View Full Version : Is Ben's Red supposed to foam?

12-31-2014, 08:50 PM
I have a layer of foam on top. I intend to reheat it and strain it into a pan. I didn't melt my JPW because I didn't have an alternative heat source. I'm using an electric skillet.

Anyone want to tell me about how much unmelted JPW is close to the melted required amount? I Used a little less than a 6 0z can.


12-31-2014, 08:56 PM
Here are links that should answer any questions shooters might have about making Ben's Red. *My comments & experiences and those who have experienced problems ( and the advice to correct their problems ) are included in the links below *:





01-02-2015, 10:54 PM
Crabo, I am certainly no expert on this as I made my first batch last Saturday. I noticed something similar while making mine. I had a stainless can that I put punch marks on to denote the volumes of each ingredient.
I melted the beeswax first and then added the Red&Tacky. I never got mine over 211 degrees and used a whisk to get the grease mixed into the beeswax. Mine didn't actually foam but a lot of air bubbles were introduced that increased the volume enough to cover all but the last 5 percent mark. I couldn't seem to get the volume down and I didn't want it to overflow, so I dipped some out so that it was sitting at the proper level and added the paste wax, STP and Dexron. After this was mixed up the air bubbles seemed to start going away and I added what I had dipped out back to the pot . Almost all the bubbles were gone and the volume was just slightly greater than it should have been.

After I poured it into a pan and let it cool, it looks like all the bubbles are gone. Seems to work pretty good as well! A definite +1 for Ben on this one!

01-02-2015, 11:25 PM
It is a bit like riding a bike.

May not work out great on your 1st ride, but in time you'll look like a Pro.

The more you read about Ben's Red and the more you make of it, the better you'll get !


01-03-2015, 02:50 AM
I melted the R&T first, added everything else but the beeswax which I added last. I then let it it cool.

I will reheat it and strain it and I think it will be fine. Can't wait to see what it does.

01-03-2015, 01:36 PM
I did my second batch yesterday. I measure everything by weight except the ATF and STP, which are 6 tablespoons each. Fairly heavy Wal Mart saucepan, Waring hot plate, throw everything in together cold, and turn the heat to one of the two lowest settings. I use a cheap dollar store whisk with the curved balloon ends of the wires clipped off so I have a cluster of 8-10 wire ends. Once stuff starts to show signs of liquefying, I start stirring - first to break up the JPW and grease, then to keep the beeswax lumps moving against the bottom of the pot until they're gone. Comes together really smooth, no grease lumps, no smoke, no foam, no need to strain.

On my first batch, I purchased a candy thermometer for the job, and everything seemed to come together around 200-220F. I didn't use it this time around, but did keep periodically stirring over low heat for another 10-15 minutes after the wax melted to see if any of the JPW's solvents would cook out. Not sure about that, but it made nice sticks.

All I can figure is that my lack of drama making this stuff is due to low, even heat from a heavier pan. Maybe allowing everything to come up to temperature together prevents scorching of some of the ingredients. On this batch, the stirring helped get stuff together, but I didn't feel it was a super critical thing I had to put a lot of sweat and attention into - no harder than getting sugar into your coffee. Everything was totally integrated into a smooth, uniform, salmon-pink soup well ahead of the beeswax fully melting.

01-03-2015, 03:37 PM
Low & Slow is the only way to go!...........If it smells bad.... you rushed it & you blew it!
If made the original way, as "BEN" instructed... it smells mostly of Bee's Wax & not acrid. If there is a "burning tire smell", it is trash.
Also I know that when used to pan lube on my hot plate it is only a tiny "bump" from the off position & it gets liquid in 10 minutes with no smoke. Again if there is smoke in the slightest it is too hot.
Made and used in the original way it is the best!
Just a heads up:p