View Full Version : Pan lube recipe, no STP?

01-10-2015, 12:04 AM
I've got some stuff together to try pan lubing my .40 boolits(conventional groove).
Right now I have 1lb parafin,1lb beeswax and 1lb vaseline melted(and a crayon!)
I was planning on adding a couple of tbl spoons of STP, but don't have any right now.
Is it going to make a difference? I'm planning on lining up the boolits in my 9" cake pan, pouring the lube to the depth of the grooves and then leaving it in my pot/double boiler for a few minutes till the boolits are warmed through. Will it stay in the grooves?
I'm not running these boolits very fast, just trying to get some lube in there without the mess I get from dip lubing.

01-10-2015, 05:43 AM
Ive been using 1 pound beeswax to 1/2 pound crisco. It does pretty good and I run them pretty fast from a 357. Pour the lube in a pan, then, when cool, cut the holes for the bullets with an empty case cut off so its a tube. Then, i set the bullet in the hole, and put the pan in the oven on 200 while I whip the wife at scrabble. Then, i take it out, and let it cool, but not dead cold, and either upend the cake and push the bullets out backwards over a tupperware container, or cut them out with a my homemade kake kutter. If you remove the bullets when the lube is cool, but the bullets are still a touch warm, it will help with keeping the lube in the grooves, if you're pushing them out. But with the Kake Kutter, it doesnt matter much, but still easier if slightly warm.

01-10-2015, 06:35 AM
You could try some Dexron ATF instead of the STP if you have any of that.

Lead Fred
01-10-2015, 06:52 AM
My standard smokeless lube is:

1lb bee's wax, 1lb lard, 8oz STP

01-10-2015, 10:04 PM
Got some STP and cooked her up.
Just did a batch, not happy. I let it cool and then set it outside(-10). Pulled a couple of boolits and the grooves are shiny and lube free. Shoved them back in, will heat the whole thing up again(they're in a 9" cake pan) and try pulling or cutting them out when it cools to room temp or a little warmer.

01-10-2015, 11:05 PM
pan lubing ( or pain lubing as some prefer to call it ) definitely has it's own learning curve ,which ..is also subjective to various ingredients ( sometimes each and every one ...) kake cutting helps many woes ( especially with the softer lubes ) temp is another thing that can help ,providing you can find the right one for whatever concoction you come up with
what helped me the most was goatlip's casting page erm pan lubing page actually
and like him i prefer the "whack it crack it" method
just as a FYI paraffin in large amounts tends to be brittle tho some have successfully used naught but paraffin and vaseline ( the temp and mix ratio will prolly need fiddling with but ... )

01-11-2015, 01:45 AM
I've got some stuff together to try pan lubing my .40 boolits(conventional groove).
Right now I have 1lb parafin,1lb beeswax and 1lb vaseline melted(and a crayon!)
I was planning on adding a couple of tbl spoons of STP, but don't have any right now.
Is it going to make a difference? I'm planning on lining up the boolits in my 9" cake pan, pouring the lube to the depth of the grooves and then leaving it in my pot/double boiler for a few minutes till the boolits are warmed through. Will it stay in the grooves?
I'm not running these boolits very fast, just trying to get some lube in there without the mess I get from dip lubing.

Have used your mixture for pan lubing for at least the last 25 years only difference being I add 2 tablespoons of black graphite. Never had much luck with any lube that contained STP. This is for pan lubing only. Am sure it might work well for other forms of lubing but have found, for me at least, the STP for what ever reason lets the lube "slip" out of the grooves when pushing the bullets out of the cooled mass of lube. There seems to be a proper temperature thing with pan lubing, at the correct temperature there seems to be a shearing effect that will allow lube to stay in the grooves yet the slug passes through yet with STP it seems you can never find that temp.

A good source for powdered graphite is to be found at your John Deere dealer. Ask for the powdered graphite that is spread over the seed in a Max Emerge planter.

01-11-2015, 04:40 AM
I've done a bit of pan lube. I use the Felix formula with just a scootch more beeswax. Here is what worked for me.

Use a silicon pan. Stand the boolits up pour in your lube and as soon as the lube block stiffens remove the whole block form the pan boolits and all push the boolits out the back of the block. It takes a certain firm but softness to come out right. The trouble is you'll need to warm your dies and clean the lube out every 2-300 rnd with pan lube. It is a pain but can be made to work if your patient.

Sounds like you left the boolits in the block too long. Your lube mix may need to be adjusted too. When cool does it smear/deform or is it hard/ crackable. Sounds like it maybe too hard.

P.s. until you get it figured out do small batches. Like 25 boolits. It will save time.

01-11-2015, 12:18 PM
I reheated the batch in the pan and cut them out with a .410 shotgun hull while still warm. It worked fairly well, less excess lube than the dipping method I used before. I will try covering the pan for the next batch and getting the boolits as hot as possible while sitting in the lube.

01-14-2015, 12:26 PM
I've never used STP in any home made lube. I've been playing with home made lubes for mebbe 20 years and either I didn't have any STP on hand, or didn't feel the need. Like mentioned above a bit of ATF added will work, or Marvel's Mystery Oil, or mineral oil...