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12-29-2014, 11:42 PM
Most all my gun reading offline is gun rags which have been given me by a few friends. I enjoy them OK but over the years there is little there which keeps my interest. Occasionally a good article will show up, but it's been years since I read something that I didn't already know. I believe that the editors of those publications seek mainly to provide fodder for an audience that is "immature" meaning they are relatively new to firearms or hunting and as a result the magazines tend toward a regurgitation of material. I understand the need and place, but 30 years on, I'd really rather not read another article on the wonders of the AR-15 or load work for the 357 Magnum. I've exhausted my small local library's selection of firearms oriented works and am beginning to contemplate the creation of a library of my own. Just not sure where to start. I've an historical interest and sense of firearms. Obviously I reload, I hunt (though hunting stories as such don't spin my top). So... What exists in your libraries and what works would you consider must haves for shooter/hunter/reloaders library. Thanks.

12-30-2014, 01:37 AM
I have been downloading free Kindle books on guns. Lot of historical ones that are free or 99 cents!

Wayne Smith
12-30-2014, 09:11 AM
Hatcher's Notebook, Julian Hatcher, The Book of the Garand, and Mann's The Bullet's Flight will get you started. When you have digested these get back to me.

12-30-2014, 12:02 PM
Definitely browse the free e-book sources. I don't find hunting stories all that interesting either, but the old, free books about African safaris and other exotic hunts are pretty interesting. I don't feel bad if I don't like it part way through and stop reading since they are free. I am also working through my CBA The Fouling Shot Collection. They have issues #95-190 digitized on a disc.

12-30-2014, 05:02 PM
+1 on Wayne Smiths list.

Search for some gun terms you are interested in at Internet Archive:

Edward Hamilton Bookseller usually has some discounted titles on sale look under hunting and fishing subject:

dagger dog
12-30-2014, 05:21 PM
Understanding Firearm Ballistics Book by Robert Rinker - ... (http://www.midwayusa.com/product/452694/understanding-firearm-ballistics-book-by-robert-rinker) www.midwayusa.com/.../ (http://www.midwayusa.com/.../)understanding-firearm-ballistics-book-by-...

If you like math along with your firearms, this is the go to book that explodes all myths, he can show you how to in spades ,or if you're a mental midget (like me) he can still get through to you. It has references from all firearm loonies Hatcher, Townsend, and all the old masters. It covers shotguns, rifles, handguns, cannons etc. Worth every penny.

12-30-2014, 08:01 PM
WARNING!! Building a gun library is as addictive and almost as expensive as buying and shooting guns--But what a way to go. I do have some downloaded out of print books on my wife's IPad, but don't enjoy them as much as real paper. Have a time going back to look at charts and data from earlier in the book. But the other side is I have read and have available some volumes I would not have otherwise. I agree that most of the gun rags are fluff--I really enjoy the historical series like American Rifleman has ran in the past few years on guns of particular eras--I especially enjoy the pictures and articles from WWII.

12-30-2014, 08:09 PM
The NRA has two books clubs that I joined when they first started. Firearms classic library and the Frontier Classic series. Both are very good and very nice volumes. Leather bound and nice paper. They run about 36 bucks each ...you keep what you want....I've kept them all. Each book comes with a coupon and six coupons is a free book. Many are long out of print books and no reprints other than these are available. You may want to look into them. I enjoy them a lot.

12-30-2014, 08:25 PM
Start here

Then go here

I really enjoy the old loading manuals


12-30-2014, 08:36 PM
I have a collection that is not as extensive as skeetxs but I am interested in down sizing mine some.
Let me know what your interests are and I will see if I have something you could use.
Prices will be somewhat below the going rate plus shipping.....dale

12-30-2014, 09:08 PM
Oooooooooooooooooooooooo, I don't have that blue, hard bound (?) Ideal. Nice collection!

12-30-2014, 09:23 PM
alibris.com and manybooks.com has some old gun digest and other books. Some as low as a dollar or two.
Ole Jack
Oh, if you know the name of the book, check with amazon.com too.

12-30-2014, 09:26 PM
Here is a reprint of the Ideal # 31 Handbook




Petrol & Powder
12-30-2014, 09:53 PM
JohnH, "gun rags" are aptly named. You are correct that they cater to an audience that lacks maturity but that audience is constantly being refreshed as opposed the more limited audience that wishes to grow like yourself. I commend you for your thirst of knowledge, it is one of the most satisfying aspects of life for those that choose to take that path. When you stop learning, you stop growing.

Wayne Smith gave you a good starting point. I'll second the NRA Firearms collection that Shooter93 suggested, I believe I saw a copy of Ezell's "Small Arms of the World" on Skeettx's book shelf and I would highly recommend that book. As many have pointed out, old loading manuals have more than just load data in them and I've read Speer manuals cover to cover more than once just for the history contained within.

For economic reasons I would suggest that you check out electronic versions when possible. When I find something I like, I obtain a paperback copy. If it is something that I really like and know I'll keep a copy for my lifetime, I'll attempt to obtain a hardback copy.

Good Luck and Carry On !!

12-31-2014, 04:01 AM
This link from the Internet Archive has some electronic books of interest to our sort of person:
https://archive.org/search.php?query=collection%3Afolkscanomy_selfdefe nse&sort=-publicdate

12-31-2014, 04:46 AM
So far I have

Gun Digest book of the 22 Rimfire
About 6 Gun Digests of various years
Black powder gun digest
Gun Digest of Classic Combat handguns
Packing Iron; Gunleather of the old west. Rattenbury
The story of the gun, Ian V.Hogg
How to buy and sell used guns. John Traister
Gun collecting Digest I and II Joseph Schroeder
Outdoorlife, the story of american firearms and hunting
Game care and Cookery, Fadala
Cartridges of the World 4th Barnes
Complete book of rifles and shotguns, OConner
Book of Rifles, OConner
The shotgun Book, OConner
Firearms traps and tools of the mountain man, Carl russell
Military Pistols & Revolvers, Hogg
Blue on Blue The History of Friendly Fire, Geoffrey Regan
Burnin Powder 1932 DB wesson
Gun Digest Book of Exploded Firearms Drawings 3rd
One mans Wilderness Sam Keith
Cold Zero Christopher whitcomb
Ambush at ruby ridge Bock
The truth and tragedy of ruby ridge jess walter
Ruby Ridge in our own words, randy weaver
Strategic relocation, Joel Skousen

12-31-2014, 04:48 AM
Most of mine came from ebay. You can pick up some good stuff pretty cheap if you keep your eyes peeled.

12-31-2014, 04:55 PM
The Gun and its Development. by WW Greener.

01-01-2015, 10:11 AM
The Gun and its Development. by WW Greener.
Available here as the 9th edition from 1910:
as a pdf scan with pictures or a kindle/epub file of the text only for ebook readers.

This link was posted here a while ago as well, a link to some interesting older manuals like the Alcan and Ideal #38:

01-01-2015, 02:11 PM
"The Muzzle loading Cap Lock Rifle" by Ned Roberts.

01-01-2015, 06:34 PM
Rinker book on Ballistics iz out of print now starts atv $82 and up!


Petrol & Powder
01-01-2015, 08:10 PM
The Gun and its Development. by WW Greener.

That book is part of the NRA classics collection and one of my favorites from that collection. There is a wealth of information contained in that book.

01-01-2015, 08:45 PM
Available here as the 9th edition from 1910:
as a pdf scan with pictures or a kindle/epub file of the text only for ebook readers.

This link was posted here a while ago as well, a link to some interesting older manuals like the Alcan and Ideal #38:

Thanks for the onedrive.live link, am enjoying C E Harrisons book on cast bullets. Much appreciated, many thinks to all who have so far contributed to my further education, I'll take all the suggestions you care to post here.