View Full Version : My First BP Loads and the Trapdoors

12-26-2014, 09:06 PM
Well the wind wasn't the best ( actually let up towards the evening ) but temp. couldn't ask for better to shoot in Central IL. Started out with my 1884 full length rifle and LEE405-HB and 70gr FFg. Had the Buffington up and using the peep tried to shoot at 150yds. Wow, may not have the best target for the peep, but was on paper. Unfortunetly the brass stuck after firing and what appears to be slight bulge in a vein like pattern. I marked the line with black marker to illustrate. I fired a second round and same issue, the bulge was consistent in area and pattern. Not sure what is causing this?

Next I broke out a carbine length 1884, this rifle ( didn't get a picture for this ) I believe has to have been modified. You couldn't tell it from the muzzle as it looks original, but appears to have had a dovetail milled and nice taller brass stock for front sight. Still has the Buffington sight. I moved target ( pictured ) up to 50yds. Shoot last of 70gr loads and was hitting pretty high, so I decided to make some 55gr loads and see what would happen. I actually think they hit higher? My attention was more to detail in brass and function as I had no Idea what these Old Warriors would do.

I can see rifling in both barrels so am hoping I can get them to do some good groups this coming summer. Hope to pick up some smokeless powder this Monday to try, but would really like to find some groups with BP first.


12-26-2014, 10:30 PM
I would absolutely NOT SHOOT the full length rifle again till I had a good smith look into the breech and discover if indeed the chamber is cracked as I suspect. and as it is of questionable strength with this sticking problem SURELY DO NOT SHOOT ANY SMOKELESS LOADS till the mystery is solved.

where in the chamber is this happening? top, sides or bottom of the chamber? I would seriously suspect a cracked barrel myself so please investigate before shooting any more loads of ant kind

12-26-2014, 10:34 PM
Either cracked or badly rusted. Listen to BigTed - get that thing very carefully inspected. If it's just rust it can be relined. If it's cracked it's time for a new barrel.


12-26-2014, 10:53 PM
Not a problem. Which will lead me to my next question, now that it was brought up, Who is a reliable smith that can perform the inspection and work if needed? I wasn't even aware they would reline these barrels. It really breaks my heart as the full length rifle was one that was passed down with a few other BP rifles/shotguns. It also looks a lot better cosmetically speaking. it has a s/n in the 500k range while the shorter one is in the 300k range.

12-26-2014, 10:56 PM
bigted, not sure of location.....after i saw it was giving me the same pattern I knew something wasn't right.

12-27-2014, 04:22 AM
almost any reputable smith can do the inspection. you can also take a oversize brass brush and a stiff rod and work over the chamber area yourself ... then get you one of those dental mirrors and with the aid of a light ... look carefully at the chamber area.

seriously tho ... almost any area will have a gunsmith that should have a bore scope to look carefully at the chamber and discover what exactly is doing the troubling problems. take him those fired cases as well so he can do an inspection on them as well.

as for the rest ... I would certainly have it relined rather then rebarrel it [if it is NOT cracked in the barrel breech]. this way you will retain all markings and finish on your historical rifle. the reline should be fairly cheap and fast to have done. ask round here as I think there be a couple fellers that can do it and produce a nice job that will hardly be noticeable. I had an old Marlin '93' relined and except for the flawless bore ... you would never guess it was ever touched.

if on the other hand you wind up needing another barrel ... I would certainly put the word out for a takeoff barrel and look on fleabay and gunstroker as well as any other places for a vintage barrel that is solid and serviceable. if gotten cheap enough then you could have it relined before ever having it installed on your action.

good luck with your rifle and here is hoping that it be just a rust issue and a good reline will fix the problem.

12-27-2014, 09:59 AM
The guy to do a reline on those rifles is Bobby Hoyt in Fairfield PA. His operation is called the Freischutz shop. He installs a tube and then bores reams and rifles it once it is in place. A normal liner is way too thick to use on a trapdoor.
