View Full Version : Someone near Baltimore to help arrange shipping for wood stove

01-04-2015, 06:02 PM
The title just about says it all. I may buy a wood stove near Baltimore if I can get some help with the shipping. Specifically someone to pick it up from the seller and deliver it to a trucking company. I would be glad to make it worth someone's while with either green stuff (money) or grey stuff (lead). Got some of the first and a lot of the second. If anyone is interested chime in.

01-04-2015, 08:09 PM
And, you live WHERE?

The seller can't make those arrangements for you? Is it a company that normally sells wood stoves? If so, they should be familiar with making arrangements like that.

I'm too far away to be of any help in this, other than asking questions, and making suggestions.

01-05-2015, 07:58 AM
The stove will be an ebay purchase and the seller (an individual) requires pick up at his residence. If I buy the stove and can find no help I will drive 10 hours to get it myself. Anyway, thanks for the useless comments.

01-07-2015, 11:32 PM
calaloo; Where are you located? Instead of taking offense at someone's post comment, look between the lines. Maybe someone has a stove
that they no longer need, and would make you a good deal on it. I have access to a Vernont Castings ( Defiant ) woodstove that I would
give away, But you'll have to get it out of the cellar yourself as I can't lift it anymore at 71. Ain't nobody trying to be smart here. If your interested
pm me and if the lady still has the stove, ( I think she does) I try and arrange something. If it is in driving distance.

01-08-2015, 08:34 AM
I bought the stove and plans are being made to travel to get it, probably next week. If I just wanted a wood stove I would go to Tractor Supply and buy one. This stove is a very hard to find one, one that I have been looking for for a long time. When I built my house 35 years ago I bought one of these stoves and piped the outlet from the back of the stove straight into the flue. I can't fit any other stove in its place. My old one is worn out and parts are not available. I have never found one a reasonable driving distance from me. They are always in New England or Minnesota or some other mid western state. I have not been able to find a shipping company that will go to a residence to pick up an item and prepare it for shipping. I installed an outdoor wood burning furnace a couple of years ago but we still use the inside one from time to time. And if the SHTF it would be nice to be able to heat without electricity. So, its a road trip for me.