, 10:29 PM
I'll second Ben's Red. Don't be afraid to adjust beeswax to get the stiffness you want.

01-14-2015, 01:40 PM
bees wax Crisco and lanolin is my black powder lube.
it comes out to 60-40-5 usually and I adjust with more or less Crisco as needed and yes I know that's 105%.
but each batch of b-wax is a little different so I make the lube twice, once to get everything combined then again a couple of day's later to adjust the firmness of the lube.
it does very well in black powder situations, and will work in revolvers and such without any drama with normal cast loads.

01-15-2015, 01:35 AM
Ben's red gets my vote

01-15-2015, 02:16 AM
for black powder ----- emmert's lube

01-15-2015, 02:22 AM
Bees wax, Crisco, and lanolin is an easy patch lube for BP as stated (easy and works). Ben's Red is an easy smokeless lube (I pan lube with it). I like Felix lube in rifles but its more work to make.

01-15-2015, 08:46 AM
Beeswax and Vaseline is the easiest 50-50 adjust your climate it also works.
Emmerts for Black and light smokeless loads or just Beeswax Crisco and lanolin.
And the the really easy, buy it from one of the Vendor Sponsors here.
I wouldn't recommend mine, you may never make lube yourself again. TAC 1 BULK

01-15-2015, 11:09 AM
I have to put in a plug for tac1 it shoots great leaves the bore like a mirror.
On my really fast stuff I have been using tac1 and bens tumble lube. It works like a dream and the light coat of tumble lube takes all the tackiness away. So bulk storage is a dream!
Try that combo works like a charm.


Larry Gibson
01-15-2015, 11:15 AM
This lube is simple and easy to make. I have used it with smokeless loads quite successfully up to 1800 fps. Don't know beyond that simply because I've not tried it. It melts easily and is easily applied by hand, pan lubing or in a lubrasizer.

In a small sauce pan filled about 1/3 with water place asmall (pint size) Pyrex measuring cup with the handle over the edge of the pan.Pour in 4 oz of virgin olive oil and place on an electric stove to heat up."Ounces" are by volume and I simply use the "ounce" scaleon the side of the Pyrex cup. I bringthe water to just short of boiling (this set up is referred to as a “doubleboiler”). Add pure beeswax in small chunks until there is 9 oz of meltedmixture in the Pyrex cup. I stir it with a wood tongue depressor, popsiclestick or whatever. This makes a 4 – 5part mix (olive oil to beeswax). Ofcourse larger amounts may be made but adjust the amounts to maintain the 4-5part mix.

The melted lube may be poured into the reservoir of a lube/sizer.It will cool and harden in short order and is immediately useable. I leave theremainder of the mix in the Pyrex cup (wife made me buy her a new one after thefirst use) and store it in a gallon Ziploc bag (keeps it clean). When more lubeis needed just put the Pyrex cup with lube into the sauce pan of water and meltit on the electric stove again. It is useable this way until the mix isdepleted or you add more beeswax and olive oil (in the proper 4-5 proportion)to make more.

With some bullets I hand lube them while watching a goodmovie on TV. I cut the wood tongue depressor at a 45 degree angle on one endmaking a sort of knife edge. I scrape a small amount off the cold lube mix androll it between my thumb and fore finger. The lube becomes soft and malleablevery quickly. It is then rubbed into the lube grooves on the bullets. I canusually do a couple hundred 405 HBs, REALs or Maxi-Balls during a John Wayne flick.A couple paper towels control any messy fingers to keep the wife happy. Iprefer this method over the pan lube method as I find that pretty messy.However, this lube works well with the pan lube method.

I have found this simple and easy to make lube to be everybit as effective as any of the witchcraft brews often recommended. I’ve alsofound it as good as SPG. I’ve not found any difference in the bore foulingusing this lube with BP as with any other lube. The fouling remains as soft foras long as the others. Accuracy with this lube is also the equal of any others.I recommend it because it is easy to make out of inexpensive components and itworks.

Larry Gibson

I also put precut ML patches in a zip lock bag with a gob ofthe beeswax/olive oil lube and microwave until the lube melts. I then knead the patches until they aresoaked with the lube. More lube is addedif needed. They are then great for usein my 45 and 50 cal MLs with RBs.

01-17-2015, 09:09 PM
Thanks everyone for the tips. It looks like I have a few lubes to try. :D

Side by Side
01-17-2015, 09:32 PM
I like Bees wax and Johnson's paste wax

01-17-2015, 09:42 PM
Beeswax/Olive oil....... 60/40±. I add the crayon of the day to put color in each batch.
