View Full Version : How to Upload Images

12-26-2014, 03:08 PM
Occasionally I see a post where a member mentions they don't know how to post pictures from their computer, or something similar. I would like to provide aid to those members so they can have pictures for their advertisements. I'll document it quickly and hopefully easily so anyone can use it.


The first step I can't really help you with is getting the image on to your computer. Whether you get the picture from email, your phone, or a memory stick, you'll need to get the picture to your computer. The easiest thing to do is to drag the image to your desktop so that it can be easily found and uploaded.

Here is an example of putting an image on your desktop.



Go to the website www.imgur.com . Imgur is a popular website for uploading images. It is free, simple, and fairly quick to use.

Once you arrive, you will click on "upload images" at the top of the screen.



It will give you these options.



You will navigate to where you left your image at when you put it on your computer. When you find it, select it and doubleclick, press open, or hit the enter key.



You may upload multiple images if you desire, but I'll just do one here to keep it simple. Tell it to upload the image.



After a short wait (and it may be a long wait, depending on your computer, connection, and the size of the image) you will be greeted by this screen.


Simply copy and paste the circled part and it will automatically link your image on Cast Boolits! You can copy paste by highlighting the text and right clicking, then selecting "copy",

or by highlighting and pressing the control (CTRL) key at the bottom left of your keyboard and the letter C at the same time,

then right clicking inside of cast boolit's text field and selecting "paste",

or by pressing "CTRL" and the V key at the same time.

When you complete your post, the image will be visible in the thread.


This is certainly old hat to many of us, but I'm sure someone will benefit from this information! Pictures can make a sale, especially if its an item that is normally found in questionable condition. I know more than once I've walked from a potential purchase because of lack of images, or being unable to tell what condition an item was in. Also, I just like seeing cool stuff!

12-26-2014, 03:13 PM
What mold dropped that beauty???!!

Good tutorial and thanks for posting this!

12-26-2014, 07:50 PM
Thanks, Echd. Using this program I was finally able to attach a pic. in a PM I have been trying to send to a vendor concerning an issue I have been having with an item. Hopefully, that will be the ticket for getting my issue resolved.[smilie=w:

12-27-2014, 09:52 AM
I swear I could create dirt quicker than posting a pic. I have tried Picasso, photobucket and imgur.
When I upload the image I do not get the screen you have posted with the bbc code circled but get a different screen where I can select bbc code. I cannot copy it but can copy the image. I cannot copy/paste it to anywhere in my post on CB. If only I had a ten year old to show me how lol.

tomme boy
12-27-2014, 10:51 AM
copy image, paste. its that easy. Nothing else needs to be done

tomme boy
12-27-2014, 10:58 AM
I wrote another post on how to do it.

12-27-2014, 01:01 PM
I do not like using photo sharing sites but thanks for your help for those that don't mind. The image insertion tool on this site has a option for inserting images from your computer but it seems to be hit or miss as far as working. It would not work for me yesterday from the Quick Reply but did work if I went to Advanced.


12-28-2014, 09:48 AM
Since im limited to my phone for my internet browsing, loading pics here has eluded me to date. Sure wish i could but have no idea how to do it.

12-28-2014, 09:55 AM
Hahaha, I think I finnaly got it

12-28-2014, 11:34 PM

It seems to be working today
