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View Full Version : SWMBO Definition. Do you know it?

01-11-2015, 07:56 PM
Another poll should be made for those of us who had to look up what swmbo means, I did.


As requested. [smilie=s:


01-11-2015, 08:14 PM
"She can't make me do anything, But she sure Can make me wish I had!!"
Sad but very true.

01-11-2015, 08:19 PM
She Who Must Be Obeyed

01-11-2015, 08:43 PM
That person wearing the shirt has obviously never met my grandmother......

01-11-2015, 09:30 PM
Important advice for everyone who does not yet have a permanent SWMBO:


01-11-2015, 09:45 PM
I no longer have one and have NO desire for another one. Good riddance.

01-11-2015, 10:40 PM
I definitely wear the pants.....but she wears the panties. Just a matter of where one wishes to be.

01-11-2015, 11:06 PM
Yes I do know it. Yes, SWMBO wears the pants. After 45+ years the proper answer is Yes Dear. I give her a good listening to EVERY day. With that said, she pretty much lets me do what I want ��

01-11-2015, 11:12 PM
I do not use the term just like I don't use the term Man Cave. My house, my rules, I pay all the bills. Any male that uses these terms needs to check to see if they have anything hanging between their legs.

01-11-2015, 11:20 PM
Can't agree with any of the answers. I know what it means, but we get along
great and work stuff out.


01-11-2015, 11:20 PM
It's hanging! I just know what to do to be able to do what I want. This is a compromise that lets me live in harmony with a woman I love. A compromise-absolutely. Something that works, absolutely. Am I a ***** for doing this -you decide. I'm happy. Mommas' happy. All is good in my house and WE have avoided that expensive divorce and were financially able to retire. YMMV altho I'd like to say more.

01-11-2015, 11:41 PM
http://castboolits.gunloads.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQTEhUUExQWFhQXGRwYGBgYGCAYHxwgHB0YGBccGB wcHiggIB0lHx4cITEkJSkrLi4uHB8zODMsNygtLiwBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy4kHyQsLCwsLCwsNCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwvLCwsLCwsLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAIUBfAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAAECBgcEAwj/xABPEAABAwEEBQcFCwsDAwUBAAABAgMRAAQSITEFBkFRYRMicY GRofAHFDLB0RYjM0JSU1RikrHhJDRDcoKissLS4vEVRJMXY3Nk dIOjsyX/xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAyEQACAQMCBAMHBAIDAAAAAAAAAQIDERIhURMxQfAEFDIiYX GBkbHRUqHB4SPxM2Jy/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCw6vahMKYaccUpwrSDASkDtgn7qLtag2P CbOCOJIPdhRXV4DzZkx jT09k5133huHXGPRjWKhHY1lOV3qARqRo/wCjIO3NXfzqdGpFh io673rVVgSRnKd2Y8d9Ir/AFTu/GnjHYnKW4DVqVYPozXYT241D3D2DbZmyeg93OozabclAla0oH1 iAPbXow8lQCkEFJ2gTlTwWwspbgH3E2ADGyo7x/PSb1J0ec7MjrJP81WEO7p7Pu206nCPldSfxoxjsPKW4AGo1gP 1a6irvpe4aw7LK3 97aPpM5z1pinM8e720YrYWUtyvnUiwT bI7 zOmGptgyFnbJGzneo1Y0idpw4Up449XqowjsgzluV9Op9gOVma 7z3EinGplhj82b7/Uqj5Pj/FeRKd47eyjCOyHlLcDe42wT 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I50b9tE9OaKRamS04VBBIPNwPNIUMTO6u2N59X499IHpPXRxJN pt8gxQCteqbKy4VKcHKOIdViBzkYJjDKmtGqTC7QX1FzFaXCi/wAxS04JUpMevfR8iPHg1Eq2Y7spp8We4YoBuaqsqUolS c LTEj0xOAEZZ4Urdqwy4687LiS82W3EhXNIIuzEZgZUcJjHvikD 3cKXEluGKAI1TY54N9QW0lhQKtiYunATeyM17aD0C1ZSsoUta1 xeWtV5UJwSndAoxP NlKT4NDqSas2GKK7pfVBm0LccUp1JcCQsJXCTd9EkbwBtw66jb NTWHVrcWpyVlBUErug3BgIiCDhniNkVYjG/tJ9tK/0d3spqrNdQwi gDt qTDr3Kqv84pK0JWQhZR6JUOFeVt1QYcdW6VOArWhwgL5t5GRu8 eOWMRNWGeimWvjRxZrqGMdgYrQTfnQtQUtLkQoBUJUIIF4EYxP aBXpadFpXaGrQSq 0lSUgERzs5w9dd/KZ0yj43d1Tm/4HZFfa1RZS260lbyUOLC4C/Qg3oThgDt3irClMYeulf8RUC8JuyJOzaeiiU3LmCVuRK5l H351QfKCo cIwB96GYn47lX2Yz7Kz7yiKV5w3dMDkhhn8dyolaxrS9Ry6J1g tDIuIXCATCSlJGJk4kT30TOt1oGxs/sfjSpV586kk7JnThF9CPuytB K19k 2vROt1o3N/Y/GlSqVVnuHDjsI64Wjc19g 2mOuj/AMhrsV/VT0qarTtzDhx2HTro fiNdiv66c66Pp Iz9lQ/npUqOPO/MXDjsONeHvm2/3v6qY67u4e9Nfvf1UqVUq09dQ4cdh/du8P0bW/JX9VMNenNrLRj9Yes0qVHGnbmHDjsP7v1D/bp6lkeqnTr/8A n/ z ylSqo1pt8wdKGx1o10n9Cf T yvVvW8fMn/k/spUq3jOTIdOJ7J1qBAPI5/X/tqSdaQTHJH/k4T8mlSrVNmbgiStZhBPJHD6/9teatawP0PD0/7KVKhsFFEvdMD iP/J/bTp1jHzR 3/bSpUXYYol7pR81w9P 2uJ7XO7PvORI E/spUqiUmkOMFc81a6/9jtc/tqC9eoHwA 2fZSpVhKrNdTThR2PI6 nD8nT9s yoHygK YT9s ylSrJ16m5apQ2Ie79YPwCPtGmV5QlifeEGPrKpUqTr1Nw4UNhv d858y3jxV7a81eUF35lr9720qVNVp7j4UNhHygvD9E1P7X9VeY 8o7x/QtYfrde2lSrTiz3FwobC/wCoToPwLeWGKvbSV5RXsPeWs/rf1UqVHFnuHCjsQV5SH/mm/wB721H/AKjv4e9Nfve2lSquJLcOHHYifKW/lyLX73tqKfKW9HwDP73tpUqrOW4uHHYkryjP/Ms9iv6qgfKU8D8C1s V/VSpVKnLcfDjsST5R3vmW 1XtqSvKM9sZa/e9tKlRxJbhw47EFeUa0D9E12K/qqDnlCfIjkmetJP3mlSp5y3Dhx2PBWvVpiE3UT8lI7rwNALfpF 15V9xxSlRtPTgNkUqVDFZLkf/2Q==http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e69/c_latrans/ifamansays_zpscc449def.png (http://s37.photobucket.com/user/c_latrans/media/ifamansays_zpscc449def.png.html)

01-12-2015, 12:13 AM
She who must be obeyed. From an old ursula andress movie where she plays a goddes. Frank

01-12-2015, 12:21 AM

Also referenced by Rumpole of the Bailey



She Who Must Be Obeyed may refer to:

fictional characters:
the lead character of Henry Rider Haggard's 1886 novel She: A History of Adventure

Hilda Rumpole, the wife of Horace Rumpole of Rumpole of the Bailey (first broadcast in 1975)

She Who Must Be Obeyed (sculpture), a 1975 sculpture by Tony Smith, in Washington, D.C.

01-12-2015, 12:21 AM
She who must be obeyed. From an old ursula andress movie where she plays a goddes. Frank

I didn't know it was from an old movie. Funny thing is, my girlfriend saw me reading this and said no, "I control that zipper. You can do whatever you want, but keep in mind I'm the only who uses that!" Haahahahahahaha. I got extremely lucky with her. She does a great job of being my better half, and doesn't get after me too bad unless I do something extremely stupid!

I do know that if I ever said anything about my house and my rules I would need a couch somewhere else to lay on and put ice on my head from whatever was handy cracking me from across the room.

Currently our house is more like a republic. Depending on the day she may have 2 votes to my 1, or the other way around. All depends on factors I haven't quite figured out yet, maybe it has something to do with the barometric pressure or the earth's magnetic field. Whatever it is I am happy when it occasionally swings my way!

01-12-2015, 02:19 AM
Sometime during the last 50+ years of marriage I learned if she is not happy then nobody is happy. Since then it has been easy.

01-12-2015, 06:50 AM
Yes I do know it. Yes, SWMBO wears the pants. After 45+ years the proper answer is Yes Dear. I give her a good listening to EVERY day. With that said, she pretty much lets me do what I want ��

I just grunt every once in awhile and she thinks that I'm actually paying attention to what she is saying.

01-12-2015, 08:22 AM
"If Momma ain't happy, nobody's happy" "If Momma ain't happy long enough your unhappy with half your stuff"

Same source for both.

01-12-2015, 08:26 AM
It was 50 years back I met this quiet little gal. After dating about 2 years we wed. I was starting out in the plumbing trade and was about as dirt poor as they come. She worked very hard to help make a household. We had 4 kids along the way over the years. She could laugh at the same type humor as I liked. She cried as bitterly as I could over the loss of family members. She is my life long partner, best friend and confident. We still use that old fashioned term "I love you", though maybe with not as much ardor as 50 years ago. We go to bed each night in the same bed, though the sexual end of it all has been cooled down considerably through age and respect. I made a wise choice in the Frau I married. Kinda sad all of you women haters and curmudgeons that made unwise choices in the "wagon team" that you hitched up with, yet you beat your chest and proclaim how rightous and manly you are.Robert

Wayne Smith
01-12-2015, 08:41 AM
Humm, I guess nobody knows John Carter anymore, either? Old literature is fading fast.

01-12-2015, 10:00 AM
Burroughs didn't write about barsoom until 1912, clearly after Haggard's work.

01-12-2015, 10:27 AM
I know what it means after looking it up. But in the case of my wife and I we have a loving relationship that has lasted for ever since before we said I Do some 33 years ago. We do not have my money, or her money, we have our money, however she does handle paying the bills, simply because after years of being in management I've found when you find someone fully capable of doing a job, let them handle it.

We discuss most everything whether it's her idea or mine and everything works out for the better with little to no problems.

I truly believe I married a jewel of a woman for a wife and I believe she feels the same.

01-12-2015, 10:27 AM
My heart is filled with hope as I now know there are at least two people here that read Burroughs!

01-12-2015, 11:20 AM
My heart is filled with hope as I now know there are at least two people here that read Burroughs!

Make that three.

01-12-2015, 11:50 AM
Make it four.

01-12-2015, 12:02 PM
Five,, It has been quite a while but I really enjoyed the John Carter novels.

fast ronnie
01-12-2015, 12:27 PM
My wife and I have been married for more than 36 years. We are both Christian, both like racing and shooting, among other things. I think more of my wife than to refer to her with a term like that, or some others that seem to be popular. We have not always had an easy marriage, but we both work at it, sometimes her a lot more than me. I value her opinion and talk with her about just about everything. She does not try to control me, nor do I try to control her. (at least most of the time!) We either agree or disagree, but we haven't kilt each other yet. We've each been married before. I like to think we have each learned by our experiences, but those lessons were learned the HARD way. Do yourself a favor and love your wife or husband. There is a reason the Bible says that " two shall become one". If the two are not becoming ONE?

01-12-2015, 12:38 PM
I no longer have one and have NO desire for another one. Good riddance.


I joined the club! :)

01-12-2015, 01:15 PM
After 38 years, I just agree with my wife and then go and do what I was going to do any way. Then later I say, "I must not have heard what you said, or must have forgot."

01-12-2015, 01:25 PM
SWMBO can be a term of respect, and/or endearment. It can be said with humor (not rancor!), and so reflects the preceding. I was fortunate to have a SWMBO for 55 years, and was, and am, better off for it...

01-12-2015, 01:37 PM
Posts 19 and 27 nailed it!

01-12-2015, 08:27 PM
45+ years and working on more. SWMBO for my wife us good humor. She also thinks it's funny when I tell my friends I give her a good listening to every day.
The relationship is strong and equal. We have not argued about money for over 40 years.
We are not flush. Just make the best of what we've been blessed with.

01-12-2015, 08:30 PM
From the H Ryder Haggard story SHE= she who must be obeyed. Circa 1884????

Buck Neck It
01-13-2015, 12:37 AM
At our house, we have this larger, older, stupider kid they all call " Dad".....

MT Gianni
01-13-2015, 10:36 AM
Or as my wife told my sister " why would I stop him from doing something he loves to do".

01-13-2015, 07:49 PM
Make that 6, I'v read Burroughs ,and enjoyed emensely, not Haggard. Now I have to go find he Haggard book /s :)

After 33 years of marriage, I think I did just fine. Like others here , I give a good listen :) , and the older,bigger,dumber kid really made me grin :) sounds familar. Wouldn't take a million$ for her, the love of my life. Will never have another either !

01-14-2015, 01:12 AM
It was 50 years back I met this quiet little gal. After dating about 2 years we wed. I was starting out in the plumbing trade and was about as dirt poor as they come. She worked very hard to help make a household. We had 4 kids along the way over the years. She could laugh at the same type humor as I liked. She cried as bitterly as I could over the loss of family members. She is my life long partner, best friend and confident. We still use that old fashioned term "I love you", though maybe with not as much ardor as 50 years ago. We go to bed each night in the same bed, though the sexual end of it all has been cooled down considerably through age and respect. I made a wise choice in the Frau I married. Kinda sad all of you women haters and curmudgeons that made unwise choices in the "wagon team" that you hitched up with, yet you beat your chest and proclaim how rightous and manly you are.Robert

My wife and I have been married for more than 36 years. We are both Christian, both like racing and shooting, among other things. I think more of my wife than to refer to her with a term like that, or some others that seem to be popular. We have not always had an easy marriage, but we both work at it, sometimes her a lot more than me. I value her opinion and talk with her about just about everything. She does not try to control me, nor do I try to control her. (at least most of the time!) We either agree or disagree, but we haven't kilt each other yet. We've each been married before. I like to think we have each learned by our experiences, but those lessons were learned the HARD way. Do yourself a favor and love your wife or husband. There is a reason the Bible says that " two shall become one". If the two are not becoming ONE?

Posts 19 and 27 nailed it!

Agree 110%!!

01-15-2015, 12:48 AM
Swmnbo.....AKA NO MAME aka bam bam bam bam bam bam bam abmbam bam bam bam bamsecond edit congrats to all the happy couplesI dread a can of beans.

01-15-2015, 10:00 AM
SWMBI -- She Who Must Be Ignored

01-15-2015, 11:15 AM
i wear the trousers in my house ,when she lets me :p

01-17-2015, 12:03 AM
i wear the trousers in my house ,when she lets me :p

Guess the question is what happens when she takes them away? [smilie=1::drinks:

01-17-2015, 08:12 AM
thats when we have fun:-P

01-17-2015, 10:22 AM
People ask me.
"What`s it like being married for so long?" I reply with a straight face "I never realised that PAIN could last so LONG!" That is usually when she throws a fake punch at my shoulder. I remember the shock on a little gal my late Son was dating when she found out that we were still the original married partners for our Son!Robert

01-17-2015, 10:52 AM
the two most importent words you have to learn ,yes dear.once youve mastered them you can do as you like;)

01-17-2015, 11:22 AM
Once in a previous marriage I awoke to the same argument that had been running for 3 days, kind of felt like "Groundhog Day". Exasperated & tired of arguing said "can we just get to the point where I say I'm wrong & go on from there?" Wow... you'd think I had called her every dirty name in the book! So much for diffusing the situation...

01-18-2015, 12:05 AM
Spent all day slinging a paint brush as SWMBO wanted the wall[paper taken down and the kitchen repainted . Still have to touchh up and finish the woodwork but otherwise about thru . On the way home form Lowes with the new curtains she mentions washing the siding on the front of the house on Monday

01-18-2015, 01:11 AM
Kinda sad all of you women haters and curmudgeons that made unwise choices in the "wagon team" that you hitched up with, yet you beat your chest and proclaim how rightous and manly you are.-Robert (Hardcast416taylor)

Quite the opposite in my case. Yes, I'm single and probably better off that way but that's on me, nobody else. But I know how lucky you are and hope you realize it as well.

01-18-2015, 10:10 AM
Kinda sad all of you women haters and curmudgeons that made unwise choices in the "wagon team" that you hitched up with, yet you beat your chest and proclaim how rightous and manly you are.-Robert (Hardcast416taylor)

Quite the opposite in my case. Yes, I'm single and probably better off that way but that's on me, nobody else. But I know how lucky you are and hope you realize it as well.

I think many of the responses-including my own-are kind of tongue-in-cheek here & like on many of the threads it's hard to tell the difference between the serious from the not so serious.
All joking aside, I've been on my own before and have no desire to do so again and my wife is the best part of my life, hope to spend the rest of my life with her-God willing. Hope you understand & I'll bet I'm not the only one with similar views.

Friends call me Pac
01-20-2015, 12:57 PM
My definition of the acronym is Some Women Make Better Offers I have not clicked on the link yet though to see what it means to others.

01-20-2015, 01:20 PM
My definition of the acronym is Some Women Make Better Offers I have not clicked on the link yet though to see what it means to others.


01-20-2015, 01:39 PM
Well i did not know what it was till I open the link.I have not been married and have no live in girlfriend.Single all my life and I see how some are lucky to find the ones they did.I guess I am just too picky and just in no rush.If the right one ever show up ok if not ok.

01-20-2015, 01:54 PM
Having made it through all of Burroughs work by about eleven or twelve, they were a good jumping off point for several years for the "Gor" books, much more interesting for a young man of that age,,,,,,,

All very titilating, but not much relevance with a flesh and blood, well adjusted female,,,,,,.

01-20-2015, 02:27 PM
Having made it through all of Burroughs work by about eleven or twelve, they were a good jumping off point for several years for the "Gor" books, much more interesting for a young man of that age,,,,,,,

All very titilating, but not much relevance with a flesh and blood, well adjusted female,,,,,,.

...with a flesh and blood, not-so-well adjusted female.. therein lies the rub!

01-22-2015, 12:00 AM
Yes I do know it. Yes, SWMBO wears the pants. After 45+ years the proper answer is Yes Dear. I give her a good listening to EVERY day. With that said, she pretty much lets me do what I want 😆

Survival terms:

1. Yes dear

2. You are right

3. I wish I had thought of that

4. No, go ahead, take all my money

01-22-2015, 12:19 AM
Survival terms:

1. Yes dear

2. You are right

3. I wish I had thought of that

4. No, go ahead, take all my money


01-22-2015, 12:38 PM
Survival terms:

1. Yes dear

2. You are right

3. I wish I had thought of that

4. No, go ahead, take all my money

#1, #2,and #3 will work very well BUT #4 has the potential to get you in deep Doo-Doo, especially if you deliver it in PURPLE writing!

01-23-2015, 02:40 AM
Burroughs, check. Also Howard. Heinlein. Asimov. I had been to many other worlds before I got a drivers license. When I'm asked how long I've been married, my reply is always ''Seven wonderful years!!!'' When my other half corrects me to say ''No, 31 years.'' I say yes dear, and seven of them were wonderful. You would think I would have learned better by now.

03-05-2015, 10:33 AM

Dale in Louisiana
03-05-2015, 05:49 PM
She Who Money Bought Out.

Got three of those. That's why I live in a mobile home.

dale in Louisiana

08-28-2015, 05:05 PM