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09-25-2005, 02:25 PM
Yesterday, I went to help a friend put a roof on his cabin, before the snow flies. There were about a dozen of us showed up to help. It's a large log cabin he has built from timber cut on his land. The neighbor cut the planking on his mill that we were using for the roof deck. We ran short, and he went home and milled some more with his boys. Then we ran out of tar paper, and another guy went to his place to pick some up. We were 35 miles from town, so it was a good thing there was some close by. Any way, after about ten hours work, we had things pretty well buttoned up. He still had some screws left to put in the metal roofing today, but the majority of the work was covered. I also noticed he had taken all the targets down on his range to 500 yards, so we wouldn't be tempted to get sidetracked from the project.

Finally to the point. As we were having a good feed of buffalo, rice and beans, the host told us that his son had got a couple certificates in the mail. They have been shooting sillywet BPCR matches this summer, using rifles they had built, and cast bullets. The certificates were for a new youth course record, and a 900 yard record that Tanner had shot. Neither of them suspected he had done so well, but he came through.

I guess it helps to have a Marine for a daddy, and a shooting range in the front yard!

10-10-2005, 09:12 PM
..........Waksupi, contratulations to your friend. Must have been some fine shooting he was doing. Also I'll bet the work was hard, but I'm sure you all had a good time.


10-11-2005, 12:02 AM
Buckshot, it was hard work, and fun at the same time. Tanner's dad, Gene, is probably the best offhand shot I have ever seen, at all ranges. And he builds some darn nice rifles for being in the backcountry, running all his equipment off of solar and generator power. Plus he's a hell of a good saddle maker. I'll be awful surprised if Tanner doesn't follow his footsteps into the Corps. If any of you guys ever get in this area, I'll try to get you onto his shooting range. Targets range from two feet, to nine hundred yards. It's a great one, for all disciplines, and it's by invitation only.

11-11-2005, 12:11 AM
Back when I was in the Corps on the rifle range one time, the "coach" was pestering me about my sights being off. I was on the 500yd line. On the 200 yd line was a chipmonk in my line of sight. I said, "see the ground squirrel?", he said yes, and then I headshot it with my m-16 and crappy ammo.

I miss my eyesight! [smilie=s:

12-09-2005, 03:12 PM
Fiberoptic, Back when I was a young jarhead (way back in M-1 Garand days), some of the old timers would show up on qual day with springfields. Remember one old Gunny (probably mid 40's) who shot a possible at 500 offhand with one. I was real happy that day at 500 prone with a 46.
He was a real inspiration to a young PFC.