View Full Version : The VA is fine for me!

01-01-2015, 12:50 PM
With all the flack the VA ,(Veterans Affairs), has been getting, I thought I would give my perspective on it.

My experience with the VA has been excellent from the beginning back in 2004 when I had my first appointment. They take good care of me.

My recent surgery was exemplary. (12-17-14 From the initial mention of chest pain and angina going down my left arm, to the CABG, (wrongly called open heart), I was treated very well. There was never a question that I had-to-have the operation, never a quibble about the possible cost, or if I qualified. The surgery was done at the Milwaukee VA hospital. While it's an old building the equipment is top-of-the-line. So is the nursing staff. By and large, the nurses are professional, friendly, AND cute! Food was even good, EXCEPT the fact that it had NO salt in anything. Blah! They DID let me have full strength coffee though.

Then came the stroke. (12-23 14) I was rushed to the local hospital ER by ambulance, then put in the ICU for 4 days. The VA will pay the hospital and ambulance , along with all drugs and other charges. I may be hit with some co-pay on SOME of it, I expect around 1 grand. It was a TIA, (Transient Ischemic Attack (http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEVvHLeKVU1QsA1GYPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBybnV2cXQ wBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--/RV=2/RE=1420159307/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.webmd.com%2fstroke%2ftc%2ftran sient-ischemic-attack-tia-topic-overview/RK=0/RS=EWIAogpHc_tPRCO2JywN.MaVtDI-)), and I have almost completely recovered from it.

All things considered, I had a very positive experience. Possibly I am easy to please, or brainwashed, but from my perspective I'm happy.

01-01-2015, 01:13 PM
I have had four surgeries at the Grand Junction, CO VA Hospital. Two sinus surgeries so I can breathe and not suffer from continuous sinus infections. Two urology surgeries, one of which I am recovering from now. The most recent was a Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) and I can now empty my bladder and it doesn't take long and the secondary function is supposed to work when the healing is done as opposed to prostate removal where the secondary function is gone forever.
I have been treated well and received excellent care.
I have even been treated for Lyme disease.

01-01-2015, 01:21 PM
I too received exemplary care at the Bronx VA, in NYC. They have been managing my care since 1984. State of the art equipment and really good people. I have had definrilators/pacemakers implanted as well as Outstanding Cataract surgery, which put me back into competitive shooting.

01-01-2015, 01:24 PM
Nice to hear some positive feedback. We live in the greatest country in the world and we owe thus to those of you that have served.

01-01-2015, 02:09 PM
the VA I have to deal with is rated next to last in the system , my experience is if you can get them to do any thing the treatment is first class. I spent 4 mouths waiting to have a kidney stone removed. not fun at all, and now even though this VA has is one of the largest by patient's does not even have the staff to have an ER operating anymore. so if ER is needed go to the local hospital wait and fight out the bill later. I am glad some one is happy with them

01-01-2015, 02:19 PM
I've had some contact w/VA, and it was all good. I'm on Medicare & Tricare For Life, so I don't need to use the VA facilities, and prefer to leave them up to folks that need it more than I*.
My next-door neighbor was also a retired service man, and preferred the VA. He had some chest pains, went in, and had CABG 2 days later! Don't remember how many, but they didn't fool around. (My CABG was only X2, and was performed 2 days after my angiogram, civilian hosp & MD's)
I'm reminded of Benny Hill, the Brit comedian. He was put on a waiting list, and didn't make it - socialized medicine for you.
* I may be going to them soon. My PCP retired, and the MD I want to switch to has a waiting list for new patients! I'll see her in March for a new-patient appointment - she is overwhelmed with transfers from the ex-PCP!

01-01-2015, 02:20 PM
I'm glad to hear it fellas. We as Americans should expect this to be the norm, not the exception. I for one want our veterans to be taken care of.

01-01-2015, 02:23 PM
The VA medical staff has treated my family well.

01-01-2015, 03:02 PM
My experience with individual staff members at VA facilities has been very good. If I needed immediate treatment, I wouldn't hesitate to go to the VA hospital in Tucson. Unfortunately, it's over 200 miles away. I am, however, somewhat annoyed by the fact that my compensation claim is rapidly approaching two (2) years waiting time.

After the time period associated with compensation claims aroused national/congressional furor, the VA was told to fix the process. They did - they simply began denying all claims except the most blatantly justified ones (think missing limbs)! If I don't hear from them this next week, I'm going to get my US Representative involved. Congressional heat IS one thing that the VA responds to.

01-01-2015, 03:10 PM
Had a lot of trouble initially getting in as I was one who chose to use my civilian plans I had while working. Come to find out, trying to "save it for the guys who need it" backfired on me. Didn't know about a bill passed in 2003 which took away the promised coverage for those not yet signed up and making just over poverty level wages. Even though I qualified, the guy who I talked to at the Boise VA told me I didn't qualify. Took an email to a U.S. senator to get the ball rolling but I was signed up in 2-days after the senator contacted them. Had some heart trouble this summer and they had me in for an angiogram at a local hospital next morning and a 4-way cabg 2-days later. Found out that it takes persistence sometimes, especially when you have multiple serious issues but once they got started, things began to happen more quickly. I wound up seeing a doctor at a V.A. clinic closer to me now and I feel I am getting the best of care.

01-01-2015, 06:24 PM
My first contact with the VA Hospital was in 1977 and truthfully it was just a good place to go die. About 2000 or there abouts I had to start using the VA for all my medical care. What a difference! I have had 3 surgeries in the last few years and I have nothing but good things to say now.

01-01-2015, 06:53 PM
I have been going to the Fort Wayne, Indiana VA for 11 years now. Been treated for cancer, which is now in remission. Have had 20/30 precancerous growths removed from various parts of my bod. Have had minor out patient surgery. Currently being treated for diabetics, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and COPD.

Treatment is excellent.

01-01-2015, 07:38 PM
I knew there would be those that would post their bad experiences. I guess there's holes in the care in some places.

I am currently being treated for prostate cancer, diabetes and now heart disease. I should be hearing from them soon to be participating in post operative cardiac care. Right now I'm waiting to get, working on getting the INR to 3.0 which should prevent further strokes. Warfarin is being used because of atrial fibrillation, PVC's and other factors.

My initial visit way back when, was started at the county veterans outfit, they got my records, then made an appointment. it was for 3 months out, that was IIRC 2003. I had no immediate condition that required attention. First visit involved a blood panel which revealed I had type 2 diabetes. My A1-C was 9.5! No wonder I had a constant thirst and peed a lot.

When I went after a disability, the county agent also handled that. I got 10% for each of my main pains, left knee, lower back and neck. The knee had the meniscus cartilage removed in 1968, back then it was said that it had a poor blood source and would not heal. So now it's bone-on-bone. My back and neck were injured in an auto wreck that killed one of us, the rest,(4), were all injured. Mine was an untreated whiplash that causes trouble in all areas of the spine. So I get money each month and travel pay for any appointment.

01-01-2015, 08:25 PM
My Dad lost a leg and suffered a whole bunch of other wounds from a mortar round in Korea. He suffered a number of complications over the years in addition to the obvious ones associated with just getting around on a prosthetic limb. I'm proud to say that until the very day he died in 2010 he received nothing less than excellent care from the VA system. He said so himself, and he was not one to give compliments lightly.

01-02-2015, 12:15 AM
My Dad lost a leg and suffered a whole bunch of other wounds from a mortar round in Korea. He suffered a number of complications over the years in addition to the obvious ones associated with just getting around on a prosthetic limb. I'm proud to say that until the very day he died in 2010 he received nothing less than excellent care from the VA system. He said so himself, and he was not one to give compliments lightly.

I venerate your father for his sacrifices and am glad to hear he was treated well.

01-02-2015, 12:34 AM
I knew there would be those that would post their bad experiences. I guess there's holes in the care in some places.

Snuffy, If you are talking about my post, my intention was to compliment the VA for making tremendous strides forward in patient care not to disparage them.

fast ronnie
01-02-2015, 01:02 AM
I've been under VA care for a few years for skin cancer, and for a couple months now for high blood pressure. Only one negative experience in scheduling they had asked for. They've taken good care of me.

lefty o
01-02-2015, 04:17 AM
i get the mixed bag from the VA. some things are great, others bad. preparing for another fight with them real soon.

01-02-2015, 12:18 PM
Snuffy, If you are talking about my post, my intention was to compliment the VA for making tremendous strides forward in patient care not to disparage them.

No BZ,not you in particular, just a general feeling of disagreement to my oringinal post.

I have to say in general the trend is towards the positive.

I just intended to try to say thanks to every person on here that contributes their tax money to support the VA. It's a huge program that costs a ton of money. But it is one of the most important benefits that is offered as an incentive to serve out country.

Some bastages say it shouldn't be offered at all. You should serve strictly for patriotism, no expectations of after service help. If it weren't for the VA insurance, I would have to rely on medicare for my health needs. I didn't seek VA beneies, until I left the the company, (retired), I worked for and lost the excellent health package they had. Like I said in the OP, since then I've been extremely happy with them.