View Full Version : Back spasm pain.

01-01-2015, 11:35 PM
Got a muscle spasm in my right lower back last Saturday. It's not getting any better, hard to sleep can't get comfortable. I can only take Tylenol due to the blood thinner I'm on. I've tried stretching, hydration, back rubs, applied hot/cold. It just will not ease up, now I'm getting knots in my lower back and in the muscle too. How long can these things last? I have a standing appointment on the 6th of Jan. with my GP, but that seems like ages.

I'll even try voodoo at this point guys, any home remedies? :cry:

MT Gianni
01-01-2015, 11:52 PM
Icy hot, lots of caffeine to get blood flows moving, stretching are what helps me along with what you have tried. I use metaxaline? a generic of flexerol when they hit me.

Plate plinker
01-02-2015, 12:05 AM
Chiropractor is my best fix or a GOOD massage therapist.

01-02-2015, 02:27 AM
Walking is the number 1 best low back exercise out there, other than that muscle relaxers(alcohol works in a pinch, have a couple beers) are about the only other thing. Before I had back surgery to free up the pinched nerves I would have a bad spasm at least once a year. Usually took 3-4 weeks to totally heal. You may have also blown a disc...

01-02-2015, 02:36 AM
Inversion table or a rack that will allow to "hang" with the weight off you legs, to allow compression of discs to be relieved, also makes a BIG difference...or at least it has for me.

01-02-2015, 02:51 AM
Your lower back hurts however other things my be shut down creating all the extra pressure on the lower back. Try working, massage, everywhere where it doesn't hurt such as your mid back and stretch your hips, quads, hamstrings. Also if you are able lay on the floor use a baseball or softball and roll out your upper glut max and glut medius muscles. https://www.google.com/search?q=muscle+anatomy&tbm=isch&imgil=gUvitOL8t6w3rM%253A%253BobII_GAmoUppIM%253Bh ttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.shapesense.com%25252Ff itness-exercise%25252Fmuscle-anatomy%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=gUvitOL8t6w3rM%253A%252CobII_GAmoUppIM%252C_&usg=__N79AV7wpsb8KUi2xPEXlpV0ZseU%3D&biw=1366&bih=631&ved=0CCoQyjc&ei=nz-mVNjMEorgywONhoLYCA#imgdii=_

tomme boy
01-02-2015, 04:11 AM
I know what you mean. The Dr's can not figure out when I get them to. Mine will run all the way around to the front and down into the groin. When it happens it will drop me to the floor. I have had kidney stones too. Are you sure it is not them?

01-02-2015, 04:19 AM
Kidney Stones.......now they hurt for sure. Had passed some must last year again and passing a kidney stone can give some serious back pain.

01-02-2015, 04:27 AM
Epidural injection or facet joint injection.

01-02-2015, 07:09 AM
Sounds like you didn't do any thing at the time to cause it.?
My relief from the spasms always starts with ice packs. 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off until the pain is gone. Ice is the only thing that can kill the pain for me.
Once the pain is gone, I strongly suggest a daily exercise program and try to eliminate all stress in your life. (good joke? but "less stress means less strain")
Dr. Ramar

01-02-2015, 07:36 AM
Get yourself a TENS unit.I have been dealing with back problems since 1981.

01-02-2015, 07:44 AM
Exercise works best for me.
Then an ice pack in a dry towel.
Try this 3-4 times a day.

01-02-2015, 08:05 AM
Get yourself a good massage therapist to work on your back. They work on muscles and that is what you are describing. They will get the muscles to let go.
My SO is a massage therapist and does this all the time with clients. Don't underestimate the value of a good massage therapist.

01-02-2015, 08:28 AM
When I get back spasms, For heat, I use a Cherry Pit pillow. You put it the microwave for two minutes and then you can lay on it. Much more durable and user friendly than a hot water bottle.

you can Google the term and get many options.

get well soon.


01-02-2015, 08:52 AM
Broke a small bone in my lower back falling off a ladder onto concrete back in '83 & have suffered with spasms since. Heat/ice 10 min. each, rolled up towel under lower back laying on floor, actually sleep in sleeping bag on floor at times & it helps. Ibuprofen, flexeral, etc. helps too. Hate to say it but happens most often when I'm more than 10 lbs. over the weight I should be at. I can go months without an episode while exercising & keeping weight off.

Rick Hodges
01-02-2015, 08:53 AM
I get them...muscle spasm's that crush the sciatic nerve...feels like you are being electrocuted and will bring you to your knees. I take "Aleve" but that is a no go if you are on blood thinners. Time is your friend here. A tip that helps relieve the pressure on the lower back is to put a pillow between your legs when you are in bed. Go ahead and laugh, but it eases the pressure on the lower back when you are on your side. Good luck.

Lloyd Smale
01-02-2015, 09:06 AM
hate to be negative but ive lived with back pain for 10 years now and if its REAL pain nothing is going to do much. Ive eaten narcotics like there M&Ms and still hurt. Ive sat on ice packs, heating pads and all they accomplished was making me hot or cold. I have a spinal stimulator implanted in my back (tens unit on steroid) crank it up and you can be hurting while you feel like you have stuck your finger in a light socket. When I have what I consider just muscle pain I will go to the emergency room and have them give me a shot of anti imflamatory drugs. Its much more potent then eating a bunch of advil and will usually settle things down over the next two days. I take a prescription flexural (muscle relaxer) every night before bed to kind of help keep things loose for lack of better words. BEFORE you even THINK of going to a chiropractor or laying on inversion table or doing any exercise talk to your doctor. He needs to find out what the problem is before you take matters into your own hands and just aggravate the problem. Bottom line is when im really hurting the only real cure is time.

01-02-2015, 09:10 AM
Valerian root extract. It is a natural muscle relaxer. (Please check with your doctor, as I am a mechanic, not a saw bones.)
Add warm packs and lots of stretching.

01-02-2015, 09:11 AM
One of the heavy duty massage-vibrators would help. Not the social size but the heavy duty massage type.

01-02-2015, 09:21 AM
As you can see....

Get prepared for a journey.

Best of Luck

01-02-2015, 09:21 AM
Chiropractor is my best fix or a GOOD massage therapist.
+1 on the chiropractor. I've had my lower back spasm up twice bad. First time I went to a chiropractor who used adjustments as well as the electro-stim to loosen it up. Once I was better I stopped going. Fast forward 10 years and during that time I would have back pain that would come and go, but never be completely gone. I just lived with it until I did something to aggravate it good and it got worse over several days until I was being carted out of my house on a stretcher - I couldn't move.

After the emergency room visit I found a new chiropractor since I had moved away from my old one, and went through the usual routine to get the spasms worked out and things back into shape. Fortunately, I do not have any "structural" problems with my back, it's all muscular. However, my new Dr. admonished me to keep up the monthly "maintenance" visits to keep everything aligned and not cause muscles to become overstressed doing more than their fair share of work leading to spasms again.

As an engineer, chiropractic seems like quackery, along with acupuncture and hypnosis. However, I absolutely cannot argue with the results. I feel like a walking poster child for the benefits of chiropractic care. My back feels better at age 45 than it did at 30. I rarely get colds or anything else compared to before and overall I just feel good.


01-02-2015, 09:25 AM
the last chiropracter I went to was a young fellow with a "new" technique. He got me in position and gave all harry and something snapped like a piece of china,switched sides and did it again with another loud cracking noise. I immediatly went into shock and vowed to never see another one of these(after 40 years of faithful trips to chirapracters) and went to a spinal specialist and started over with a mri instead of simple xray.

01-02-2015, 09:33 AM
Get yourself a good massage therapist to work on your back. They work on muscles and that is what you are describing. They will get the muscles to let go.
My SO is a massage therapist and does this all the time with clients. Don't underestimate the value of a good massage therapist.
I went thru this too.
I tried chiropractor for a long time with little help, so I went up to orthopedic Dr.
He set me up with physical therapy, and that helped better than the pain meds.
Now I have a print out of the stretching exercises done by the therapy , and I take the print out pictures of the exercises and let a little asian massage therapist do it.

01-02-2015, 09:42 AM
hate to be negative but ive lived with back pain for 10 years now and if its REAL pain nothing is going to do much. Ive eaten narcotics like there M&Ms and still hurt. Ive sat on ice packs, heating pads and all they accomplished was making me hot or cold. I have a spinal stimulator implanted in my back (tens unit on steroid) crank it up and you can be hurting while you feel like you have stuck your finger in a light socket. When I have what I consider just muscle pain I will go to the emergency room and have them give me a shot of anti imflamatory drugs. Its much more potent then eating a bunch of advil and will usually settle things down over the next two days. I take a prescription flexural (muscle relaxer) every night before bed to kind of help keep things loose for lack of better words. BEFORE you even THINK of going to a chiropractor or laying on inversion table or doing any exercise talk to your doctor. He needs to find out what the problem is before you take matters into your own hands and just aggravate the problem. Bottom line is when im really hurting the only real cure is time.

I could not give better advice. Skip the bone breaker and exercise until you have gone to a specialist. By doing something stupid you will possibly damage yourself more. Never do something like that until you have been checked out and given a green light. Nature is telling you something is wrong. Do not cover it up until you have seen a doctor or specialist.

Outer Rondacker
01-02-2015, 09:43 AM
July 14 I picked a piece of garbage off the ground and that was it. My back has been screwed ever since. This is coming from a guy who works 16 hour days building. I was in shape is what I am saying. Docs said muscle at first. Two months later hum disk, now we dont know. I hope yours gets better. DONT STOP MOVING no mater how much it hurts it will only get worse.

Kens you and I sound like we have the same issues going on. I am just missing the asian hum wonder where I screwed up. OH and I got 32 injections in my back with an epador something that made it worse. No pain meds here I wont do it.

01-02-2015, 09:44 AM
My back was worked on in 86 and I was told to NEVER go to a bone cracker or I would surely be injured. I have lived by the advice given by Lloyd and myself as posted above and so far haven't had to have any more work.

01-02-2015, 09:56 AM
I have tried about everything others have described, almost all help some but for me I found Ibuprofen worked best. Doc recommended it in much higher dosage than normally recommended for another problem, the unexpected side affects were my spasms are relieved

01-02-2015, 10:05 AM
The orthopedic DR. described to me that my legs were pulling on my lower back.
My legs actually were getting tight and pulling unevenly at my back, so, legs stretches (hamstrings) workouts help me a lot.
Check your shoes that the heels are not worn uneven, this can start the crooked pulling of muscles, from feet up thru legs, into back.

Outer Rondacker
01-02-2015, 11:45 AM
The orthopedic DR. described to me that my legs were pulling on my lower back.
My legs actually were getting tight and pulling unevenly at my back, so, legs stretches (hamstrings) workouts help me a lot.
Check your shoes that the heels are not worn uneven, this can start the crooked pulling of muscles, from feet up thru legs, into back.

WOW we are on the same page. I did have worn unevenly shoes. Right side has pain in lower back and right shoe is worn really bad on the right heal side. So new shoes and then inserts.

They also told me my legs are pulling bad on my back and I do stretches to help it out. There is no one movement that makes it hurt it starts to build up as I do stuff. There are good days and bad weeks. Funny thing is before I got hurt I was a bull and could still touch my toes no problem. After getting hurt no way but I am six months of PT and I can almost again. Still cant do much without it killing me. Sorry for rambling but sound like you understand and have the same issues I am going though and docs just dont get it. Not showing on the MRI or CT or X-ray. Hum sure you just dont want to go to work. I tell them I own my own two businesses and the only person loosing out here IS ME. FIX ME. So now I take Gabapenthinal or something like that. Makes you almost fall asleep standing up. Not sure its working.
My PT lady wants to move the pain to the center of the back. So stretches until that happens. Seams to work for the most part. Want to loose some weight but when you cant do much hard to do it.
Thanks for sharing.

01-02-2015, 12:42 PM
Now I have a print out of the stretching exercises done by the therapy , and I take the print out pictures of the exercises and let a little asian massage therapist do it.
So, while your therapist is doing those exercises, what are you doing ... shootin'pool, mowing the lawn, taking a nap?

After all of those workouts, I bet she's in pretty good shape ...

01-02-2015, 03:29 PM
Tommieboy - tell me if you find a fix. Two episodes in the last month.

tomme boy
01-02-2015, 03:37 PM
Popper, TIME, muscle relaxers and ibuprofen and drink a lot of water. I have had numerous cat scans to rule out cancer or tumors. They think part of mine is dehydration. They finally did the first cat scan when I knocked myself out walking into the bathroom. I had a spasm and it doubled me over right now. When it did, I knocked my head on the sink. Needed a new one anyway. Sink that is. Woke up in the ER.

01-02-2015, 03:51 PM
Chicken or egg? Lower back spasms can be a reaction to a bulging/herniated disc and are the body's natural reaction to the resulting nerve pinch/irritaion. Spasms can cause discs to crush, or vice-versa.

The MOST effective treatment for my L4-L5 bulging disc (which resulted in a spasm that lasted almost two years and made it impossible to bend over far enough to tie my shoes, put on socks, or even touch my kneecaps) was to do the "standard" lower back stretching sequence BEFORE getting out of bed in the morning, before gravity did its thing.

Acupuncture, massage, walking, inversion table, regular stretching, electrode units, cold packs, a chelated calcium/magnesium suppliment taken with vitamin E and fish oils to help absorption, prescription muscle relaxers, and coffee (stimulant and anti-inflammatory), Mangosteen, and a variety of other anti-inflammatory herbs are all effective treatments, some more effective than others for acute spasm episodes.

Of course there can still be kidney stones, kidney/urinary tract infections, kidney cysts, and a variety of other things causing low back pain.


01-02-2015, 04:27 PM
I have had problems with lower back spasms for a number of years now and the only relief I can get is to go to the Chiropractor. I was in fear of using a chiropractor until I was so desperate to get relief that I tried it and that did it. Find a good one and you wont be sorry he can really help you!


Outer Rondacker
01-02-2015, 05:47 PM
Chicken or egg? Lower back spasms can be a reaction to a bulging/herniated disc and are the body's natural reaction to the resulting nerve pinch/irritaion. Spasms can cause discs to crush, or vice-versa.

The MOST effective treatment for my L4-L5 bulging disc (which resulted in a spasm that lasted almost two years and made it impossible to bend over far enough to tie my shoes, put on socks, or even touch my kneecaps) was to do the "standard" lower back stretching sequence BEFORE getting out of bed in the morning, before gravity did its thing.

Acupuncture, massage, walking, inversion table, regular stretching, electrode units, cold packs, a chelated calcium/magnesium suppliment taken with vitamin E and fish oils to help absorption, prescription muscle relaxers, and coffee (stimulant and anti-inflammatory), Mangosteen, and a variety of other anti-inflammatory herbs are all effective treatments, some more effective than others for acute spasm episodes.

Of course there can still be kidney stones, kidney/urinary tract infections, kidney cysts, and a variety of other things causing low back pain.


Good greaf we are like broken records. I am not years yet and dont want to be. But I am glad this thread was made. I dont feel nuts or alone anymore.

01-02-2015, 06:31 PM
My doctor used to prescribe quinine but the FDA stooped that. Mine have basically gone away, but I do take a lot of vitamins and herbs incuding potassium as needed. My daughter tells me I have expensive pee but I don't have them anymore. I have a screwed up back and neck but don't get the spasms anymore (knock on wood).

01-02-2015, 06:37 PM
Pain was so bad last night I went to the ER to get some relief. SURPRISE !! I have shingles. They can cause the back pain I'm told. Sent me home with scripts for diazepam for the muscle spasm, tramadol for pain and acyclovir an anti-viral. Will start tonight. The rash is all on the back, so I could not see it. Divorced and living alone, so nobody to point it out. Just one thing after another lately. Getting old ain't for sissies.

01-02-2015, 08:03 PM
Didn't see that one coming. I hear shingles is no fun, but it has to be better than a crushed disc.


01-02-2015, 08:45 PM
Didn't see that one coming. I hear shingles is no fun, but it has to be better than a crushed disc.


They both hurt in their own way. One feels like your on fire and the other feels like you were stabbed and you can't get away from the hurt of either.

01-02-2015, 10:53 PM
I live with most of 4 lumbar discs missing, bone on bone in spots. Pain meds dull it enough I an sleep, I walk when the weather is nice and there is a simple exercise you can do laying in bed to help strengthen your core muscles and hold things in alignment.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTd_r83A8PD3qeHfd79i_FmfhaGyXeJe XHUeJuKmmMll0Rx8mv9

01-03-2015, 12:40 AM
Ive got a real messed up back from stupid stuff done while I was younger and invulnerable... much like many of us here I suspect.

I have ran the gauntlet of over the counter medications, and prescription pain pills, and they just barely mute the symptoms, and not for very long either. What's worse is I really hate to take those kinds of pills.

I'm very active, and I like to stay active, but when your in pain you don't want to do much of anything.

Last time the back spasms acted up really bad at work, and I couldn't find any relief. They were bad enough to curl me up on the floor in public. It was quite embarrassing.

My Chiropractor of all people, suggested to me that acupuncture often worked well for folks who were having my symptoms. (crippling back spasms, and re-occurring sciatica)

Lucky for me he was right. I went into acupuncture with a pretty negative attitude, as I just did not see how sticking needles in different areas of my body could possibly help with the back spasms.

The following day I showed marked improvement, and could stand up again. A few more follow up visits and I was back to what passes for my normal self.

Ive had it flare up again a few times since then, along with my constant nuisance sciatica. Usually, it results me doing stupid stuff, that I should know better than to do by now. A trip to the Acupuncturist puts it right back down.

Dunno if it will work as well for everyone else, but don't arbitrarily dismiss acupuncture like I did. It really helped me out. Acupuncture visibly improved the quality of my life.

Here's hoping it will help someone else as well.

- Bullwolf

01-03-2015, 12:08 PM
Did you put in the new sink after your ER visit? I got some muscle relaxer after that lightning strike down the leg years ago, had some spinal stenosis that went away last year. I think this is partially due to new meds (atorvastatin, clopidogrel, aspirin, lisinopril, plus vitamins) after my roto-rootering & P.M. visit. Plus hauling all the Christmas stuff + tree out & back into the attic. Only thing that doesn't hurt is my head. Called the cardio doc, his nurse said no, can't be. We'll see.
Wife had me visit Chiro gal several years ago, she said I was only person she couldn't 'crack' so stopped going.

tomme boy
01-03-2015, 12:25 PM
I didn't. My cousin who is a plumber who still owes me a bunch of favors did. My spasms are a little higher up right at the bottom of the rib cage. I still have them ever day. They just will not go away. The Dr's just will not do anything other than give me enough drugs to knock me out.

They think my whole back condition is from Scheuermann's disease. And Spinal epidural lipomatosis. Along with being a complete idiot when younger. Remeber when your mother and grandmother said "your going to hate you did that when you get older!" Wellllll

01-03-2015, 04:03 PM
ER doctor said the shingles virus follows a pattern laid out by a nerve that runs from the back to front. It can and has in my case triggered a back spasm, a double whammy. The rash had not progressed enough for me to see it. Glad I went in. The tramadol does nothing for the pain, the diazepam has not relaxed the spasm either, yet. I felt my lower disk slip this morning too, with a sudden jolt of pain... great, one more thing. If I was a horse......

01-04-2015, 03:43 AM
Disc might have slipped back IN from the meds relaxing the muscles a little. Now give it time for the swelling to go down.

01-05-2015, 04:12 AM
I have been down with my back for more than two months now. After giving up on bed rest relieving me as in the past, I saw the Dr. , had an MRI on my back, MRI of my neck, a brain scan, and a test I don't recall the name of that included a cattle prod like devise shocking my legs and arms and needles stuck in my legs in various places. I now know I have stenosis in my neck, possibly from whiplash 8 or 9 years ago, as well as bulged dics in lower and middle back. I'm waiting on an appointment with a spine and pain clinic. Meanwhile I have to stay in bed on my back to bear it. I feel your pain, brother.

tomme boy
01-05-2015, 10:37 AM
They were checking for nerve damage with the needles. Have had it a couple of times. Big suckers they stick deep into your legs aren't they?

01-05-2015, 11:29 AM
Been there done all of this for 30 years before I had the problem fixed. If it is so bad you absolutely can't stand it and can still get to the emergency room they can stop it with injections. I waited too long and finally after another week of suffering ended up on the living room floor and couldn't move with screaming. Decided then and there I don't want this to happen in the middle of Wal Mart. Had to call the paramedics to come get me off the floor on a board and carry me to the ambulance. I only thought I had seen pain before that morning. You do need to see what is causing this. Hopefully only muscles involved. If you have disc problems or stenosis it will revisit you again and again.

mold maker
01-05-2015, 03:07 PM
After 20+ years dealing with moderate to severe back pain the Dr wanted to send me to a shrink. I guess they ran out of anything that ins would pay for. It still hurts, and meds only dull it a little.
In Sept it flared up again and lo and behold they found a kidney stone (cuckelburr) that had found a new place to stay. Stints and time didn't help. 5-6 gal of cranberry juice later it disappeared. Old injury to back still hurts, but Thank God, the stone is gone.
I've gained back some of the 28 lbs I lost and am now able to get around without meds. Stamina is returning, and I can sit in front of the press again.

Dale in Louisiana
01-05-2015, 03:20 PM
I had a back muscle spasm the day after a lot of physical work a few years back. The pain put me on the floor in my office. A 9-1-1 call, an ambulance ride, and a direct injection into the affected muscles gave me relief. I was given a set of exercises including the one depicted above to strengthen those muscles.

dale in Louisiana

01-05-2015, 06:08 PM
It is a vicious cycle, that can start at either end. Nerve or muscle. Muscle spasm irritates nerve or irritated nerve causes muscle to contract to "splint" and protect the nerve which becomes the muscle spasm.

01-05-2015, 08:15 PM
If it is just muscle spasms try a calcium supplement to see if it helps i had problems with spams for years and a doctor told me to try Calcium and it helps a lot.

Circuit Rider
01-05-2015, 08:36 PM
Wallenba, Glad you found the problem. For anyone else interested, I have had back problems for years and only getting worse. I have 2 bulging discs in my lumbar section. Sciatic nerve pain down my left hip and leg at times. Gotten to where a chiropractor only helps for a day or so. Then I saw in my Backwoods Home Mag that the editor,Dave Duffy has the same problem. He found a method that I have now been using for 3 weeks. It's called the McKenzie Method. My wife ordered the book from amazon,"Treat your own back". I've never had so much relief in such a short period of time. I also ordered the tube that wraps around my waist to sleep at night. I can't believe I'd not heard of Dr. McKenzie before. CR

01-06-2015, 02:00 AM
I have tried just about everything out there, I have the pain down both legs, foot pain, toe pain... my back is full of scar tissue from the first surgery on top of the discs being about gone. Facing fusion and that is only going to help for a few more years before the next levels up go bad. On top of the bulged neck discs from the car accident.

Lloyd Smale
01-06-2015, 07:12 AM
hate to say anyone with shingles is lucky but the good thing is they go away. Most back problems don't.
ER doctor said the shingles virus follows a pattern laid out by a nerve that runs from the back to front. It can and has in my case triggered a back spasm, a double whammy. The rash had not progressed enough for me to see it. Glad I went in. The tramadol does nothing for the pain, the diazepam has not relaxed the spasm either, yet. I felt my lower disk slip this morning too, with a sudden jolt of pain... great, one more thing. If I was a horse......

01-06-2015, 06:21 PM
Valerian root extract. It is a natural muscle relaxer. (Please check with your doctor, as I am a mechanic, not a saw bones.)
Add warm packs and lots of stretching
I use an over the counter mix of valerian, Melatonin and Chamomile in tablet form. It reduces the need for pain killers and lets you relax and sleep soundly.

Anyone having back pain with no known injury to cause it should check the bottoms of their most worn pair of shoes. If your shoe heels are wearing on the inside at the rear then your gait is off and thats a sign of pronation of the feet while walking caused by some problem with the bones of your feet. When your gait is thrown off the spine shifts to compensate and the problem gets worse.

Also get checked out for kidney stones or gall stones.

Lloyd Smale
01-07-2015, 08:30 AM
brings up some good advice my surgeon gave me. He said to toss your sneakers every 6 months. I cheap sob and used to wear them till the soles peeled off but just try one time wearing your shoes for 6 months then buying the exact same pair again and how much better they feel when you walk. He also recommended I go to a good sports shop that had someone who really knew shoes to take a look at my feet and what I want to do and then quit worrying about how they look and buy your shoes based on performance. Its tough to give up on a 120 dollar pair of sneakers after only what used to be only to the point they were broke in but my son in-law appreciates it as he finishes them off.
I use an over the counter mix of valerian, Melatonin and Chamomile in tablet form. It reduces the need for pain killers and lets you relax and sleep soundly.

Anyone having back pain with no known injury to cause it should check the bottoms of their most worn pair of shoes. If your shoe heels are wearing on the inside at the rear then your gait is off and thats a sign of pronation of the feet while walking caused by some problem with the bones of your feet. When your gait is thrown off the spine shifts to compensate and the problem gets worse.

Also get checked out for kidney stones or gall stones.

Baron von Trollwhack
01-07-2015, 08:48 AM
Got a muscle spasm in my right lower back last Saturday. It's not getting any better, hard to sleep can't get comfortable. I can only take Tylenol due to the blood thinner I'm on. I've tried stretching, hydration, back rubs, applied hot/cold. It just will not ease up, now I'm getting knots in my lower back and in the muscle too. How long can these things last? I have a standing appointment on the 6th of Jan. with my GP, but that seems like ages.

I'll even try voodoo at this point guys, any home remedies? :cry:

Why would a fellow with this kind of distress go to a cast boollits forum for help? The problem is in your brain I think.

Surely you must be aware that the baloney level here is very high no matter the question, as the responses to your concerns show.

But it is your back. The Cincinnati Spine Institute is in the Yellow pages.


mold maker
01-07-2015, 10:37 AM
Why would a fellow with this kind of distress go to a cast boollits forum for help? The problem is in your brain I think.

Surely you must be aware that the baloney level here is very high no matter the question, as the responses to your concerns show.

But it is your back. The Cincinnati Spine Institute is in the Yellow pages.


Experience is a valued commodity on any subject. Better to get it from the horses mouth, than from the other end. Too many in the medical field are of the later persuasion. They're more interested in your bank account than your problem.

01-07-2015, 10:43 AM
I missed it if already mentioned but years ago was told not to keep my wallet in back pocket while sitting/driving, just following this advice alone cut down on my back episodes.

01-07-2015, 04:48 PM
I missed it if already mentioned but years ago was told not to keep my wallet in back pocket while sitting/driving, just following this advice alone cut down on my back episodes.
A thick wallet in the back pocket can press on the sciatic nerve. They discovered an effective treatment.
They take you into the operating room, sedate you, then the dr carefully removes your wallet and extract all your money.
The now flattened wallet can no longer press on the nerve.

01-07-2015, 07:33 PM
Why would a fellow with this kind of distress go to a cast boollits forum for help? The problem is in your brain I think.

Surely you must be aware that the baloney level here is very high no matter the question, as the responses to your concerns show.

But it is your back. The Cincinnati Spine Institute is in the Yellow pages.


Baron of Trolls, what makes you think I've not sought medical advice? (post#44) I'm just interested in others experiences as well as commiserating in 'Our town'. Others have given welcomed advice on the subject, not just a 'brain' diagnosis. I'm also here because I have the time to do so, and respect the opinions and experiences of fellow members. Mostly.

01-07-2015, 09:03 PM
A thick wallet in the back pocket can press on the sciatic nerve. They discovered an effective treatment.
They take you into the operating room, sedate you, then the dr carefully removes your wallet and extract all your money.
The now flattened wallet can no longer press on the nerve.

Ain't that the truth!

01-08-2015, 11:58 AM

tomme boy
01-08-2015, 12:52 PM
Baron calls out people all the time. You have to ignore him sometimes.