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View Full Version : Lubing non TL CB's

02-22-2008, 12:31 PM
I'm new to casting and have only used Lee TL molds so far. I'd like to pick up molds for my Swede and my K98 (if you have suggestions I'd love them).

However, How do I lube non TL boolits if I do not have a lubrisizer? Is there a product I can use so that I don't have to buy this expensive piece of gear?



02-22-2008, 12:41 PM
Tumble lube them anyway, it should work OK.

02-22-2008, 12:47 PM
I have used LEE alox to lube non TL pistol boolits with no leading issues. These where low velocity .38 loads and .45 ACP loads. I can't make a recommendation for the 8mm rifle boolits though. When I started casting, I went with the LEE TL molds for the same reason as you. Unfortunately I only see one LEE TL for rifles and that is for the 7.62x39, nothing for 8mm.

Shiloh :castmine:

02-22-2008, 01:28 PM
Tim, I shoot lee regular groove 175 grain gas checked bullets out of a yugo 8mm mauser lubed with LLA up to about 1800 FPS with no leading and great accuracy. If I pushed it more than that I started getting some leading and accuracy declined. I used unique for light loads, and 3031 for the 1800 FPS loads. I used the cheap Lee push through sizer to install the gas check. Killed two deer with it this year, well I guess it was last year now.

02-22-2008, 02:21 PM
If'n you shop you can pick up a Lyman lubesizer for $20 - $50. I TL low power plinkers for rifle with regular lube. If I am trying a diferent lube and dont want to clean a luber out I dip lube. I just dip a bullet into melted lube to the top of the lube groove and pull i out and the coolness of the boolit will harden the lube very fast. If held in the right amount of time the boolit will warm a bit and you can get almost the exact amount of lube you need to stay on the boolit. Then size if you must. Some stand all the boolits in a pan and pour melted lube around them deep enough to fill lube grooves. Then let lube cool and harden. If you can get the whole cake to come out of the pan you can push the boolits out and reuse the wax to set more boolits in. Some use a cutter just a tad bigger than the boolit to cut from the cake.

02-22-2008, 03:03 PM
I too dip non TL boolits. Heres the set-up;


After they're all dipped in LLA,(to cover all the lube grooves), they are set on the cardboard. Then I move them once so they can continue to drain. One tip, warm the LLA by putting the pan/bowl in some hot water, it makes it flow easier. Also whan done, heat it up again to pour back into the bottle.


Then after drying for 24 hours, they will be pushed through a lee sizer. OBTW those are 100 grain .308's destined for my 7.62 X 25 Tokorav.

02-22-2008, 03:14 PM
Snuffy, do you shoot those through a CZ 52?

RU shooter
02-22-2008, 05:35 PM
Tim , You can either keep on using the LLA on the regular non TL boolits.Or you can pan lube them .Do a search for Goatlips pan lubing method. it not fast as the LLA but you can use some different lubes and its not as smelly and messy as lee lizard snot

02-23-2008, 12:45 AM
You could always pan lube them. I have only been here a short while but there are allot of threads on pan lubing and it is really simple. I have tumble lubed with great success but I was using a TL mold. I have been pan lubing with felix lube donated by a fellow board member. I would prolly pan lube if its not a high volume bullet. meaning if your not going to load a couple thousand the first night ;)

02-23-2008, 01:55 AM
Snuffy, do you shoot those through a CZ 52?

Not yet. Those are from the first casting session. it's a lee 2 cav. mold, 311-100-2R. I ordered the mold at the same time I ordered the dies. I've had the pistol for 3 weeks, haven't had a chance to shoot it yet! I'm sick of winter, with all the snow I can't even get down to the range.:groner:[smilie=b:

02-24-2008, 01:37 AM
Everyone has their own method. I find it easy to place 100 bullets in one of these tubs, add a dozen or so drops of Lee Alox and shake for a couple mins. Then place on a mat to dry over night and load 'em up. Nothing to clean up.


02-24-2008, 09:36 PM
I like to think that I see a difference in accuracy or leading when using my lube-sizer vs. tumble lubing in LLA for my 8mm- I like to think that I see that.

But I don't.

I don't ask a lot of my cast rifle loads. 11 gr of red dot or 17 gr of 4759 and about 1400 fps with a gas check. Within those constraints, the LLA does as well as anything else. I have even shot them out of my 7.5 swiss 1911 with its LONG barrel- no issue.

If you want to go faster, you may have to try another lube- not that the LLA isn't good enough, I just don't think there is enough of it on the bullet for more than that.

Give it a try.

02-24-2008, 09:42 PM
Yet another method is lubing with waxy lubes, molten and dip lubed as snuffy and mroliver77 are doing. Only works well if you have a long enough ogive to easily hold onto for dipping. The boolits are ready to load immediately after dipping.