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02-19-2008, 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by jack19512
I'm not bashing you but if I am not mistaken all you have to do to stop the mail and calls is to call them and request they don't send you mail or call you. I have never got a call from them but I do get the mail. It really doesn't bother me, if I don't want to read it I just toss it in the garbage. I just can't seem to get around to calling them myself. Just not that bothered I guess.

Again, not bashing you but when you compare the number of firearm owners in this country and the number of people that actually belong to any pro gun organization you can clearly see how just a small percentage of people are doing the fighting for all. I am kind of sad when I think that giving up one meal out at a restaurant would probably pay for one years membership.

Originally Posted by jleneave
I was getting called at LEAST once a month by them wanting me to donate more money. I sometimes have trouble saying "no" to people and usually give in, that is probably why they called so often. It was starting to get expensive. I wasn't aware that you could call them and request not to be called or mailed. Thanks for that information, I will puy it to use. I am going to sign back up at the first of the week.

I agree with you 100% about the number of gun owners versus the number of gun owners doing the fighting for the rest. Like I said in my post, I am ashamed of letting my membership to the NRA expire, honestly I am. I will just have to learn to say "no" when I don't have the extra money. Thanks for not being to hard on me. Take care.

I just wanted to let you know that I rejoined the NRA this morning and you were correct about being put on a "no call" list. I didn't want you to think that I was not a man of my word. To be honest I should have joined back up sooner, or better yet I should not have let my membership lapse. Thanks for getting me back on the right track!!